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Advise for upgrade WPI 4.35 to 5.3

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Since a year i used WPI 4.3.5 with success. :D

Because progs/appz update, i start rebuilding a new Unattended DVD using this time WPI 5.3

1) Can i still launch wpi.cmd from winnt.sif?

In fact, because i have 2 CD-ROM drive installed. A For-In-Do with a File/folder/volumename check searches all drives (C-Z), including a second CD drive that it may or may not have a CD in. Empty CD drives (and other drive types such as Iomega Rev) will cause errors when the Windows shell tries to check them for a file, or a label or whatever. Windows will put a dialog up on the screen and halt the installation until you respond: "'Windows No Disk' 'There is no disk in the drive. [Cancel] [Try Again] [Continue]"

More info regarding CD detection HERE

here my files:




@Echo OFF
Setlocal enableextensions

Set MapCDPath=%SystemDrive%\Install

:: Capture CD drive letter inside MapCD.cmd, which can now be called.
:: from any other script.

If Not Exist %MapCDPath%\. MD %MapCDPath% >Nul
> %MapCDPath%\MapCD.cmd Echo. @Echo Off
>> %MapCDPath%\MapCD.cmd Echo. Set CDROM=%~d0

Goto :EOF


@Echo Off


:: After having called MakMapCD.cmd from CmdLines.txt, the next line should
:: be executed in EVERY command script that requires %CDROM%.
Call %SystemDrive%\Install\MapCD.cmd

:: REM set wpipath=%~dp0
set wpipath=%CDROM%\Software\WPI

:: REM Hide this command window.
%wpipath%\Tools\cmdow.exe @ /hid

:: REM Special registry tweak needed.
regedit /s "%wpipath%\common\wpi.reg"

:: REM Make WPI directory the current directory.
for /f "delims=: tokens=1" %%i in ("%wpipath%") do %%i:
cd "%CDROM%"

:: REM Start WPI and wait for its end
start /wait %CDROM%\Software\WPI\WPI.hta

:: REM Cleaning up the desktop.
del /s/q "%userprofile%\desktop\*.lnk"

:: REM Rebooting the sytem to finalize the installation process.
:: --shutdown.exe -r -f -t 30 -c "To finish installations WPI will now reboot in 30 sec..."

Goto :EOF

2) Does DotNetFramework2 should be installed before launching WPI 5.3?

TNX for yr help


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TNX sadicq for this enlighten.

BTW, as far as i understand from yr conclusuon of THIS POST you recommend "to NOT use winnt.sif because RunOnce was not doing its job".

Do I undersatnd well?

Am I concerned (see my files above)?



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You can use it as it does it's job pretty well. That post is exactly what I used for the last 10 DVDs or so.

Now I call some exes from the runonceex, but that's my way anyway.

There's no other problem with the migration.

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Sorry for bothering you again, i want 100% understanding.

You can use it as it does it's job pretty well.
Are you speaking about your files HERE or my files here above?
That post is exactly what I used for the last 10 DVDs or so.

Now I call some exes from the runonceex, but that's my way anyway.

May you let me know how look's the wpi.cmd file called from yr RunOnceEx.cmd.



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Both of them are working.

Actually WPI 5.0 introduces new features, trying to maintain backwards compatibility.

The content of my wpi.cmd is pretty much like yours is, but unfortunatelly I can't post it as I'm not at home at the moment.

My advice is to keep your current layout and remove that reg file. That's it.

It should work flawlessly. :yes:

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