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nhelper problem


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I used search but couldn't find a solution to my problem. When i use my nLited windows XP install disk, always when i log in, it takes long time and then pops up that "Windows cannot find nhelper blaa blaa.." error message. How i can fix that? I have removed lot's of components from install disk and integrated RyanVM Updatepack. I know tat im not very specific, but if there is a simple solution to this problem..

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Did you use clean CD installation to begin with, not previously nlited?

Then if you did please explain in short how to reproduce that issue because it shouldn't ever happen, thx.

Source i used was Windows XP Professional & SP2 integrated (with nLite), nothing removed or tweaked. I have always used this same source and older versions of nLiteI didn't had any problems with this.

I think i can reproduce this nhelper issue every time i use nLite 1.3RC2 and remove components and add few tweaks..

Oh btw, im using RyanVm Updatepack and Ryan's integrator, could that be the cause of this problem, and not nLite? hmm...


I tested XP CD with just RyanVM Updatepack integrated & Ryan's integrator and no nhelper errors..


I just removed some components, added no tweaks or nothing else. I still got the nhelper error. Someting that i remove must be the cause of this error..

My Last Session.ini:


Env = 1.3 RC 2 - 2.0.50727.42.Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Target = Windows XP Professional SP:2 - 5.1.2600.2180 - English (United States)


Remove Components


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ProfilesDir = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings"

TargetPath = "WINDOWS"

temp_dir = %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp







ComputerType = Default

MaximumDataStorePercentOfDisk = 12

RestorePointLife = 30

DesktopTheme = Default||

AutoUDay = 5

AutoUHour = 15

ProgFilesPath = "\Program Files"


connname = ""

macaddress = ""

ipaddress = ""

subnetmask = ""

defaultgateway = ""

dnsserver1 = ""

dnsserver2 = ""

winsserver = ""

netbiossetting = "0"

ipxnetworknumber = "00000000"

ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF"





I used nLite V1.2.1 with same XP source, same tweaks, same updatepacks and there was no nhelper errors...

Edited by kepademus
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i think nhelper was a program that nuhi used/uses to do a certain thing in the installation process, but i'm not sure if its still used

get a clean source and use that

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  • 3 weeks later...
I used search but couldn't find a solution to my problem. When i use my nLited windows XP install disk, always when i log in, it takes long time and then pops up that "Windows cannot find nhelper blaa blaa.." error message. How i can fix that? I have removed lot's of components from install disk and integrated RyanVM Updatepack. I know tat im not very specific, but if there is a simple solution to this problem..

Had this problem myself

Try this:

Put nhelper.exe in $OEM$\$$\nheaper.exe and this should solve your problem



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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, your problem come probably of an integration for security update, i don't know wich is exactly, i have the same problem and i see in my last version i have not nhelper.ex_ on my I386 directory but when i have patch it the new file nhelper.ex_ as present, so it is the upgrade, i search how i can fix it and i tell you on this forum.

See ya

Power is nothing without control, use Linux.


Edited by abracadabra
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  • 5 weeks later...

I downloaded the RS file, and I did a F3 search in the registry, and the key says that the path to this missing file is system32, can I just copy the exe??? I already tried deleting the entry but it didn't work

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I copied nhelper.exe to c:\winnt (or c:\windows) and c:\winnt (or c:\windows) \system and that seems to have done the trick. I have a feeling that copying it to the windows root folder is what cured the problem.

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I'm having this exact same issue. It seems that everytime I add any update period and slipstream it, I end up getting this "nhelper cannot be found" error popping up each time I start up windows. The error message will proceed to pop up around 3-6 times before disappearing and windows boots. I tried this by integrating all security updates, by integrating half, and then by integrating just 1. Same error for all. I tried slipstreaming without any updates and it worked fine. I dont get it. I used versions 1.3, 1.35, and version 1.4 beta. All with the same error. Needless to say, I'm burning through CDs like mad :P. Is there any solution to this problem?

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fede777, I meant when like with what kind of usage. Only preset in this thread is by kepademus and he don't want to even test if it is the RVM integrator incompatibility.

Sivok, ok, please attach the preset with which you can get that error on a clean Windows installation files...clean, not previously nLited or by using any other tools after or before it...at least until we figure out what combination causes this.

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