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well, i wasnt 'going there' whatsoever, i dont know where that came from, i was intentionally being nice, as i assume though.

i have tried going round here to look for possible answers and using the search as well, but i hardly find anything direct to my questions. that is why i would rather prefer to ask them seperately, and to concentrate on them individually, thus i would gain better knowlege and a better performance on my almost complete PC with windows 98SE.

and about my Motherboard, remember, it is an Asus P5b Deluxe, and wen u say it wont utilize all hte resources on it, does that mean that i wont gain hte full power of it?

as well as when coming to 'limiting' the memory? my mobo can take upto 8GB of RAM.

what do you think? does that help may i ask?

P.S. i hear XP again! :D

Well if you are going upto/over 4 gig of ram you will be looking towards a 64bit os 2^32

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well i never ever wanted to run 64bit OS's, as they are not for me whatsoevver.

and that i tend to have 4GB of RAM later on, how will that be on Windows 98SE?

according to the downsides of Win98 here:


it was orignally made for to run 2-4GB of RAM.

so, even with my specs and to be overcloked too, they will not match hte same speed to Win98 when those running on XP then? i am really confused to which to go over!

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I think you'd be better off just lurking around all the forums and reading lots and lots of threads. You'll find links to interesting stuff as more was discussed about 98 than just about any other software out there.


I know you've been looking around, but less posting and more reading on your own might be more helpful to you. Until you have a specific problem to report, nobody really knows how to answer you questions. All we've got is really, "we don't know if it'll work. Why don't you try it first and report back?"


Have some specific problem, know your details, search first around for someone who had the problem previously (you've got about 8 years of stuff to help you)<<snip>>

A Maximum is a Maximum as far as Win98SE (and any other OS for that matter) is concerned... it is an OS limitation... use what you find here on MSFN, push it to its max, and expect to reach it and have wasted your money on a perfectly good XP/2K3/Vista machine...

Not to say "don't use Win98SE", but a dual-core processor, 4GB ram? Come on!!! You're building a Toyota around a jet engine!!!

Case closed... I'm outta here (apologies for being curt/rude, but this is getting ridiculous... are you, like, 5 yrs old or something? how many times do you have to be told?)...

Edited by submix8c
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well im sorry if i was of an annoyance, but remember, im new here, an am having difficulties looking for answers to my questions, thus im asking them here.

i am this close to finishing my pc build, and i still wondering to what OS to use, as much i like to use Win98SE, and XP with Dual-Core support.

i wish wish there was something like 98SE2ME2/2000 or 98SE2ME2XP. something like thar. i would even donate if such product came out here. you just have to get Win98 running on Dual Core, or what would be funny is to ask Microsoft and create a petition to now have the ource code for 98 itself :D

if me asking about the whole memory hing is annoying, can u pleease direct me to the right place please?

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Well, my thinking is more along the same path as submix8c here. If you want to try it, download the latest version of the Unofficial Auto-Patcher For Windows 98SE and some motherboard, videocard, and soundcard drivers that will (hopefully) work with your hardware and Windows 98SE, and install the thing. See for yourself what the results are, armed with your knowledge gained from reading the related information on mdgx.com and the forums here.

Hey, it could be satisfactory for you. Who knows until you try?

My recommend for a system like that is either Windows Vista Platinum and/or a nice late model Linux distro (OpenSUSE is nice and an easy one to learn on, though Ubuntu/Kubuntu would hold your hand more). And then get your 98SE memories from VMWare or VirtualPC. Do your MS-DOS stuff with Dosbox.

For best performance as far as using established drivers that are mature and bug fixed, then Windows XP Professional would be your choice. Getting Vista would just future proof you, but will be a bit annoying since it's so new.

And that's about it from my corner. The thread has run its course and now you need to proceed to the step of actually trying things out. Take or ignore the advice as you see fit, but what's needed has been pointed out to you along with various opinions regarding the advisablility of what you want to do. It really is having a Volkswagon run a spaceship. (I like Toyota's!)

