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IE7 RunOnceEx problem solved! Finally!

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@ just_laze

You are entitled to use whichever methods you prefer. The fact remains however that your posts in this thread have little bearing on the topics objective. Just be prepared to accept that all those who use the other popular methods of install have what is believed to be a working method, as do you.

I didn't rubbish the thread starter for using a cmd file as opposed to an inf for instance, because we use the most suitable method for our current stages learning, knowledge or skill level.

@ all

The original post is giving you an incorrect line for the fix.

I have put the correct line in my previous post, but reproduce it here for clarity.

REG ADD %KEY% /V Flags /T REG_DWORD /D 128 /F

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Hi. :hello:

I have some problems installing IE7 hotfixes via RunOnceEx.

My first RunOnceEx season runs with no problems, then PC restarts but next RunOnceEx season does not run on next boot.

1. The first RunOnceEx season installs IE7 and other stuff (RunOnceEx.cmd - adds registry entries).

2. The second RunOnceEx season should install IE7 hotfixes and clean PC (RunOnceEx2.cmd - adds registry entries).

3. IE7_Hotfixes.cmd installs hotfixes

Sample of RunOnceEx.cmd:

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx
REG ADD %KEY% /V FLAGS /D "dword:0x00000080" /f

REG ADD %KEY11 /VE /D "MS .NET Framework v1.1 SP1" /f
REG ADD %KEY11 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\install\MsAddons\NETFrame\NET11\netfx.exe" /f
REG ADD %KEY12 /VE /D "MS .NET Framework v3.0" /f
REG ADD %KEY%012 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\install\MsAddons\NETFrame\NET3\netfx.exe /q /norestart" /f
REG ADD %KEY19 /VE /D "MS Internet Explorer v7" /f
REG ADD %KEY19 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\install\MsAddons\IExplorer7\IE7.exe /passive /update-no /nobackup /norestart" /f
REG ADD %KEY%0105 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\install\RunOnceEx2.cmd" /f
REG ADD %KEY%0106 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\install\Restart.cmd" /f

Sample of RunOnceEx2.cmd:

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx
REG ADD %KEY% /V FLAGS /D "dword:0x00000080" /f.

REG ADD %KEY%\1000 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\install\Hotfixes_2\IE7_Hotfixes.cmd" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1010 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\install\CleanUp.cmd" /f

Why second RunOnceEx season does not run? :wacko: When I open RunOnceEx key in HKLM\... registry path I can see imported strings for IE7 hotfixes but they are not functional. Pleas help.

Thank you. :hello:

P.S. My code is a little corrupted and I cannot repair it. It is OK on my PC.

Edited by Muki
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See my post above yours.

The thread starter has given an incorrect and non-working example line in their post:

REG ADD %KEY% /V FLAGS /D "dword:0x00000080" /f

Please change it to the one I have provided.

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See my post above yours.

The thread starter has given an incorrect and non-working example line in their post:

@echo off

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx
REG ADD %KEY% /V Flags /T REG_DWORD /D 128 /F

REG ADD %KEY%\900 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\install\Hotfixes_2\IE7_Hotfixes.cmd" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\910 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\install\CleanUp.cmd" /f


The RunOnceEx2.cmd file only imports registry entries for IE7 hotfixes second season installation and is the last command in the firstRunOnceEx season . The IE7_Hotfixes.cmd file installs hotfixes.

Edited by Muki
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Well it seems this thread got a little complicated where it should be very very simple.

The one and ONLY thing you have to do is add a line to your RunOnceEx.cmd file, How complicated is that?

REG ADD %KEY% /V FLAGS /D "dword:0x00000080" /f

That's it!


Te above line does work, (tested in 7 PCs and lots and l,ots of vmwares by now ;) hehe ), yours should do it too, only difference is entering the number in decimal or HEX, so as you can see they're the same thing ;):thumbup

Anyway, I'll test it again with both sintaxes and I'll post my results, although I'm almost sure it works with both of them.


You are free to use your method if it worked, i'm sure it took a lot of time and testing, we appreciate that. If it suits your needs it's very welcome, i'm sure a lot of people will be using it.

As for IE7 taking 15 min to install, that is not entirely true, it takes 1-2 maybe 3 minutes at most including its hotfixes.

But personally I just prefer to add a simple line of code instead of use nLite, open hotfixes, add/replace files with older ones, run a batch to copy a file and register a dll, and so on. I'm just too lazy for that :P

Again, I'm glad you have a working method, actually I may give it a try. :thumbup


Everyone can use whatever they want to accomplish this task, I just found a working method to do it and I wanted tho share it with this forum in a little return of what I've learned from it.

Edited by chon_
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muki is true. automatic import of RunOnceEx2 doesnt work and also no Flag entry is seen except the installation registry entries. When i manually run the RunOnceEx2.cmd to import and restart, its working. what is the solution for automated execution?

i use - REG ADD %KEY% /V Flags /T REG_DWORD /D 128 /F.

Must i try Chon's syntax or both are same?

Edited by rajesh.kumar
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RunOnceEx2 is not running when it is supposed to run. i just noticed that after i did a manual restart again, it executed and the IE7 patches got installed. kindly try restarting again and give the feedback. i manually restarted but i wanted to know if automatic restart is given again, does it work?

