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100% svchost.exe CPU Usage caused by Microsoft Update


Did you had problems with MS Update Cpu Usage with SFC Disabled?  

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100% CPU Usage caused by Microsoft Update

The issue

The Automatic Updates service uses 100% CPU when it checks for updates when Microsoft Update is enabled.

The reasons

What triggers that behaviour is actually unknown. I think that it's related to the SFC being disabled or because of some nLite settings. We'll find out as long as the admins enable poll editing on this forum.

The symptoms

Enormous slow-down when using the computer: applications take ages to load. This happens often even a few minutes after windows has booted. When you open the task manager you can see svchost.exe using 100% cpu.

When it doesn't happen

It doesn't happen to users using dual-core or dual-cpu machines because only 100% cpu of one core is used.

The Solution

There are various solutions on the web however they're just temporary fixes: the problem always comes back after a while.

Fortunately MS released a KB: you'll find the download link inside this post.

The Microsoft KB Article

For the patch look below, you can't obtain it from MS website


The patch

I've found the patches on the internet and uploaded it here:

(The passwords for the archives is MSFN.)

(The download link is at the bottom of the page on a green bar.)

Please check it out with an antivirus before installing I take no responsabilities for that file: I scanned it with Kaspersky 6 and it didn't detect anything harmful however better be safe than sorry.

Edited by Francesco
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I had the same issue but I remove almost all and I got there just to check something, never expected it to work. I think if you have Autoupdate service (which gets reinstalled by the WU site anyway) and you removed BITS service or something it needs you may experience that problem.

Lets first start with a question did you use Windows Update compatibility option?

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Ive seen the 100% usage on machines with sfc enabled both xp and 2000, shouldnt there be a poll option for that ?

Yes there should be a poll for that but I didn't create the poll well so I can't edit it anymore :( . Let's hope that the forums admin will re-enable poll editing.

I had the same issue but I remove almost all and I got there just to check something, never expected it to work. I think if you have Autoupdate service (which gets reinstalled by the WU site anyway) and you removed BITS service or something it needs you may experience that problem.

I didn't remove any component on the installs where I had those problems. There's something wrong with MU and I got problems with it on all the unattended PCs.

**** there must be a way to find out what creates this problem. There's a patch for that so it's a MS bug but there should surely be something triggering all this mess.

Lets first start with a question did you use Windows Update compatibility option?

I didn't need it I didn't remove any component or service.

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I always have SFC disabled, and have never experienced the 100% cpu bug. I've also never used automatic updates, but I do use Microsoft Update.

Is your OS nlited?

BTW if you have a very fast cpu the 100% cpu usage goes away almost immediately: you should try opening the task manager and visiting MS update to see how much cpu it uses during the check to be sure that you don't have that problem..

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I'm almost sure that the patch I posted in the first post is the only way to fix this mess.

There is a bad and a good news: the good news is that I think the problem is caused only by the buggy MSI.dll, the bad is that it could be that a wrong version of MSI.dll integrated by nLite. I'll check this out and report later.

Edited by Francesco
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i have got the hotfix would it be agaisnt the rules to share it?

if not where could i upload it to

i have got the hotfix would it be agaisnt the rules to share it?

if not where could i upload it to

it also solved the problem for me with the svchost.exe CPU Usage Poll at 100% the detation went alot faster, and on here the sfc is disabled.

also the fix will be included in sp3 and happrently acording to the guy at ms tech support sp3 is due ou late jan 07??

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i have got the hotfix would it be agaisnt the rules to share it?

if not where could i upload it to

i have got the hotfix would it be agaisnt the rules to share it?

if not where could i upload it to

You can upload it on RARhost or RapidShare however the first one is better.

it also solved the problem for me with the svchost.exe CPU Usage Poll at 100% the detation went alot faster, and on here the sfc is disabled.

also the fix will be included in sp3 and happrently acording to the guy at ms tech support sp3 is due ou late jan 07??

It should come out 2-3 months after vista however it will just be a collection of hotfixes like the old service packs.

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Francesco, that's great news, ah well it's easiest to blame nLite so we do it ;)

I'm pretty sure it has to do with something nLite changes: surely it's not an nLite fault it's a MS bug however I think there's something nlite does that triggers that bug.

I have clean XP installs that never presented that problem and I also have nLited XP install and all of them had that problem so I suppose that it is a problem caused by an integrated update.

The important thing for now however is that we have the patch.

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