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I want to run Vista's M$ games in xp


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I've tried to but it comes back as a non Win32 program.................... :realmad:

Now, that's strange. I thought that it would just give you a DLL error or just refuse to let you play.

I never heard of Vista having so many changes that you're required to have a version for Vista and a version for earlier, except for DirectX.

The only major change that I heard of is with DirectX.

I didn't think that XP would reject the file as "corrupted". I would have instead expect XP to just have a DirectX DLL error instead. Because of DirectX 10. Heard that DirectX 10 won't be backported to Windows XP and earlier!

OK, done ranting, LOL.

Sounds like Microsoft changed the .exe structures for Vista. Likely so that people cough up money for Vista. :(

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Isn't the problem obvious? M$ Windows binaries aren't compatible with MS Windows.

the games used in Vista run with the DX10 DLLs and resoucres, these can't be backported to XP. there was a cleve person earlier on in the beta cycle who ported the games to XP, if you do a search in google i a sure you might be able to still find them

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Isn't the problem obvious? M$ Windows binaries aren't compatible with MS Windows.

the games used in Vista run with the DX10 DLLs and resoucres, these can't be backported to XP. there was a cleve person earlier on in the beta cycle who ported the games to XP, if you do a search in google i a sure you might be able to still find them

Well I tried google and it didn't point to what I wanted so.............

Any links maybe?

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