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[Released] Ultimate Boot CD 4.1.0


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Victor could do with some beta testers for the new version of UBCD. I am presently the only person to have given any feedback since it was released.

The new version is based on isolinux/syslinux and looks rather promising, however, certain aspects are causing me problems.

I know UBCD is a favorite for integrating into our own projects so I wondered if some of the MSFN crew could lend him a hand.

You can pick up a copy of beta 1 here, please post your feedback in the same topic.

Thanks in advance.

Well, what a pitty. Seams like this is just the beta re-badged!

The same apps that didn't work in the beta still don't work in this final version.

Only goes to prove "if you want it done right, do it yourself".

Well, I'm presently eating a large amount of humble pie :blushing: .

Version 4.1.0 of the UBCD project was release yesterday including all the suggestions I made to fix the 4.0 beta and more. Much apologies go out to Victor (UBCD creator) for my previous rants in this thread.

So, I urge anyone and everyone to do them selves a favor and grab a copy of this new and and improved version asap ;) .


Edited by kof94
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I know Hiren's Boot Disc contains warez but UBCD was create specifically to be a freeware project.

If a particular app contains an EULA that's being infringed on I'd think Victor would want to know. There's nothing I've seen to suggest this though.

Not to be up tight or anything but if was a warez project I wouldn't be using it nor posting a topic with a link to it on MSFN. I'm not stupid :blink::) .

Edited by kof94
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Isn't it considered warez?!?!

Kelsenellenelvian, i use UBCD from 2.x version .

nothing to do with warez .

is a bartpe based project with only free software as addons .

nothing more .

but believe me , is a wonderfull piece of art.

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The question is have any of you tested the new beta?

And more importantly will anyone post there feedback?

Testing in a virtual machine doesn't count. Everything works great for me in VM but a lot doesn't on a real system!

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  • 2 weeks later...

What precisely doesn't work the way it's supposed to ? UBCD has always had things that didn't work. What is it that you want (specifically) that doesn't work ? For the record, my interest was in Doc Mem, which still doesn't work properly, in spite of the fact that it's an updated version....Jet

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The reason I was trying to drum some support for the UBCD project was because I was fed up with fixing it all the time.

I outlined in a post over at the ubcd forum some things that didn't work but Victor took no notice so I didn't bother posting again.

To be honest I don't really care anymore.

I've built my own FreeDOS NwDsk (non-netware) for executing the dos apps I really want to work. It was actually quite easy to do after reading the NwDsk site.

Other simple things like dban and memtest86+ are easy fixes aswell.

I hate to be a perfectionist but your statement really says it all...

UBCD has always had things that didn't work.

... so I reiterate... 'if you want it done right, do it yourself'.

Besides it's more fun that way anyway ;) .


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