amirali_esh Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 i could make a bootable xp-cd work with that svcpack-method!it's really pretty cool and much faster than adding the "Q"-files by a batch script.the only thing that didn't work was adding any KB-files to that whole svcpack installation method. since microsoft only mentions "Q" files in that manual (see link above), it's seems not to be intended to work with KB-files...Leave the microsoft guide alone. it doesn't make any difference. See mine : svcpack.inf[Version]Signature="$Windows NT$"MajorVersion=5MinorVersion=1BuildNumber=2600[SetupData]CatalogSubDir="\i386\svcpack"[ProductCatalogsToInstall]Q322011.catQ323255.catQ327979.catQ328310.catQ329048.catQ329115.catQ329170.catQ329256.catQ329390.catQ329441.catQ329692.catQ329834.catQ330512.catQ331953.catQ810032.catQ810243.catQ8[SetupHotfixesToRun]Q322011.exe -q -n -zQ323255.exe -q -n -zQ327979.exe -q -n -zQ328310.exe -q -n -zQ329048.exe -q -n -zQ329115.exe -q -n -zQ329170.exe -q -n -zQ329256.exe -q -n -zQ329390.exe -q -n -zQ329441.exe -q -n -zQ329692.exe -q -n -zQ329834.exe -q -n -zQ330512.exe -q -n -zQ331953.exe -q -n -zQ810032.exe -q -n -zQ810243.exe -q -n -zQ810565.exe -q -n -zQ810577.exe -q -n -zQ810833.exe -q -n -zQ811114.exe -q -n -zQ811493.exe -q -n -zQ811630.exe -q -n -zQ812035.exe -q -n -zQ812415.exe -q -n -zQ814033.exe -q -n -zQ814995.exe -q -n -zQ815021.exe -q -n -zQ815485.exe -q -n -zQ817287.exe -q -n -zQ817606.exe -q -n -zkb282010.exe -q -n -zkb820128.exe -q -n -zkb820291.exe -q -n -zkb821253.exe -q -n -zkb821557.exe -q -n -zkb821581.exe -q -n -z kb822603.exe -q -n -zkb823559.exe -q -n -zkb823980.exe -q -n -zjs56nen.exe /q:a /r:nq822925.exe /q:a /r:nq330994.exe /q:a /r:n
amirali_esh Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 To royalbox, That's a very nice script. Could you modify to update files inside too? One more thing what does swith -zx21 do? I usually use compress -r -z filename.ext.Thnx
webmedic Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 I cant find compress anyplace but I do know that xp comes with make cab. What is the difference? Wont make cab do the same thing?As for folder two it is just the working folder. Were all the work is done.
Tbone2 Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 boy that was easy.... will be trying the cd tomorrow . cross your fingers.
Mike500 Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 I don't think i'll go through this... first i thought "hmm maybe this is really more stable and stuff", but i tried the traditional method - hotfix.cmd - on a Celeron 300A with 96 MB RAM at 66 MHz FSB, and what can i say, it worked fine! So what is the big advantage of the new method? I mean, the end result counts...?
webmedic Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Ive tried on this latest scvpack stuff and it works fine for teh older service packs but not th newer ones. I have changed the sysntax of the file to get them to extract but it still dose not work here goes anybody got any ideas on this.@echo offsetlocal enableextensions:: check if hotfix file existsif not exist 1\*.exe goto _end:: delete any files in extract folderif exist 4\* del /s /q 4\*:: extract hotfix to extract folderfor /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 1\*.exe`) do echo 1\%%~ni.exe /q /x:4 >> 1$x$.cmdcall 1$x$.cmd:: del $x$.cmd:: extract hotfix to extract folder thisis for newer style hot fixes for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 2\*.exe`) do echo 2\%%~ni.exe /Q /C /T:4 >> 2$x$.cmdcall 2$x$.cmd:: del $x$.cmd:: extract hotfix to extract folder thisis for newer style hot fixes for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\*.exe`) do echo 3\%%~ni.exe /Q /C /T:4 >> 3$x$.cmdcall 3$x$.cmd:: del $x$.cmd:: check extraction took placeif not exist 4\* goto _end:: create svcpack folder in output folderif not exist 5\svcpack md 5\SVCPACK:: move hotfix to svcpack foldercopy /y 1\*.exe 5\svcpackcopy /y 2\*.exe 5\svcpackcopy /y 3\*.exe 5\svcpack:: delete unwanted files from extract folderfor /f %%i in (files\hotkill.ini) do del /f /q /s 4\%%ifor /f %%i in (files\hotkill.ini) do del /f /q /s 4\sp2\%%i:: move cat files to svcpack folderfor %%i in (4\update\*.cat 4\sp2\update\*.cat) do move /y %%i 5\svcpack:: compress files and copy to output folderbin\compress.exe -d -r -zx21 4\* 5bin\compress.exe -d -r -zx21 4\sp2\* 5rem create svcpack.inf fileecho [Version] > 5\svcpack.infecho Signature="$Windows NT$" >> 5\svcpack.infecho MajorVersion=5 >> 5\svcpack.infecho MinorVersion=1 >> 5\svcpack.infecho BuildNumber=2600 >> 5\svcpack.infecho. >> 3\svcpack.infecho [SetupData] >> 5\svcpack.infecho CatalogSubDir="\i386\svcpack" >> 5\svcpack.infecho. >> 3\svcpack.infecho [SetupHotfixesToRun] >> 5\svcpack.inffor /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 1\svcpack\*.exe`) do echo %%~ni.exe /n /q /u /z >> 5\svcpack.inffor /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 2\svcpack\*.exe`) do echo %%~ni.exe /Q:A /R:N >> 5\svcpack.inffor /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\svcpack\*.exe`) do echo %%~ni.exe /Q /C:"dahotfix /q /n >> 5\svcpack.infecho. >> 3\svcpack.infecho [ProductCatalogsToInstall] >> 3\svcpack.inffor /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\svcpack\*.cat`) do echo >> 3\svcpack.inf:: compress svcpack.infbin\compress.exe -d -r -zx21 3\svcpack.inf:: comment out the next line if you want to examing svcpack.inf afterwards.:: del /q 3\svcpack.inf:: copy winnt.sif to output folderif exist files\winnt.sif xcopy /y files\winnt.sif 3:: copy dosnet.inf to output folderif exist files\dosnet.inf xcopy /y files\dosnet.inf 3:: clean upif exist 1\* del /s /q 1\*if exist 2\* del /s /q 2\*if exist 3\* del /s /q 3\*goto _end:_end
creopard Posted August 22, 2003 Author Posted August 22, 2003 Leave the microsoft guide alone. it doesn't make any difference. See mine : svcpack.infthat works?did you add anything to "dosnet.inf"?
amirali_esh Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 that works?did you add anything to "dosnet.inf"?Yes, I have added : [OptionalSrcDirs]svcpack
amirali_esh Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Ive tried on this latest scvpack stuff and it works fine for teh older service packs but not th newer ones. I have changed the sysntax of the file to get them to extract but it still dose not work here goes anybody got any ideas on this.I'm not good at batch scripts but by using -U -X:destdir you can extract any hotfix. For example : KB******.exe -U -X:C:\Temp
creopard Posted August 22, 2003 Author Posted August 22, 2003 @amirali_esh: i've tried it the way, you suggested... it actually doesn't work. windows doesn't report any error, but also won't update any files. it's easy to figure it out, if you check whether the IE cumulative patch has been installed, see whether "ntdll.dll" got a new version number (>1106), only works, if you also add the altered files to "dosnet.inf" as suggested in that microsoft guide.
Spheris Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 here's a quick guideline for you guys to follow. Though it looks like the majority are well on your way with it. Some incredibly inventive scripting happening with some of you. Now if we can just use those powers for good but seriouslythis is taken from my own cd.there is no means to update the sp1 or driver cab, nor is one needed if the hotfix packs are delivered correctly.DOSNET.INF {content}[Version]signature="$Windows NT$"DriverVer=07/01/2001,5.1.2600.1106[Directories]d1 = \I386d2 = \cmpnents\tabletpc\I386d3 = \cmpnents\mediactr\I386d4 = \cmpnents\netfx\I386[OptionalSrcDirs]\I386\SVCPACK[Miscellaneous]ProductType = 0MinimumMemory = 67108864DestinationPlatform = i386ServicePack = 1.0[unsupportedArchitectures]halcbus.dll = %cbus2_mp%halcbusm.dll = %cbusmc_mp%halmca.dll = %mca_up%halmpsm.dll = %mps_mca_mp%halncr.dll = %ncr_mp%missprocfeat = %missing_proc_feat%SRVPACK.INF {contents}[Version]Signature="$Windows NT$"BuildNumber=2600MajorVersion=5MinorVersion=1[setupData]CatalogSubDir="I386\SVCPACK"[setupHotfixesToRun]Q282010.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q322011.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q322069.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q323183.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q323255.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q327979.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q328310.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q329048.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q329115.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q329170.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q329256.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q329390.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q329441.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q329604.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q329623.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q329834.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q330994.EXE /Q:A /R:NQ330512.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q330909.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q331953.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q331958.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q810032.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q810243.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q810272.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q810565.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q810577.