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OemPnPDriversPath help?

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when I do an -r it does not create that iss file you show, but the one already in the archive is like yours bar the BootOption=0. Strange.

But I got my Control Panel to install through the GUI part using my above method.

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  • 4 weeks later...


ALL I Know is I've ALWAYS had trouble with ATI Technologies

drivers and software bundles.

It's a big mess. I have 3 AIW Radeons, an old RAGE and a

RAGE FURY MAX Dual GPU processor video cards.

So over the last 5 years I have had to deal with ATI's terrible support

and ridiculus programming revision methodologies.

It's ubsurd, to call the main display drver file name the same exactly, for a rage128, and a radeon 7500.

It leads to major problems especialy if your rage driver is actually newer than

your radeon driver. Windows will ASSUME that the rage driver is the best choice,

not knowing you are actually changing hardware, that happens to have such uncreative software designers that they can't even come up with a new name

for the drivers of a completely new and different product.

I've given up on the new Control Panel and gone back to MMC 7.5, from 8.7

"EASYLOOK" is useless anyways.

What the heck does IE.HCU have to do with the ATI MMC settings.

Here's an error log I get on one WIN2K system everytime I try and ru

the launchpad:

*** Log Manager 0: Opened on: 10/18/2003 [15:16:27]

[15:16:27] ResMngr::LoadObject CoCreate Error: ClassNotReg CLSID:


[15:16:27] TvDisp: StartUp: Failed to setup DTV Graph

*** Log Manager 0: Closed on: 10/18/2003 [15:22:13]

Ato $.53 cents a minute, calling ATI is unproductive most of the time.

When the heck are they going to get an 800 number?

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Everything else is now working OK just this **** ATI Control Panel left.  Anyone managed it yet?

Here's my setup:

if exist %systemdrive%\windows\system32\atiddc.dll goto atiyes
goto atino

ECHO Installing ATI Control Panel for Catalyst 3.7...
unrar x %systemdrive%\install\ati_cp37\ati_cp37.rar %systemdrive%\install\ati_cp37
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\ati_cp37\Setup.exe -s -f1"%systemdrive%\install\ati_cp37\setup.iss"
goto finish

goto finish

I assume this checks if an ATI card is present and only installs the Catalysts if one is, which is smart. Is there a similar way to check for an nVidia card?

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I've never done any silent Control Panel installs (heck, not even an unattended install yet (very new)) and I was reading InstallShield's website and this is what I want to test. Please tell me if someone has already done this or why it wouldn't work.

First, the -r option does work.. It will create a setup.iss "in the Windows folder" at the end of the install containing the options chosen during the normal install..

Using that, just do a test install of the Control Panel (setup.exe -r) and install as normally.. After installation is finished, replace the setup.iss in the CPanel folder with the one it created after install of the -r option. Check to see if it has the BootOption=0, if not change it. Don't forget to modify the place it installs the Control Panel to if you want something other than C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\Control Panel\

BootOption=0 just tells it not to restart after install.. Check here for explanations of setup.iss.. and here for switches..

Once the CPanel setup.iss is replaced, hopefully a silent install using the normal method

setup.exe -s -f1"<path to setup.iss>\setup.iss" will work..

Will test somehow. Gotta get and figure out VirtualPC and maybe do a clean/test install of my Unattended XP CD in a few days..

Let me know.. :)

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when I do an -r it does not create that iss file you show, but the one already in the archive is like yours bar the BootOption=0.  Strange.

But I got my Control Panel to install through the GUI part using my above method.


Was that in a real environment? Real PC?

From what i know (i own a ATI) it does not install on VMWare or VPC neither the video drivers for the ATI

It uses a generic driver for video and sound.

You can however install the Guest tools to enhance video performance with beter drivers from VMWare



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I assume this checks if an ATI card is present and only installs the Catalysts if one is, which is smart. Is there a similar way to check for an nVidia card?

and from my experiance if you use oempnpdriverpath the video card controle panel will install itself.  so it is jsut the sound card part that needs the extra shove.

well here is a little trick i use to install them and the nforce audio controle panel.

ECHO Installing ATI Control Panel for Catalyst 3.6
ECHO Please wait...
IF EXIST "%systemroot%\system32\ati2evxx.exe" start /wait %systemdrive%\drivers\ATI_cat3_7\cpanel\Setup.exe -s -f1"%systemdrive%\drivers\ATI_cat3_7\cpanel\setup.iss"
ECHO Installing Nforce Audio Controle Panel
ECHO Please wait...
IF EXIST "%systemroot%\system32\nvaudio.nvu" start /wait "RunDll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %systemdrive%\\drivers\\nforce\\nvautils.inf,DefaultInstall"


and from my experiance if you use oempnpdriverpath the video card controle panel will install itself. so it is jsut the sound card part that needs the extra shove.

doh this was my comment I did not mean to add it to yours.


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