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WinPE 2.0 and findstr


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what is alternative to findstr in WinPE 2.0. findstr is unrecognized in WinPE.

Once WinPE starts I want to wait untill ipaddress is being assigned to WinPE box.

Following is the script I found on the net:

rem if not defined Debug echo off

set i=0


ipconfig.exe /all | findstr "Lease Obtained" > NUL & goto :Found

set /A i=%i%+1

echo DHCP address not found. Wait for 10 seconds and try again. [%i%/6]

sleep 10

if not "%i%"=="6" goto :Loop


@echo The DHCP address was not acquired.

@echo Please ensure that you have a netcard with a valid driver.

netcfg -v -s a


goto :EOF


@echo Found!

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wpeinit initializes all of your ip settings. If you just wait until it finishes then you will have an IP address. Alternatively, you could just add findstr and sleep to the system32 folder of your PE image.

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why not just call a script to ping your DHCP server.....

rem @echo off


REM This is the first Script called from Startnet.cmd stub in the WinPE


REM Make sure that the network is fully started... Sometimes it requires a bit of time







if errorlevel 1 GOTO REPEAT1

rem @echo off


This will just loop until you get an address.

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  • 4 weeks later...
what is alternative to findstr in WinPE 2.0. findstr is unrecognized in WinPE.

Once WinPE starts I want to wait untill ipaddress is being assigned to WinPE box.

Following is the script I found on the net:

Assuming you have a vista install already, mount the winpe wim, and copy findstr.exe from your vista install to the system32 directory in the wim.

iirc findstr lives in \windows\system32.

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findstr needs a NLS setting in registry. This may not exist in the default WinPE.

If you plan to use WinPE as a rescue environment, then you need to set NLS settings. This is for things like compare files, etc, as well as sorting etc.

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