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Posts posted by aresgodofwar

  1. i ran diags from western digital. turns out my drive has smart errors. yay for me! so now i get to reinstall on a new hard drive and try to recover my data.

    in response to this, im going to try some imaging programs. im trying to decide between norton ghost, or drive image 7. can anyone provide me with opinions on which one to use?

    edit: ok so i just found out that norton ghost has drive image technology. symantec bought out drive image. is there another competing technology, or am i stuck using ghost?

  2. for the second time in 5 days i got a blue screen during boot. c00000218 the software hive is corrupted.

    any clues as to why this happened again? as i post this i booted into recovery console and im running chkdsk /r c: to check the hard drive for a bad section possibly. it's the only reason i can think of that this would happen again!

  3. well one solution i found is that my router will not support forwarding the "magic packet" to wake up my computer. my router blocks it automatically, or so i think.

    there is another router that will do this, but it takes a 3rd party firmware. i could buy a more expensive router, but who wants to spend hundreds of dollars. www.sveasoft.com is the site that sells the firmware in case anyone wanted to know. they say that they can take the linksys router and give it all kinds of features and it would work almost just like a high end cisco router

  4. im attempting wol across internet. im using the utility from www.depicus.com

    and i think my router is not letting the magic packet get through. i have a linksys wireless router and my firmware is 1.45.10, Apr 15 2004.

    here is the info i am using with the wol utility.

    mac address is mac of my lan card.

    ip address is my cable modem ip address.

    subnet mask is

    and port number is a random port i chose and i forwarded that port to in the router setup. i even tried which is my static ip address.

    i know that the packet is at least reaching my router. i have logging enabled and when i look at the traffic, it shows the port and the originating ip address. the thing is, i don't think the router is forwarding the magic packet.

    so, does anyone know of a way i can trick my router into sending the magic packet? or does anyone know of a router that will work with wol over the internet?

  5. dell = no way. foreign sales support, tech support, customer support.

    hp/compaq = no. i hate how they make everything small and restrict your upgrading options.

    acer/toshiba = good for laptops.

    emachines = hell no

    sony/alienware = i've never tried, and i would like to, but these are pretty expensive.

    i'm also going to agree with building your own. these manufacturers will not allow you to use amd processors. with the exception of alienware that i know of. intel is evil.

    anyways, build your own stuff.

  6. I was shocked to see it, and no mention anywhere.  It looks good, but not professional.  SWITCH BACK

    msfn is not professional site. professional designers want $2.000-$3.000. sure.

    anyway, i put it online just to see reactions before i do forum upgrade but it seems that will not happen any time soon.

    xper, don't listen to this clown. i think the redesign looks great. keep up the good work.

  7. im working on another edition of my unattended windows. things are not going so well. i had everything done, and burned a dvd. stuck it in my crash box and proceeded to install windows. well the screen that comes up and says press any key to boot from cd..... i hit a key, then it goes to the next screen that says something about starting setup, and then it instantly reboots the machine.

    so i tried on a different machine. same result.

    so then i tried burning a cd and not a dvd. same.

    i tried getting a new dvd burner (which im glad i did. dual layer baby!! :) ) same problem.

    so then i try booting from my original factory xp cd. works fine.

    tried booting from my dell oem xp cd. works fine.

    im not sure what im doing wrong. i followed instructions to the T for copying files from my cd to the harddrive, customizing all the settings, and making the iso with CDImage. then i have used Nero, Alcohol, and Roxio to burn the cds/dvds. nothing seems to work! i'm pulling my hair out over here.

    can anyone help me?

    ps: this is gonna suck if it is something small that i missed.

  8. you may want to call the manufacturer you bought this computer from. more than likely the key you found is a corporate oem key that was used on thousands of computers. the serial key on your computer is there if you need to reinstall.

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