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[Release] Raxco PerfectDisk 2008 Professional v9.0.0 Build 76

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Posted (edited)

Raxco PerfectDisk 2008 Professional v9.0.0 Build 76 (30-day trial)

Delivering a unique set of easy-to-use features and benefits not found in any other solution, PerfectDisk® 2008 will make your computer run like new. Work and play faster - and smarter. PerfectDisk makes everything you do on your computer faster - so you can be more efficient at your work or play. PerfectDisk 2008's patented SMARTPlacement™ optimization is paired with its exclusive single-pass defragmentation and Space Restoration Technology™ to maximize PC and laptop performance. All controlled and automated according to your unique requirements through AutoPilot Scheduling™ or StealthPatrol™ unattended background processing.

What's New in PerfectDisk® 2008

  • A brand-new user interface
    A new user interface makes it easier than ever to use PerfectDisk. Menus and toolbars have been replaced with a ribbon that organizes and presents capabilities into a set of tabs that correspond to how the product is used. The tabs on the ribbon display the commands that are most relevant for each of the task areas in PerfectDisk. New wizards are also now included, providing easier setup.
  • StealthPatrol™ automatic disk defragmentation
    PerfectDisk now provides the ability to automatically perform defragmentation only when your system is idle. Together with the wide range of scheduling options available with AutoPilot Scheduling, PerfectDisk 2008 provides more flexibility, automation and complete control than any other disk defragmenter.
  • Improved performance and reduced resource usage
    PerfectDisk has been enhanced to run even faster during SMARTPlacement defragmentation passes. The engine also now uses 15% - 20% less memory consumption than PerfectDisk 8, which results in additional improved performance.
  • Selected Files Defrag
    PerfectDisk's Single File Defrag has been replaced with Selected Files Defrag, giving users the ability to select multiple files to defragment, rather than the entire drive. The ability also now exists to select files from the "Most Defragmented Files" list for immediate and automatic defragmenting.
  • Fragmeter
    A new graphical view of how fragmented your drive is. PerfectDisk 2008's powerful bit map display of disk drives is now enhanced with a new, colorful and easy-to-view circular graphic of your drive's level of fragmentation.
  • Free Space Recycler
    PerfectDisk now provides the ability to easily and automatically reclaim valuable free space from your Recycle Bin, Temporary Internet Files, and duplicate text, picture, video and music files.
  • Space Explorer
    See a bird's eye view of the space distribution between files and folders inside your drives' directories. PerfectDisk 2008's Space Explorer also allows you to delete large files to recapture valuable space on your drive.
  • Enhanced system tray icon functionality
    Additional capabilities are now available through the system tray icon, providing additional ease-of-use.
  • Estimated Time to Completion
    PerfectDisk now provides the estimated time of day when a defrag run will complete.
  • Native support for 64-bit platforms
    Native support for 64-bit platforms provides improved performance and efficiency on 64-bit platforms.
  • Enhanced Active Directory Integration
    A new Active Directory tab is now available for those enterprises utilizing Active Directory, allowing for easy Active Directory snap-in and loading of the PerfectDisk 2008 Administrative template.

Website :: PerfectDisk 2008 Professional / PerfectDisk Blog

Changelog :: What's new in PerfectDisk 2008 Build 76

32-bit/x86 (30-day trial)

File size :: 12.61 MB (13,224,978 bytes)

MD5 :: ACB795D62747D70D34BEF87FCB3603BB

Main :: ifile.it

Mirror :: esnips

64-bit/x64 (30-day trial)

File size :: 14.13 MB (14,813,832 bytes)

MD5 :: E1C8557F17572DEE074882920918014C

Main :: ifile.it

Mirror :: esnips

Edited by johndoe74
  • 3 months later...

Posted (edited)

PerfectDisk v8.00.64


PerfectDisk® Version 8.0, the world's most popular and thorough disk defragmentation solution, combines speed, thoroughness flexibility, control and ease-of-use to help improve PC and server performance. Global enterprises benefit from faster computers through regular, automated, unattended defragmentation with PerfectDisk. Certified by Microsoft® for Windows, PerfectDisk is designed for today's largest disk drives. With PerfectDisk's Command Center management console, complete management and control is at the administrator's fingertips. If you are serious about disk defragmentation, optimization, and free space consolidation, you'll find PerfectDisk meets your high demands and requirements.

website :: PerfectDisk® 8.0

Language :: English

Release Notes

32-bit/x86 (30-day trial)

File size :: 7.96 MB (8,349,540 Bytes)

MD5 :: B8DF7E0901DBF2F1ACC930EE71133D35

Main :: Esnips

Mirror :: FileFront

Mirror :: Box.net

64-bit/x64 (30-day trial)

File size :: 8.00 MB (8,391,444 Bytes)

MD5 :: 05D03E2D08D36E41CF5DE37B57323F53

Main :: Esnips

Mirror :: FileFront

Mirror :: Box.net

Edited by johndoe74
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you! :)

Do you know if it is possible to install it silently with a serial number?

Somethign like "/sn=myserial" or anything?

Posted (edited)
Do you know if it is possible to install it silently with a serial number?

Is possible.

After installation, register with your serial and then go to this key


and copy the value from valuename


something like this

45 34 bg hf hf hf kj lj 87 87 gh gh gh gh fg fg

Batch file:

@echo off
start /wait PerfectDisk_x86.msi /qb! /norestart
ping -n 03>nul
REG.EXE ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PD91Agent" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "3" /f>nul
REG.EXE ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PD91Engine" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "3" /f>nul
REG.EXE ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Raxco\PerfectDisk\9.0" /v "ShowSplashScreen" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f>nul
REG.EXE ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Raxco\PerfectDisk\9.0" /v "License" /t REG_Binary /d "4534bghfhfhfkjlj8787ghghghghfgfg" /f>nul
REG.EXE ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Raxco\PerfectDisk\9.0" /v "Wizard" /t REG_DWORD /d "15" /f>nul
REG.EXE ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Raxco\PerfectDisk\9.0\AutoUpdSettings" /v "Auto_Check" /t REG_SZ /d "No" /f>nul

Edited by radix

Thanks for this fine release!

I've got the same question as Venos: is there an (easier) way to register PD while the silent-installation?

The way radix described is not possible/necessary because PD already installs unattended!

Or is it possible to execute only the "REG.EXE ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Raxco\PerfectDisk\9.0" /v "License" /t REG_Binary /d "4534bghfhfhfkjlj8787ghghghghfgfg" /f>nul" as a command at RunOnce in nLite?

Best regards


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