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Driver refuse to install, pls help

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Hi all,

I have finished my unattended XP CD. I have only one problem:

My Skystar2 driver refuse to install. I pointed in Unattended section with following:

OemPnPDriversPath="\Drivers\b2c2\skynet.inf" , but this driver refuse to sign in.

Can somebody tell me what's wrong ? any ideea? .




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Do you people ever read Microsoft help files? :)

Example: OemPnPDriversPath = MyFolder1; MyFolder2

Comments: The folders must contain all the files necessary to install the particular devices: catalog files, .inf files, and drivers.

For example, if you have a folder called \Drivers with subfolders called \Audio and \Net, specify

OemPnPDriversPath = drivers\audio;drivers\net

in the Unattend.txt file.

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