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hotfix batch for unattended installation

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IF "%1"==":" GOTO %2

echo HOTFIX: Starting (version 1.0)
FOR %%i in (Type1\*.*) do call %0 : _InstType1 %%i
FOR %%i in (Type2\*.*) do call %0 : _InstType2 %%i
goto _end

echo HOTFIX: Installation of Type1: %3
%systemdrive%\hotfix\%3 /q /m /z
goto _eof

echo HOTFIX: Installiere of Type2: %3
%systemdrive%\hotfix\%3 /q:a /r:n
goto _eof



Hi, i have written this neat handy batch. Just copy the batch to path-to your-burn-files\$OEM$\$1\INSTALL\HOTFIX.

The HotFixes are categorized into two types: (correspond to the types described here:

http://www.MSFN.org/unattended/xp/installhotfixes.htm). To see what type your hotfix is, just open the folder with the explorer and look which icon it has:


Type One place in folder: path-to your-burn-files\$OEM$\$1\INSTALL\HOTFIX\TYPE1


Type Two place in folder: path-to your-burn-files\$OEM$\$1\INSTALL\HOTFIX\TYPE2

All you have to do is to copy the hotfixes in the right folger and burn the cd.

Any ideas/remarks....


picture are taken form url: http://www.MSFN.org/unattended/images hope that's ok.

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hm interesting close to waht i was using before I slipstreamed the hotfixes into my install so that this was not needed.

here is my older version

@echo off
cmdow @ /hid
ECHO Installing All Pre-SP2 Hotfixes...
ECHO Please Wait...
CD "%systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes1
for %%i in (*.exe) do start /wait %%i -u -f -o -z -q -m
ECHO Done.
ECHO Installing All Pre-SP2 Cumulative patches...
ECHO Please Wait...
CD "%systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes2
for %%i in (*.exe) do start /wait %%i /Q:A /R:N
ECHO Done.
ECHO Installing All Pre-SP2 Extra patches...
ECHO Please Wait...
CD "%systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes3
for %%i in (*.exe) do start /wait %%i /C:"dahotfix /q /n" /Q
ECHO Done.

Now the one in hotfixes3 is the mdac hotfix

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so what does this exactly do?

instead of having one line of code in each .cmd|.bat file for each downloaded hotfix, you simply type in the above codes, save as hotfix.cmd/.bat and it will install all the downloaded hotfixes depending on their type?

Type One place in folder: path-to your-burn-files\$OEM$\$1\INSTALL\HOTFIX\TYPE1

Type Two place in folder: path-to your-burn-files\$OEM$\$1\INSTALL\HOTFIX\TYPE2

how the hell do you guys know so much about all this switches and command line junk?!?!? :)

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Interesting take on slipstreaming the files

Definitely inventive and not far from some of the custom builds being done here.

But I am confused as to which one of them actually is working. Seems not to be entirely stable depending on the user of script?

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@sepheris well the one listed here on this thread does work fine for a normal install of hotfixes after login and all.

The other method well all I can say is it works and I'm not sure why some users have issues. It may be that i use windows xp pro and not home. It may also be that I slipstream my own sp1 and that I did not purchase it with sp1 already slipstreamed. It may also be that I use sp1a and not sp1.

There are a few reasons why it could be but it does indeed work or else I would not be able to show screenshots of the install like I'm about to do.

I've got some more inf install routines worked out and the install goes quite nicely. Especially since I dont have to fudge the installer into taking the hacked uxtheme.dll anymore. Man that was a pain to get going it did work but it was a pain.

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Not quite correct medic, but a good alternate.

And only because if you had to go to support with it, they'd probably scratch their head and hand the phone to one of us. :)

Personally, I think its relative - the MS approved versus what can be home brewed

if it works it works :rolleyes: . Again, thank you for taking the time to show me your work.

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Absolutely agree with you there.

Even the OPK method comes up short on some key points

and you compensated for them.

Personally if I had my way I'd recommend some of these ideas at work. But I think I'd rather not have the forum turn into a brawl between ms developers and the engineers/admins/hobbyists. You guys are doing some truly inventive stuff.

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