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How to make my computer faster


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Exactly - You and TheTOM_SK run very customized systems, and I'm sure that you've put a lot of time into making them the way that works for you, but there comes a point where the return-on-interest falls off. For you, that's probably a lot lower than it is for me (i.e. I don't find it worth it to put in another week of testing to get another second off my boot time, but you might).

I agree, every system is different, and what runs fine with me, does not have to run on other PC. I just posted by settings to prove, that Windows can run fine eg without Event Log or WMI services and so on. BTW, it took me about 60 reinstalls just to create my 99 MB ISO with nLite, although windows setup takes only about 8 minutes, it took a few days to get the right configuration, so I see, what do you mean.

About DNS Client, yes it can speed up browsing a little, but I used to play online games without it and I had no problems with ping, but again it depends on the internet provider, if he has quality DNS servers (bandwith as well). Since I have it disabled (actually removed with nLite), I do not need windows update for it now (920683) or later, the same apllies for other services or other things in WinXP.

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This discussion has really come down to one of services. A few users have already done this but i am wondering if other users with greater knowledge of XP would like to put together short lists of what services they run and why and what services they dont run and why for the benefit of the rest of us.

Also if a service is sent to manual does it use resources in a idol state???

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Search for topics with the word "Services" in the title and you will see dozens of threads already having the services explained by many members.

If you set a service to Automatic, the DLLs are loaded during the XP logo screen before Windows loads, I think.

Having it set to Manual doesn't load the DLLs until they have been called upon. I think.

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; Upload Manager Service

You're running SP1? Upload Manager service doesn't exist in SP2 afaik.

Edited by Jeremy
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@Everyone - Please stay on topic. Personal comments will be removed in future.

Also if a service is sent to manual does it use resources in a idol state???
Setting the startup type of a service to manual simply means that if the service is called upon, it needs to be started before you can use it. It doesn't change the amount of resources that are used when it is in an idle state (i.e. it's not doing anything). For example, change the "Network Connections" service from manual startup to automatic startup. The resource usage of your system won't change much.

@TheTOM_SK - The DNS client won't help your ping times in internet games, since most online games rely on direct IP communication to the server. The game will record the IP of the server you want to speed up access, so that the game doesn't need to wait for DNS lookups to occur.

The big difference will come from loading a webpage with multiple images all based on the same server. Without a DNS cache of some sort, your browser will need to re-request the DNS information of every image on the page (www.msfn.org/image1.jpg, www.msfn.org/image2.jpg, www.msfn.org/image3.jpg, etc). A DNS cache will tell your computer "Instead of asking the DNS servers where www.msfn.org is, just go to" That information is stored in RAM, and is much faster to access than from your ISP.

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; Upload Manager Service

You're running SP1? Upload Manager service doesn't exist in SP2 afaik.


I'm using SP2 offcourse

This one is brand new to me, thanks a lot mate,

I'll update the post above, but did you try it!?

what is your feedback if you did

also I really appreciate other members feedback for this one.

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You are right on both topic.

Also on the manual setting:

Some services when set to manual will start when requested, other wont. SO you have to start them manually.

For example print spooler (needed for printing or virtualy printing like with some pdf apps) and cryptographic service (needed for windows update, installing wmp 10 and directx...), need to be started.

You can do this by a creating a shortcut with this for Target:

%windir%\System32\net.exe start "nameofservice"

Just click the shorcut and it's done !

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I've learned a lot from all of you, THANKS
For Windows XP, I have a package of registry tweaks that improve system performance considerably and a list of totally Redundant Services that can be shut down to relieve the burden on the CPU and RAM.

your so modest. :)

I challenge you anytime on tweaking perfomance.

If your are as good as your claim, Why dont you share with us ?

Aslo by you math claim are like marketing to my ears. :)

Please post what you are talking about, I'm really very interested to know more, beside many of us here really interested too :thumbup
We all waiting :whistle:
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@Everyone - Please stay on topic. Personal comments will be removed in future.

Sorry, Zxian. :blushing:

Setting the startup type of a service to manual simply means that if the service is called upon, it needs to be started before you can use it. It doesn't change the amount of resources that are used when it is in an idle state (i.e. it's not doing anything). For example, change the "Network Connections" service from manual startup to automatic startup. The resource usage of your system won't change much.

So, someone please bottom-line this for me: Is there any real benefit to setting some services from automatic to manual? My impression so far is that you should just disable what you don't need and leave the rest at their automatic or manual default settings...

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I add this line to my batch file which runs during windows setup. I have been told that it frees resources. I use winrar to open zip and cab files anyway.

ECHO Disabling Windows Built-In .Zip and .Cab Support

REGSVR32 /U /S zipfldr.dll

REGSVR32 /U /S cabview.dll


Also if you disable the windows start music and shutdown music it will speed up the boot process. I find the music annoying also. :P


After i have windows installed and all programs and drivers and other applications on the system i use TuneXP, google it. TuneXP has one function that i find very useful called Ultra-Fast booting (rearrange boot files). It places the but files on the hard disk in optimal layout.

These are just three things i use that i do not believe have been mentioned yet.

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The DNS client won't help your ping times in internet games, since most online games rely on direct IP communication to the server. The game will record the IP of the server you want to speed up access, so that the game doesn't need to wait for DNS lookups to occur.

Thanks for info, I did not know that. Well, since I use tabs, I do not mind, if the page loads in 1 sec or more (this forum loads in 3.4 sec and 1,2 sec if reloaded based on StopWatch). I prefer to disable or block everything with net access, whatever it is.

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Also if you disable the windows start music and shutdown music it will speed up the boot process. I find the music annoying also. :P

Lol, I actually *do* use those sounds to tell me how far along Windows is during a reboot, while I'm doing other stuff.

But I also make my own sounds, usually from movie soundtracks or other ambient sources, cuz I agree that the default sounds are annoying. I also set all the error and notification sounds to a quiet little "beep", so I don't p*ss myself every time Windows wants my attention. :P

Here's a couple from I made from The Bourne Supremecy, if anyone wants 'em. :)


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