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How to install .NET Framework 2.0 silently from SVCPACK,

i put the dotnetfx.exe to SVCPACK but i guess there have to be some syntaxs?



Posted (edited)

Why do you people never extract dotnetfx? Don't you have a few MB left on your CD? It's so much faster to install and less of a hassle with the syntax:

dotnetfx.exe /q:a /c:"install.exe /qb"

Now, if you extract dotnetfx first, it all comes down to

install.exe /qb

On a side note, I'd recommend doing an administrative installation of the dotnet framework and integrating KB917283 into it.

Edit: Yes, I do recommend RunOnceEx - leave svcpack for the updates.

Edited by legionaire
.NET 2.0 can't be run from svcpack.inf... there was a workaround somewhere.

Yup! It's installable under SVCPACK with a reg workaround. Tested it, myself.


@echo off 
FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup" /v SystemSetupInProgress') DO SET SSIP=%%B
IF /I '%SSIP%'=='0x0' SET SSIP=0
IF /I '%SSIP%'=='0x1' (
) ELSE (
IF /I '%SSIP%'=='1' (
reg delete HKLM\Software\Microsoft\PCHealth\ErrorReporting\DW /f
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup /v SystemSetupInProgress /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
hidec.exe /w msiexec /i netfx2.msi /qn
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup /v SystemSetupInProgress /t REG_DWORD /d %SSIP% /f

I wrote this. Been using it for a while. It works. Note the second to last line, hidec.exe /w msiexec /i netfx2.msi /qn. I am using that hidec.exe that RogueSpear includes in all of his silent installers. If you don't want to use that, just modify the syntax of that line. Save this script as a .cmd and put it in with your dnfw2 SFX. ;)


You run PreNTFX.reg before installing .NET Framework 2.0 and PostNTFX.reg after installing it.

Silent command: You can extract the EXE and create a SFX with the following arguments:

Setup=install.exe /q /1033




Or: You can use the original EXE to install .NET Framework 2.0 by its MSI directly:

dotnetfx.exe /q /c:"msiexec.exe /i netfx.msi ADDEPLOY=1 /qn"

The reference for MSI idea.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



The reg entries were provided by GreenMachine, if I remember correctly.


Thank you guys, yes I thought the extraction myself, but well didn't figure it out, :blushing: How do you think what's the best order for installing, .NET Framework first or last? :)

How do you think what's the best order for installing, .NET Framework first or last? :)

I install it after WMP11. But, AFAIK, either order is no problem.


Yes, i put it in the beginning, another good example was Sony Ericcsson Sync software, it needed Outlook, and my Office was after Sony installation so it didn't find it, but was easy to fix, just swap these to


hi friends,

i ahve a question pls do help me or guide me in this i have tried to make my own xp cd and all goes fine. i have integrate sp2 latest version and even wm10 but the prob now is the net frame v 2.0 i want to know how to integrate this netframe and guide or step by step tutor for this i have download a netframe v2.0 7 zip set up file but i dont know how to integrate that into N lite any1 here can let me know it would be mucly appreciate




finally i am donoe with my xp cd all the addons are integraded anyway thank you guys for the help and the one who reply my post u are grt man thanks to the link i get that addon and its working.

during my cd installation i always have to enter computer name and user thats can it be done unatteded and one more is the workgroup domain thing its so anoying how to by pass it without entering anything during installation




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