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Posts posted by aresgodofwar

  1. Does anyone know if taking the nvidia entries out of the run key in the registry cause any harm or mess with the drivers at all? I'd like to tweak my system so only the stuff i want runs at boot. So i need to know if these need to run.

    The entries are NvCplDaemon, NvMediaCenter and nwiz.

  2. ok. got this working in a page by itself, but the block for phpnuke is another story.

    http://www.lothclan.com/test/Hex_Color.php to see working sample.

    here is my code:

    <form method=\"POST\" action=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">
    <input type=\"text\" name=\"hexcolor\" size=5 value=\"$_POST[hexcolor]\">
    echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\">";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td bgcolor=\"$_POST[hexcolor]\">";
    echo "</td>";
    echo "</tr></table>";
    echo "$form_block";

  3. im making this block for phpnuke so that i can just type in a hex code and the color will be displayed. it's not working, and i was wondering if anyone can help me.

    here is the code:

    echo '<table border="0" width="50" height="50">';
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td bgcolor=$color></td>';
    echo '</tr></table>';
    echo '<form action="Text1.php" method="post">';
    echo '<input type="text" name="color" size="5">';
    echo '</center>';

    someone was telling me this may require Javascript, but php is dynamic, so i thought this would work?

  4. that program is for people who buy a computer or copy of windows from a shop, and the shop sold them a pirated copy of windows. microsoft then turns you into a narc to rat them out. you have to have a receipt. then they give you a copy for free.

  5. i thought HL2 was very beautiful looking. it was too easy and too short. i beat the game in a week. CS:S is nice looking. although, CS:S either has too many cheaters already, or it is WAY too easy to headshot.

    I think I'll stick to America's Army.

    Overall, i was disappointed in this game.

  6. i am looking for a script that will put a hyperlink on a webpage, then when you click it, it will launch an MSN messenger window addressed to a person specified in the script.

    with windows messenger, i found a script, but it doesn't work for msn.

    with aol and yahoo, this is a breeze. all you do is this:

    <a href="aim:goim?usernamehere">Aim</a> and <a href="ymsgr:sendim?usernamehere">Yahoo</a>

    so i don't really understand why msn made this so difficult. through searching google, i discovered that supposedly microsoft has not realeased the API for MSN, which makes this extremely hard.

    Please can anyone help?

  7. here is the root of my webspace:




    what i want to do is work on my php nuke site while the current site is up. im not sure if my hoster supports .htaccess or not. however, right now my site www.lothclan.com points to the lothclan directory. i didn't set that by htaccess. that was done by the hoster.

    what i would like to do is setup some kind of redirect so that when i type in www.lothclan.com/nuke it points to the lothnuke directory.

    is this even possible? if so, how would the .htaccess file look? im having trouble with this.

  8. so you have some laptops and some desktops on the network.

    and you want to be able to use remote desktop from the laptop to the desktop?

    and your getting a page cannot be displayed? why not use the software on the laptop? start>all programs>accessories>communications>remote desktop connection.

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