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Oleg 2000 only removers issue


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Hi TP!

Would you check this thing for me:

- OSOptions_MSTask deletes lines in fdvs ie.inf, but makes reverse effect than what it should, because those entries are in the del.reg section. same is the problem with ZZ_IE1 and 2, and two others, but MSTask makes a very strange effect: in control panel a "ghost" folder of the task scheduler appears. It looks like a normal folder, only the popup description says it's task scheduler. Doubleclicking does nothing of course.

Am I correct?

Edited by whitehorses
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I know exactly what you are talking about with the "dummy" icon in control panel when removing mstask. Tinkering with that INF was pretty tricky (I don't use the existing 2k ie.inf). Which string of characters shouldn't be removed?

If it means anything, the following strings are only in the IE.INF file (reg add sections)



The SchedulingAgent string is in IE.INF (reg add section) and wkstamig.inf. The latter file really doesn't matter, it looks like it is for an upgrade or something non important.

In either case, only the original ie.inf has these reg add sections. FDV's ie.inf just moves it to the delete section so it can't get installed anyway. He could have just deleted those lines instead.

If it means anything & if I remember correctly, if you run that mstask inf, and reboot, the dead control panel icon will be fixed. That was tricky to find/fix at one time.

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I know exactly what you are talking about with the "dummy" icon in control panel when removing mstask. Tinkering with that INF was pretty tricky (I don't use the existing 2k ie.inf). Which string of characters shouldn't be removed?

What I'm thinking of is the additional inf file. I think that's the only thing there which could cause a behavior like this. Maybe not. I need a bit more time to see trough that.

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@whitehorses - All seems to work well with ie6/dx9/hfcleanup. I haven't thorougly tested with FDV's fileset. Pls report any findings.

@kiki - I think nlite is easier to use instead of hfcleanup. I don't have time to tame the XP beast tame.

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dirtwarrior - I meant to say that NLITE is easier with XP. I love 2k with hfcleanup. It works like a champ. :thumbup

whitehorses - I just tested an FDV version of 2k with dx9/hfcleanup. I can't repeat your empty task manager icon in control panel, all seems ok on this side.

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Which version of HFSLIP are you using? I don't know if it has changed in the latest test release, but I doubt anyone had run hfcleanup with really "good" results till this day ;)

Refer to "Test Releases" section for details.

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I tested with hfslip-1.2.2. There are some others that use HFCLEANUP that don't have the same mstask issue as you. Are you changing the hfcleanup files at all? Are you using all 3 mstask files?

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I don't know if it's needed when using fdv at all. Fdv's fileset removes Task Scheduler by default doesn't it? Removing entries from fdv IE.INF with hfcleanup is risky, and the only benefit is when it removes iexplorer.exe, but that can be done manually. One uses FDV IE.INF because wants it to apply it's changes right? If does not want those changes, but wants to remove strings arbitarily from IE.INF then I suggest not using fdv, because using both might give unwanted results.


What I said above was not concerning this MSTaskScheduler issue, but more general.

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On an unadulterated system (haha), the task scheduler registry info is installed with ie.inf. FDV"s fileset places the task scheduler stuff in the del add section so it won't get installed. When hfcleanup is run, the registry entities are removed totally. But, IIRC, the mstask INF file in hfcleanup corrects things for the false icon (I could be wrong, that was a year ago when that icon was fixed). Are you using a virgin source? Are you using some other reducer?

edit - you editted your above reply when I typed the above out. Let me try this. There is an option when running hfcleanup with fdv's fileset. You have the option to leave fdv's files alone or to hfcleanup them too. True, editing of the IE.INF is risky, but I tried to mimic FDV's work when not using his fileset. In other words, I typically slipstream ie6, but I remove iexplore with hfcleanup, leaving the ie6 core behind. There are many ways to skin a cat with reducing the source... this was my spin on it. I could be wrong with the way I clean things up, but it works for my needs. I encourage people to generate reducers and test them out before submitting.

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Yea, that is a bit abnormal. This question is dumb because I'm not familar with that type. Is your i386 folder like this?


BTW, would you be interested in a new hfcleanup method? I have some ideas that may work. But it's a large undertaking.

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Is your i386 folder like this? driveletter:\hfslipdir\source\i386
Oh my god, wait!!! ... yes of course :lol:
BTW, would you be interested in a new hfcleanup method? I have some ideas that may work. But it's a large undertaking.

Well, maybe. Are you thinking of regex searches with .rin files?

Edited by whitehorses
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