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Where are the downloaded vista update-hotfixes???

I can't find the update-hotfixes of vista downloaded(in my computer) from $MS, good for reinstalling vista ??

Any one can tell me ???


Hello swbchen!

First you should set up your Automatic Updates, that they are downloaded but NOT installed automatically. Once you get the message, that there are new updates ready to be installed on your computer, you will find them in %Windir%\Softwaredistribution. You need to check the folders with the long numbers. Look for msu files.

AFAIK, the updates are not present there for ever after you've installed them.



  • 2 weeks later...

Hello swbchen!

If you want to install them "online" you use the following command:

wusa <pathToMSUfile> /norestart /quiet

The switchs /norestart and /quiet are optional certainly.




If online and file is an MSU type, can you not just double-click the MSU file in Vista to install?

Also, the files that are downloaded in SoftwareDistribution folder -- are they MSU or cab? I thought they were cab files.


Hello spacesurfer!

If online and file is an MSU type, can you not just double-click the MSU file in Vista to install?

You're right, you can certainly. But you will may see a GUI (disclaimer, prompt for reboot).

Also, the files that are downloaded in SoftwareDistribution folder -- are they MSU or cab? I thought they were cab files.

You're right again. My mistake. Haven't done the cab installation under running Vista, but supposed to work using OCSetup.

1. right click command prompt and choose run as Administrator, cause OCSetup needs to run with administrative privileges.

2. type the following command into command prompt window:

start /w ocsetup <pathToCABfile>

But haven't tried out yet. Just got it from WAIK help.




Prathmpl has success installing hold 'em poker from the CAB file using the following syntax I showed him that uses package manager:

start /w pkgmgr /ip /m:path_to_cab\dreamscene.cab /s:c:\sandbox

The example uses dreamscene.cab but you can probably substitute that with any cab.

The /ip switch, I believe, does an online installation of a package.


Hi ! All guys!

wusa c:\_del\*.cab /norestart /quiet

start /w ocsetup c:\_del\*.cab

start /w pkgmgr /ip /m:c:\_del\*.cab /s:c:\sandbox

here is the updates directory:

c:\_del\*.cab (all downloaded update hotfix)

c: is the vista root Hard-drive

all of above 3 -ways as shown "do not" work !

anyone help me !

wusa c:\_del\*.cab /norestart /quiet

This does not work with cab files. Will work for msu files only.

start /w ocsetup c:\_del\*.cab

start /w pkgmgr /ip /m:c:\_del\*.cab /s:c:\sandbox

Do you get any kind of error messages?


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