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i like Toyota myself, especially the Toyota 2000GT convertible.

okay, this is what i am going to do, i am going to install Windows 98SE, i do not own a geniune copy at the moment, but i ont think it will make a difference unlike newer OS's when 'back-up'

also, because its a 500GB SATA hard drive, can someome tell me quickly what to do to get around this?

and just one straight answer, once installing Win98SE o my system, even though it will not recognize the 2 cores, how wil it compare to WinXP in speed and performance (as well as aplications that supports Multi Core) on my computer?

once doing that, i will take Eck's advice on the work around on the memory, if i can remember it.

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i like Toyota myself, especially the Toyota 2000GT convertible.

okay, this is what i am going to do, i am going to install Windows 98SE, i do not own a geniune copy at the moment, but i ont think it will make a difference unlike newer OS's when 'back-up'

also, because its a 500GB SATA hard drive, can someome tell me quickly what to do to get around this?

and just one straight answer, once installing Win98SE o my system, even though it will not recognize the 2 cores, how wil it compare to WinXP in speed and performance (as well as aplications that supports Multi Core) on my computer?

once doing that, i will take Eck's advice on the work around on the memory, if i can remember it.

You have a system of a McLaren, in my opinion in the pc realm the similarities end there, if you desire to just browse the web,edit video,compress mp3s,record tv to hd,do day to day tasks etc your system is overkill. You are via the inefficiencies of photonic energy lossess of transformers taking the place of a good few trees needlessly. If you are happy that you can portrait yourself according to Harry Endfield as the "considerably richer than you" brigade carry on. Otherwise get a P1/2 system (depending upon what you want to do) then use your latter day system for some serious number crunching or gaming if you do not possess a 360 or ps3. Just a thought

Edited by oscardog
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You have a system of a McLaren, in my opinion in the pc realm the similarities end there, if you desire to just browse the web,edit video,compress mp3s,record tv to hd,do day to day tasks etc your system is overkill. You are via the inefficiencies of photonic energy lossess of transformers taking the place of a good few trees needlessly. If you are happy that you can portrait yourself according to Harry Endfield as the "considerably richer than you" brigade carry on. Otherwise get a P1/2 system (depending upon what you want to do) then use your latter day system for some serious number crunching or gaming if you do not possess a 360 or ps3. Just a thought

wow...ummm okay then, that is a great compliment there, but when stating that, are u refering to when having Win98Se installed? or WinXPSP2 on?

and yes, technically, those are the things i tend to do, and dont forget 3D modelling, although i havent got a 8800 GTS yet.

from that when, what is better? Win98SE or XPSP2 then may i ask?

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You have a system of a McLaren, in my opinion in the pc realm the similarities end there, if you desire to just browse the web,edit video,compress mp3s,record tv to hd,do day to day tasks etc your system is overkill. You are via the inefficiencies of photonic energy lossess of transformers taking the place of a good few trees needlessly. If you are happy that you can portrait yourself according to Harry Endfield as the "considerably richer than you" brigade carry on. Otherwise get a P1/2 system (depending upon what you want to do) then use your latter day system for some serious number crunching or gaming if you do not possess a 360 or ps3. Just a thought

wow...ummm okay then, that is a great compliment there, but when stating that, are u refering to when having Win98Se installed? or WinXPSP2 on?

and yes, technically, those are the things i tend to do, and dont forget 3D modelling, although i havent got a 8800 GTS yet.

from that when, what is better? Win98SE or XPSP2 then may i ask?

I think the only way for you to be 100% is to try both os`s side by side, have a look in sys info when using one of your resource hungry apps for mem/swapfile usage and see which one does the job better for you.

All the best

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also! i am literally building a computer with top specs, and i was hoping to use Microsoft windows 98(SE) on it, as i know i can probably gain even more potential with it than with a computer from a year ago.

Whatever you do, avoid nForce like the plague! But, Nvidia GPU-based video cards are fine.

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