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Well it seems this thread got a little complicated where it should be very very simple.

The one and ONLY thing you have to do is add a line to your RunOnceEx.cmd file, How complicated is that?

REG ADD %KEY% /V FLAGS /D "dword:0x00000080" /f

That's it!


Te above line does work, (tested in 7 PCs and lots and l,ots of vmwares by now ;) hehe ), yours should do it too, only difference is entering the number in decimal or HEX, so as you can see they're the same thing ;):thumbup

Anyway, I'll test it again with both sintaxes and I'll post my results, although I'm almost sure it works with both of them.

I haven't said it doesn't work, it is however incorrect syntax and as such is technically wrong.

These are correct

inf (decimal)


inf (hex)




cmd /bat (decimal)

REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx /V Flags /T REG_DWORD /D 128 /F

cmd /bat (hex)

REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx /V Flags /T REG_DWORD /D 0x80 /F

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@ Kumi and rajesh.kumar

Please verify the syntax of your cmd files, here's an example:

Your file:

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx
REG ADD %KEY% /V FLAGS /D "dword:0x00000080" /f
REG ADD %KEY11 /VE /D "MS .NET Framework v1.1 SP1" /f
REG ADD %KEY11 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\install\MsAddons\NETFrame\NET11\netfx.exe" /f

It should be:

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx
REG ADD %KEY% /V FLAGS /D "dword:0x00000080" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\11 /VE /D "MS .NET Framework v1.1 SP1" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\11 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\install\MsAddons\NETFrame\NET11\netfx.exe" /f

Note the missing "%" and "\" just before the 11 from your file.

Line 019 from your file has the same syntax error, this line installs IE7 but is not installing it because of this, hence hotfixes are not installing on your runonceex second run.

Let me know any findings. ;)

Edited by chon_
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Hi Guys I need some help here.

I'm doing my Unattended CD - and i stoped looking for the best way to integrate Hotfix with SP2 and IE7.

Well, i just download IE7 today - and tryed some tricks before put it on my CD.

I was using IE6, so i dowload and install IE7 using the same commands from the Silent Install ( everything looks fine ).

Then i just got the 2 IE7 Updates and tryed to manually install it on my computer ( without using Windows Update ) - but the hotfix says, that this fix do not apply to the Internet Exploer version i'm using.



I don't known this is my fault ( since i installed ie7 ) over a full working windows and update all the hotfix and etc from IE6 and so on...

- I hope i will not have any problems running RunOnceEX on my CD ... :)

But let's go to the problem ...

My setup uses the hotfix using SVCPACK ... so i skipped this hotfix from that part:



Right !!!

So witch is the best, to install my RunOnceEX ...

Install all the applications i want, like vista codec pack, office 2003 - Symantec Corporate .. winrar, ... and so one ...

And the Last IE 7 - then the IE7 Hotfix and finally the last KTD option of driver pack (that auto adds on runonceEX file ? )

I would love a better explaination of how to do that ...

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@Neo - Matrix

About the hotfixes complaining about wrong IE version, check C:\WINDOWS\ie7_main.log. IE7 may not be fully installed (if you used silent switches and IE wasn't able to validate your copy of windows it will simply quit setup). Most likeky you still have IE6 installed.

I recommend to install all the software and IE7 at last, then restart and then apply IE7 hotfixes. Why? No particular reason, but I think that if IE updates a lot of critical system files you don't want them to be overwrited by other software installations ;)

As for how to do it, well, there's a looooot of documentation herein the forums, just a quick reminder:


SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx
REG ADD %KEY% /V Flags /T REG_DWORD /D 0x80 /F
REG ADD %KEY%\230 /VE /D "Internet Explorer 7.0" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\230 /V 3 /D "%CDROM%\Install\IE7\IE7-WindowsXP-x86-esn.exe /quiet /passive /norestart" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\230 /V 4 /D "%CDROM%\Install\Scripts\IE7_Hotfixes.cmd" /f

Where IE7_Hotfixes.cmd:

REG ADD %KEY% /V FLAGS /D "dword:0x00000080" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\910 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Install\IE7\Hotfixes\IE7-KB929969-WindowsXP-x86-esn.exe /q /n /z" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\910 /V 2 /D "%CDROM%\Install\IE7\Hotfixes\IE7-KB928090-WindowsXP-x86-esn.exe /q /n /z" /f
shutdown -r -f -t 180 -c "Restarting in 3minutes..."

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@chon : there is no syntax error as u specified to Muki. But i get the same error. as i said, after i restart twice it was working. but i noticed only on the latest testing. i didnt test again to verify it.

@muki : kindly post ur result after the syntax correction?

@neo-matrix : there are 2 versions of KB929969. One for XP SP2 (under affected software) and another for IE 7 (under affected components). You must download the one for IE 7. I dont know the difference between the two but both are present in the download page. may be the first one is for non-ie7 xp.


Edited by rajesh.kumar
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The problem I have with the Flags method is that it removes the Status Dialog. Users are then left with a blue screen until installation's complete. THe outcome of this is that some users will believe installation has stalled or has a problem and interrupt it unnecessarily. What are Microsoft doing about rectifying this problem?

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