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LameSkin Themes

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Quite simple really luke :)

1) Goto Start -> Run -> type 'regedit' -> ok

2) Navigate to 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Appearance\Schemes'

3) Goto File -> 'Export Registry File' -> Save under the name you choose

*4) Open up this registry file in notepad to strip out everything but your scheme.

* = Example Result Shown below:


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Appearance\Schemes]

Ah, thanks! I didn't see that export button in regedit before, and I sure didn't want to have to copy down all those numbers by hand...AeroGlow should be up and running very soon! :thumbup

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:whistle: Here is an VistaAero concept.

You took those resources from 5048? WLP official style is using some of those resources as well...

Sorry i'm not familiar with this terms: "5048" and "wlp" ???? WLP=WindowsLupus??? I took the resources from an xp theme i had on my computer. :unsure:

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Well WLP is Lupus and your XP theme is using the 5048 resources then :D Maybe you haven't known...

I am talking about Longhorn 5048 Build ofc...


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Well WLP is Lupus and your XP theme is using the 5048 resources then :D Maybe you haven't known...

I am talking about Longhorn 5048 Build ofc...


I had a pack with 30 themes for XP, and i've got it from there. :whistle: Anyeay i've finished my best vista theme, a glass vista. :thumbup

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Hey guys! Another skin that I've made for you all, this time being a simple port of the Windows XP Silver theme. Like I said, it's ported, so you'll find everything just like the real Windows XP. There's even a wallpaper in there that completely matches the theme, so you should be all set. I didn't make a screenshot because I think probably everyone here has seen the XP Silver theme before :)


Edited by LukeSkillz
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Hey guys! Another skin that I've made for you all, this time being a simple port of the Windows XP Silver theme. Like I said, it's ported, so you'll find everything just like the real Windows XP. There's even a wallpaper in there that completely matches the theme, so you should be all set. I didn't make a screenshot because I think probably everyone here has seen the XP Silver theme before :)

WOW, I have to say, this is one of the best skins I have seen so far. But a little suggestion, you might want to alter the text colors a bit since they blend into the background, but otherwise this is a great theme. Thanks!


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WOW, I have to say, this is one of the best skins I have seen so far. But a little suggestion, you might want to alter the text colors a bit since they blend into the background, but otherwise this is a great theme. Thanks!

For the time being, you can actually fix that (by changing the text to black) by adjusting the following lines:

Open C:\windows\resources\SilverXP\Skin.ini

Look for:

TaskText=255 255 255
ClockText=255 255 255

Change to:

TaskText=0 0 0
ClockText=0 0 0

Save and then reselect SilverXP.

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Hey guys! Another skin that I've made for you all, this time being a simple port of the Windows XP Silver theme. Like I said, it's ported, so you'll find everything just like the real Windows XP. There's even a wallpaper in there that completely matches the theme, so you should be all set. I didn't make a screenshot because I think probably everyone here has seen the XP Silver theme before :)

WOW, I have to say, this is one of the best skins I have seen so far. But a little suggestion, you might want to alter the text colors a bit since they blend into the background, but otherwise this is a great theme. Thanks!


It looks great, but with no scroll progress track skinning! Hmmm...it was better if it had the this two also!

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It looks great, but with no scroll progress track skinning! Hmmm...it was better if it had the this two also!

That's because I don't have the beta version (or whatever the newest version is) of LameSkin. As I recently went through great lengths to get my Windows 98 SE laptop stable, I'm not so quick to alter it right now. And as far as the text goes, I actually did try to change it, but I didn't notice those text color lines in the skin.ini :blushing: . Thanks for pointing that out Chozo4

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Alright, I've updated to the LameSkin preview 3 after all (nice update, Tihiy :thumbup ) and so I've also updated the SilverXP skin to version 1.1. So here's the RAR of the new skin for those who want the updates, and I've also made a screenshot this time:


Please note that the actual skin is much higher quality than the screenshot shows. The disadvantage of JPEG :(


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