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q810833.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q811114.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q811493.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q811630.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q812035.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q812415.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q814033.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q814995.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q815021.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q815485.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q816073.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q817287.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q817606.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q818043.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q818529.EXE /Q:A /R:NQ819696.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q820128.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q820291.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q821253.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q821557.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q821581.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q822603.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q823559.EXE /Q /U /Z /N Q823980.EXE /Q /U /Z /N DX90AMDX.EXE /Q:A /R:NVBS56NEN.EXE /Q:A /R:NJS56NEN.EXE /Q:A /R:NQCHAIN.EXEDX9NTOPK.EXEWMP9MM2.EXE[ProductCatalogsToInstall]Q817287.catkb282010.catkb815021.catkb819696.catkb820128.catkb820291.catkb821253.catkb821557.catkb821581.catkb822603.catkb823559.catkb823980.catq322011.catq323183.catq323255.catq327979.catq328310.catq329048.catq329115.catq329170.catq329256.catq329390.catq329441.catq329604.catq329623.catq329834.catq330512.catq330909.catq331953.catq331958.catq810032.catq810243.catq810272.catq810565.catq810577.catq810833.catq811114.catq811493.catq811630.catq812035.catq812415.catq814033.catq814995.catq815021.catq815485.catq816073.catq817606.catq818043.catq819696.catQ330994.catQ818529.cathotfix exe's go to SVCPACK dircat files go to SVCPACK dirunpack of files to i386 is unnecessary - burn and install
Spheris Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 On a last notethe notes on adding the dlls and such from the hotfixes to the i386 are best practice scenarios. Not requisite.
neophyte Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 On a last notethe notes on adding the dlls and such from the hotfixes to the i386 are best practice scenarios. Not requisite.So now I know! Wheee! I guess I might try it after all.Perhaps a more complete guide on this is in order though.So that DOSNET.INF file is all that needs updating?What about the SVCPACK.IN_ file?
creopard Posted August 22, 2003 Author Posted August 22, 2003 for those of you that want to add "xp-antispy", get the zip-version put in in your install folder and add following to your batch:echo Starte XP-AntiSpy 3.72echo.start /wait %systemdrive%\install\xp-antispy.exe" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32echo.echo 0 == Alexa Registry Eintrag entfernenecho 1 == Lizenzen nicht automatisch erwerbenecho 2 == Identifikation des Players durch Internetsites nicht zulassenecho 3 == Automatischen Codec-Download deaktivierenecho 4 == Fehlerberichterstattung ausschaltenecho 5 == Fehlerberichterstattung auch nicht bei schwerwiegenden Fehlernecho 6 == Keine geplanten Updatesecho 7 == Keine Überprüfung auf Updatesecho 8 == Integrierte Windows Authentifizierung deaktivierenecho 9 == Dienst für Fehlerberichterstattung deaktivierenecho 10 == Dienst für automatische Updates deaktivierenecho 11 == Dienst zur Zeitsynchronisation deaktivierenecho 12 == Dienst für den Taskplaner deaktivierenecho 14 == MSMessenger: Nicht mit Windows startenecho 15 == MSMessenger: Deinstallierenecho 16 == MS Supportbenutzer entfernenecho 17 == Regsvr32: Regwizc.dllecho 18 == Regsvr32: licdll.dllecho 19 == Explorer: Remotedesktopunterstützung ausschaltenecho 20 == RegDone auf 1 setzenecho 21 == Internetzeit nicht automatisch synchronisierenecho 22 == BalloonTips nicht mehr Anzeigenecho 23 == Auslagerungsdatei beim Herunterfahren löschenecho 24 == MS Messenger nicht mit Outlook Express startenecho 25 == UPNP Service deaktivierenecho 26 == Bandbreitenbeschränkung aufhebenecho 27 == OfficeXP: Keine Fehlerberichte sendenecho 28 == Fast shutdown aktivierenecho 29 == Maximal mögliche Anzahl der gleichzeitigen Verbindungen zu einem http server auf 10 erhöhenecho 30 == Eingebautes zip tool deaktivierenecho 31 == Nachrichtendienst deaktivierenecho 32 == Autovervollständigen für Webformulare deaktivierenECHO.each number applies to an option within the tool...
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