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[Help] Can't boot XP


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unfortunately I had to reinstall Windows cause PartitionMagic f***ed up the MFT of 2 partitions, but I could restore the whole data with "Restorer2000".

At this chance I've changed the whole partitions of my main HDD and reinstalled Windows XP. Now there's a problem: Windows won't boot without the Windows CD! If it's not inserted, there comes the following error: "DISK BOOT FAILURE. INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER".

I've tried something else. After installing ubuntu, it writes GRUB into the MBR. But same problem here: GRUB doesn't appear when I reboot. If I try to boot the 1st Harddisk from the ubuntu-CD, there comes the following error:

Booting from local disk
isolinux: Disk error 05, AX = 0000, drive 80

Boot failed: press a key to retry...

I've found something in the Ubuntu forums and made a BIOS upgrade, but didn't help.

If I boot from the Windows-CD, GRUB is there and I can boot what I want (Linux, Windows).

Last but not least: I've disconnected the IDE drive for a while and installed Windows XP on one of the SATA drives. Same problem here: It doesn't boot! Only when the CD is inserted and the following boot sequence is configured:

1st: Floppy

2nd: CD

3rd: HDD

If I swap the 2nd and 3rd the CD boots into the Windows installation.

What could this be? It seems the MBR is corrupted and can't be repaired the normal ways. I've also tried "fixmbr" and "fixboot" without any success and the MBR options of "TestDisk" too.

Please help me! Thanks a lot,


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1. Boot from your XP Install CD.

2. Choose "R" for recovery console..

3. Run the "fix mbr" command.

4. Say yes to replace..

Finally, stop using Partition Magic. It is known for doing this..

Example.. Search google for "Partition Magic fix mbr".. This is great when it works correctly.. But that problem with the MBR is a PITA.

BTW, the cd lets the os load from the HD as you noted.. Because it bypasses the MBR.. I tink I worded that correctly.. Anyway.. Just run the stuff above..

Edited by bilemke
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If the above doesn't work a corrupt HD boot sector (not necessarily the MBR as such, because GRUB is still there) is also plausible. Perhaps your HD is faulty.

Go back to the basics. Check the BIOS boot settings again, including the SATA boot options. Ensure there's nothing in the floppy drive. Do a repair installation or start all over. Do a check disk.

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Booting from local disk
isolinux: Disk error 05, AX = 0000, drive 80

Boot failed: press a key to retry...

This looks like a hardware problem, specfically the mobo. Error 05 is "disk controller reset failed".
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