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Everything posted by Astalavista

  1. coolcliff told me he got an "A" in english. so no laughing... lets all welcome him to msfn.
  2. I dont want to seem rude. pls dont take offense. How old are you? Do u speak Spanish?
  3. This unit has the best rating among all the burners around. checked and verified. I can't wait to get it.
  4. my god... i need to know what he is saying. I am not kidding it is really driving me nuts. I want to understand and help you out. But i have no clue what you are saying. Can u pls write it in an outline or make pictures so we can help you.
  5. lol I am sorry, I speak 4 languages. and I still can't understand what u are saying. Pls someone translate for him. Riddle... who can figure it out first. Challenge!
  6. NO. pls read the Instructions carefully and Exactly. That is why there are instructions. roll back is casused bec. u failed to follow instructions. Reformat your computer and do it the correct way. same answer as above. Instructions should be followed to the letter.
  7. sweet! what program did u use? AutoPlay Pro 5?
  8. Neanderthal so u mean to say i can remove those? are you 100% sure? Can anyone Verify?
  9. ? your from Lithuania correct would u like to view a russian site? for more info?
  10. you must create a cleanup.cmd to remove all the shortcuts on your desktop you will need to use a move command function to organize your games to specific categories. here is a sample move "%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Object%Desktop\" "%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\IconPackager" rmdir /S /Q "%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Object%Desktop\"
  11. HELLO! pls try this download FlastGet (FREE) copy the link to the file you want to download and paste into flashget and try to see what happens
  12. I searched google. The top result was this http://unattended.msfn.org/intermediate/ap...ipstreaming.htm it explains what does corp mean
  13. google is my best friend i never go anywhere without google. it answers all my question in a jiffy.
  14. U want something fast and easy as 123? If your using and English XP with service pack2 I have a solution for you It takes only 7 to 8 mins. Are u interested? All you have to do is download one File. Read more from here no brains required. you want to know you last install xp and all the hotfixes you installed? cmdow @ /HID @echo off SET D=%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\ REM delete oeminfo.ini if exists if exist "%D%oeminfo.ini" del "%D%oeminfo.ini" /q FOR %%d IN (c: d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: o: p: q: r: s: t: u: v: w: x: y: z:) DO IF EXIST %%d\WIN51IP SET CDROM=%%d echo [General] >> "%D%oeminfo.ini" echo Manufacturer=Windows XP-SP2 Setup >> "%D%oeminfo.ini" echo Model=Professional Version >> "%D%oeminfo.ini" echo [Support Information] >> "%D%oeminfo.ini" echo Line1=Installation Date: %date% >> "%D%oeminfo.ini" echo Line2= >> "%D%oeminfo.ini" echo Line3=Installed Hotfixes:>> "%D%oeminfo.ini" echo Line4= >> "%D%oeminfo.ini" REM Line Number SET i=5 REM List quickfixes without exe extension For /F "TOKENS=1 delims=.exe" %%j in ( 'dir /B %CDROM%\I386\svcpack\KB*.exe' )do ( ( set kbname=%%j ) & (call :myprint) ) GOTO :EOF :myprint echo Line%i%=%kbname% >> "%D%oeminfo.ini" SET /A i+=1 :EOF
  15. blinkdt nice work but overly complicated for me. I like to keep things very simple. I have a cleanup.exe at the end of my wpi process. which does exactly what you described. If i want to create a DVD w/ just my applications I use AutoPlay which you can download on a trial basis. I also create a password protection system. So only the person I want can access the DVD +R media. Again, no offense but i like to keep it simple. But i am sure someone will find it very useful.
  16. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=49034
  17. I just ordered 4 NEC 3450A from newegg $48/ pc best burner around according to all the reviews
  18. http://www.apple.com/ipodphoto/specs.html
  19. i use stardock iconpackager. it is a really sweet application check it out they have a trial for download. everyone ask me what icons i use. When i take pictures for my guides.
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