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Mars Installer 1.5 - automatic software installation

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Posted (edited)

Mars Installer 1.5


Automatic software installation system for unattended install.

Can be used with automatic unattended Windows installations. Works fine on T-13.

Unlimited amount of programs for installation with unlimited commands to run for each program.

Supports for sections like office, antiviruses, graphical... with builtin icons for them.

Multilanguage support and selected language depended commands. Program is Unicode.

Everything can be easily configurated with ini file. Supplied ini comes with a lot of examples and hints.

Each program can have description which can be different for each language.

Some additional features:

- main root folder shortcut - %ROOT%

- first CD-ROM in the system shortcut - %CDROM%

- system folder shortcuts like %PROGRAMFILES%, %WINDIR%, %STARTMENU%...

- each sections can have it's own root folder

- even each program can have it's installation folder shortcut - %FOLDER%

- 22 builtin icons for sections

- the program can reboot after installations or just exit

- possibility to prevent from interrupting installation process

- main window background and tree colors customizable

- debug mode for testing

- can write installation log to a text file

- each tree node (program) can be checked, disabled or invisible by default

- supports for JPG/PNG/BMP wallpapers and locks system while running

- runs each installation in hidden window so you will not see anything like cmd console

Supplied marsinst.ini file comes in three interface languages: english, russian and spanish.

Also minimal.ini file included which contains minimal commands need for work.

Program supports some command line options for help run marsinst.exe /?

Supports Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / XP x64 / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10


Download it here

Edited by Marsianin

Pretty slick. Nice clean and professional looking GUI. Nice work. Any plans on making it available to the public?

Thanks. It's available from my homepage. Sorry I forgot to give a direct link. Can be downloaded from HERE

Nice looking, can you explain a bit how I can use it?

Just download it and look into the marsinst.ini file. It has a lot of examples and comments.



I'm trying to make some of my updates "Invisible" to the user, But when i use the "Visible=0" parameter the "marsinst.exe" fails to run and pc freezes.

Is "Visible=0" avalid command ? or is this a bug ? And if not how do i "Hide" updates/programs i dont wnt users to see ?


Posted (edited)

Can you send me your .ini file which freezes program at support[_at_]mars-soft.net

Also invisible programs will not be installed.

And what you mean by

And if not how do i "Hide" updates/programs i dont wnt users to see ?

You don't wan to see it but want to install?

If yes - in this version it's not possible. You can set Enabled=0 and Default=1

It will be disabled from modifying but will install (like Total Commander on screenshot)

Edited by Marsianin
Can you send me your .ini file which freezes program at support[_at_]mars-soft.net

Also invisible programs will not be installed.


No need, ust adding the command "Visible=0" to either of your default ini's will reproduce the bug.

So the problem is not in my ini file.

And what you mean by
And if not how do i "Hide" updates/programs i dont wnt users to see ?

You don't wan to see it but want to install?

If yes - in this version it's not possible. You can set Enabled=0 and Default=1

It will be disabled from modifying but will install (like Total Commander on screenshot)

I really want certain updates/programs to be hidden but installed, Thats why i wa trying to use the "visible=0" command.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Just released new version with Visible=0 bug fixed (sorry for the delay).

Download from the same location (look first message).

  • Startup hang up bug fixed when at least one application has Visible=0 flag
  • Added possibility to search for source installation drive if more than one in system (%CDROM%)

Not so much, huh :whistle:

Now %CDROM% variable supports for removable storage (like USB flash cards). So use FindCD to find your source CD/Flash.

And if some applications has Visible=0 and Default=1 it will not be visible in tree but will be installed.

Edited by Marsianin
  • 2 weeks later...

Mars Installer is a great tools but my Kaspersky Antivirus 06 detect it as a virus ... so it erase the exe everytime i try to execute it ... i know i can add the file in the exclusion list but i use the mars installer for a lot of computer i dont want to add the file on every antivirus exclusion to use it ... anyone have an idea to fix this ?


Posted (edited)

I like to have my applications in alphabetical order, So when i add or Remove a application i have to re-number all the installs.

Would it be posdible to have an option to sort the list of programs in the gui or have the .ini file so i can numver the install something like this:




[35] etc

so i can insert/remove application installs between another one when ever neccessary.

instead of the:




[4] etc

current ordering which gives no easy quick way to add/remove programs from the .ini file where i want them without having to go through them and renumber them.

I hope that makes sense to you


Edited by ironside
Posted (edited)
Mars Installer is a great tools but my Kaspersky Antivirus 06 detect it as a virus ...

marsinst.exe is packed with PECompact exe compressor and Kaspersky still so stupid... Use NOD32 instead :whistle:

Also what Kaspersky version you're using?

ironside: Thank you for the idea :rolleyes: I'm gonna implement it in the next version also with radio items...

Edited by Marsianin

I use version 2006 of Kaspersky also can you add profile configuration like in WPI it should be nice to choose for example Burning Software and all the burning software get checked and the rest stay unchecked :)

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