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I've had this annoying problem and it (along with CDEx and my PVR program and possibly a few registry tweaks, but those are different issues) are what is keeping me from a truly unattended installation. Basically, Windows seems to ignore my settings for bitrate and refresh rate and instead leaves them as default. Upon further investigation, this is not quite the case, however. First of all, there are two displays listed in the display properties under settings (both on my Radeon 9500--one is called Plug and Play monitor and the other [Default Monitor]) and it seems as though my settings are being applied to the default display, not the plug and play monitor (the one that actually exists :)). This seems completely backwards to me but I'm hoping someone here will be able to help. BTW, the display settings work fine for Virtual PC so I know it isn't my winnt.sif. So, anyone got any ideas? :rolleyes:


Bachus, I'll need the cat version

the install order you set from the cmd or sif

and the absolutes of what went wrong.

get them in the thread when you can and we'll work it out


Drivers were 3.6 installed through the oempnpdriverspath (haven't tried 3.7 yet--haven't had a chance to reinstall Windows yet again except through virtual pc). Drivers themselve install fine, but the ati control panel is missing. I've been using the command

start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\ATI_CP_3_6\Setup.exe -s -f1"%systemdrive%\install\Applications\ATI_CP_3_6\setup.iss"

through a batch file run under guirunonce and have never gotten any errors, but the ati icon in the systray never shows and none of the control panel's options are available in display properties. I had never bothered messing with it as the graphics card worked fine without the CP and I never needed any of its features. I suppose I should've taken care of that, but I never figured it would affect my current problem.

My display settings in the winnt.sif are as follows:






As I said before, these settings work fine under virtual pc but when I run the install on my actual hardware the refresh rate and color depth remain at their default settings (60 Hz for the refresh rate and 16 bit color). Once I manually set them to what I want I have no more difficulties with it. I have tried importing the registry keys with the values I want and that didn't work, either.


If i recall correctly this card installs two drivers and appears twice in the control panel - something to do with the dual dacs it uses to provide dual monitor/tv output with seperate resolution/refresh rates.

I don't know much more about it but this could have something to do with your problem.


Try it with the 3.7 cats, there is a logged problem with the monitors and use the cumulative installer which will put all the components necessary in

their drivers are becoming much more tied to the control panel than they should be, and are risking their hql status for extra "bounty" points in the race against nvidia.

but from there, install order for them should be only after install of the intel or via chipset driver, THERE IS THE RISK OF IMPROPER install otherwise from this as the agp and pci/smbus cannot set resource correctly and to be honest. I do not believe it will install correctly unless the chipset is installed and booted first.

Side effects can go from blue screens to impaired performance but again its by individual system and these are just practice recommendations.

Your SIF is formated correctly but cannot address the cat drivers as the SIF is really only directly affecting the internal drivers and not external items. a second monitor in a multimonitor setup so be prepared to go to the panel to set it up in any case

One last note, if the monitor is not DDC and PNP compliant (and believe it alot of them aren't even if they are stickered to be) It cannot determin res and refresh and will have to be set manually in any case

Let me know if any of those things factor in.

Thank you for calling Microsoft.

This Thread has been recorded for quality assurance purposes :)


Is it safe for OemPnPDriversPath to be installing the Intel chipset drivers, even though we don't know which order Setup is installing our updated drivers in?


the drivers will install and function (limited) without issues if you do not have your chipset drivers installed. I have my install CD point to the SiS folder first and then the ATI folder


Incorrect but only by a margin

I wish to hell I could get the knowledge base to put this sort of thing out there :)

Install order MUST follow as this

$OEM$<DriverFolder> order of install follow as listed

base chipset


I/O usb/firewire ata etc





base hal/keyboard/video/mouse are handled by the setup runtime drivers

during gui setup and upon first boot are replaced with the updated drivers

best practice scenario is that the seek for bundled & updated drivers is by practical alpha/numeric sort - I'd recommend using 000-009 for sort order on drivers

with base chipset at folder 000 and so on

Those set the stage for best result on install loader no running afoul and setting out of sequence resource registrations

one caveat to the intel and via system drivers

there was a problem with driver sets previous to 1003 for the intel and 2.46 for via recognizing their smbus modules. A problem supposedly fixed as 1003 has hql'd and I am going to guess that via fixed their between 2.46&48 (I tend to ignore via for obvious reasons - great idea, crap manufacturing but that only what the guys at hql tell me. I've never owned one to know.


Using what you've said, I've put this in order from first to last in my winnt.sif:


Drivers\logitech_key; (keyboard)







Aaro, you're on the right track but try it with the folder renamed in successive order

Drivers\intel_chipset; = 000

Drivers\logitech_key; (keyboard) =009

Drivers\logitech_mouse; =008

Drivers\catalyst3_7\2KXP_INF; =002

Drivers\tv_out\WDM_XP; = 003

Drivers\mitsubishi_monitor; =004

Drivers\onboard_gigabit =001

take a sharp look at the alpha order and you get the idea


So when I use something like this:


It will install the Intel drivers, followed by the gigabit lan driver, then the catalyst?

Also, should Drivers\catalyst3_7\002 be Drivers\003\2KXP_INF instead?


Drivers\intel_chipset; = 000

Drivers\onboard_gigabit =001

Drivers\catalyst3_7\2KXP_INF; =002

Drivers\tv_out\WDM_XP; = 003

Drivers\mitsubishi_monitor; =004

Drivers\logitech_mouse; =008

Drivers\logitech_key; (keyboard) =009

should look something like this


?... But they have to be renamed though, and all on one line? I'm getting confused :)

OemPnPDriversPath="Drivers\000;Drivers\001;Drivers\002\2KXP_INF;Drivers\002;Drivers\003;Drivers\004;Drivers\005;Drivers\006" and so on?

btw, where's 005, 006 and 007 in your example?


Not quite following. But i'll try to shore it up. Maybe its just the whole forum typing thing getting in the way.

the =000 are examples of the ordering for the folder names, you can attach the 0's to the beginning of the folder names or swap them for the 000 paradigm. Either way will work fine


that is absolutely correct as to the syntax of what we're doing here

The missing numbered folders.

left out for clarity. I can give you a mirror listing of my own driver order if you want, but went with what you had given me as to not confuse the issue.

I only set them by the order they would load in

the mouse and key are the last drivers inserted after reboot as they replace the setup gui runtime drivers.

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