Windows 10 for Phones to Allow Third-Party SMS Apps

Microsoft is working to revamp Windows Phone from the ground up with Windows 10, so it’s no surprise that a plethora of features will be implemented from the very beginning.
One of the features that Redmond is planning to introduce in Windows 10 for phones is the possibility of using a third-party messaging app that would replace the built-in solution and thus provide users with a customize experience on their devices.
In Windows 10 for phones, the messaging app will allow users to chat with their Skype contacts as well, in a way similar to iMessage on iOS, as Microsoft is working to deeply integrate Skype into the operating system and offer additional communication features.
But with the new feature, the whole messaging experience would be pushed to a completely new level, creating new opportunities not only for users but also for developers.
Samples released by Microsoft for developers who want to create apps for Windows 10 confirm that the possibility of building software capable of sending and receiving SMS messages would indeed be there in the upcoming operating system.
But with this new feature, Redmond could shoot two birds with one stone.
First and foremost, it could open the door for developers who want to build apps that would replace a system feature and thus provide users with an enhanced experience if they do not like the default option.
On the other hand, this could create more customization options for anyone using Windows 10 for phones, so new keyboards and settings, such as better notifications, could also be offered. A similar approach is currently available on Android, where SwiftKey has already recorded millions of downloads because it offers a completely new keyboard with themes and a more powerful autocorrect engine.
Windows 10 for phones is expected to debut in the second half of the year with the desktop version of the OS, and a new testing build is likely to ship in the coming days.
Via: Softpedia