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:DHello everyone..!!

I came to know about this forum..while I was searching for nLite..and WoW..!! :thumbup This forum is full of knowledge..!!

Well..I'm a newbie to all this stuff.. I have looked into the deepest space of this forum...but I'm still confused about the procedure for making my own customiZed windows XP CD.

I want to integrate --

- Service Pack2 with all updates released till date (Done)

- Some Windows Registry/TCP/IP and other Tweaks (Done)


- Adding Support/my own themes to the installation

(used nLITE uxtheme.dll patch but couldn't see the default XP theme

after installation..may be it was removed :angel )

- Add my own softwares, auto Install during the installation...

- Add more softwares, ..

SO that user can choose between Various apps - Anti-Virus/music player,etc.

- Add Drivers...

Well I don't feel the need for the drivers right now..but for the Software part...I'm really confused..

I have downloaded all the softwares...from KTool, universal switch ... and what not..

but the thing is even If I make all the 7Z packages...how would I integrate them..

moreover...7Z package making tutorial is also not very clear... or may be I'm unable to understand that..!! :whistle:

Well I hope there's some response from you guys..!!

The last thing...I love this forum...you guys...sure have ripped off windows..

:hello: Thank you

and I also wanted to know...How to use... WHUI... can it help me install my softwares..?

and please if you know more tools...please doooo. ...tell me

so that I can make my own CustomiZed WindowsXP CD

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  • 1 month later...

Hi..Thank's for the Reply :)

But I'm still confused..as I still don't get the Tools I should be using ? What I want is.. ::

1) Windows should be installed automatically..No user Configuration..nothing only Option to select Partition.

2) I want to give user an Option to Install applications from a SET of applications, Custom Application Install

Like I want user to choose from - AVG or Clam Anti-virus

and Please I want' to do it some easy way..!!

if anyone can help me please..!!POST

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1- I use these entries in my WINNT.SIF to select and format a partition during Setup:


Autopartition = 0


UnattendMode = DefaultHide


Repartition= "No"

2- There are several apps made by forum members for post installation purposes. Search!

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Okay GuyZ..I've gone through whole ...Stuff and still have some doubts, please help me clear them :-

Just clarify few points that I think are..

1) nLite is used to --

Reduce the size of WindowsXP CD,

Also add Registry/File tweaks,

Integrate HotFix packages,

DOUBT: With nLite AddOn maker I can integrate applications with WindowsXP, BUT I cannot register

or add registration Information to the Registry..?

2) WPI is used to --

Give a list of softwares to install

Automate the Installation of Applications

DOUBT: Can I add Registry settings with WPI ..? they have just given 1 line for adding Registry Info.

DOUBT: Can the user Select which applications to install ..?

3) How are the Batch files executed @ the time of INSTALLATION, I mean to say where should keep the BATCH file that adds all the Registry/CopyRight Information.


PS: Please HELP me out..I'm LOST


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Thank's for the responses..BUT I'm still confused..!! This will be my final post.. I think :(

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

-- I know how to add Wallpapers :: $OEM$/$$/web/Wallpapers.

-- I know how to add Tweaks and Hotfixes to the Distribution.

-- I NOW know HOW to make nLite AddOns, but I want to install Applications Dynamically...!!

-- I started with UnattendXP, but I'm again stuck at the application part.. No Tutorial/HELP on how to integrate an application.

-- I started with WPI, but It gave me an Error, cannot save file > Config.js

-- Auto-IT

A person said that AutoIT Script should be used only when we are unable to find the switch.

The reason..? Don't know.!

I think it may be slow..and

Moreover, I think we need to install Auto-IT scripting Engine before we can start the installation.

-- I read the Unattended XP Guide, that everyone refers too..But it lacks examples and screenshots.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Some last Doubts -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- TELL ME IF I'm NOT CORRECT-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

-- When the Setup executes, we can install Applications in 2 ways - Batch Scripting & RunOneExecMethod

-- Suppose I want to Install O&O Defrag v8.5,

-- I used Universal Switch Finder/Detector/Extractor whatever it is... to find the right switch..It worked fine,

-- I make a Registry File, register.reg so that my product is registered.

-- Now what should I do next ..?

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

This is the Point where I get stuck...and Don't know what to do next.. .? Ofcourse this is a static Method of installing applications and registering them, and I don't want to follow them, BUT I still want to know what's going on..!!!

But when coming to The WPI, which I find is the best utility, the information/help provided is very complex and is OHT (Over Head Transmission). It gives errors.

If anyone of you can explain me how to :

add even a single application, like WinRAR (Silent Install),

registering it,

registering extensions,

and Finally burning the CD.

If anyone of you can just post a STEP-by-STEP Screenshots..please do. a very needy-greedy-serious request.

Thank's everyone, for spending so much time and giving me the answers and making so beautiful tools.

Edited by bgagan911
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My simplistic way:

In dir: ..\I386 I modify the file: WINNT.SIF and add the line at the bottom of:



I create the dir: ..\$OEM$\$1\Install

Make the file: Applications.cmd

Example contents:


ECHO Installing Sun Java VM 1.4.2

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SunJava\jre-1_5_0_06-windows-i586-p.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore IEXPLORER=1"



ECHO Installing Active State PERL v5.8.8.819

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\Perl\ActivePerl- /quiet /norestart


You can do the same for adding reg entries, if you search the forms they give a lot of information on this stuff:










http://www.advancedinstaller.com/ -- Create you own installers for free (lazy way)

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