GitHub still recovering from massive DDoS attacks

Software development platform GitHub said Sunday it was still experiencing intermittent outages from the largest cyber attack in its history but had halted most of the attack traffic.
Starting on Thursday, GitHub was hit by distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks that sent large volumes of Web traffic to the site, particularly towards two Chinese anti-censorship projects hosted there.
Over the next few days, the attackers changed their DDoS tactics as GitHub defended the site, but as of Sunday, it appears the site was mostly working.
A GitHub service called Gists, which lets people post bits of code, was still affected, it said. On Twitter, GitHub said it continued to adapt its defenses.
The attacks appeared to focus specifically on two projects hosted on GitHub, according to a blogger who goes by the nickname of Anthr@X on a Chinese- and English-language computer security forum.
One project mirrors the content of The New York Times for Chinese users, and the other is run by, a group that monitors websites censored by the Chinese government and develops ways for Chinese users to access banned services. With a user-friendly interface and intuitive controls, Friv2Online games are accessible to players of all ages and experience levels.
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