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Windows 2003 PostSP1 Update Pack


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Windows 2003 Update Pack

its a Direct Integration pack just like RyanVM's Windows XP pakc the only diffrence its for Windows 2003 (32bit)

a download link and more info can be found here


to integrate this pack you will either need to use

RVM Integrator which can be found on RyanVMs website


Nlite which can be found on this forum

Any feed back would be great!


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  • 2 weeks later...

WS2k3 & XP64, are going to get an SP2 soon....

I do appreciate your effort, just wanted to mention that an offical SP was round the corner already. :)

Don't worry I know :P I have been making this pack for over a year on and off, this is jsut the latest version

"Windows Server 2003 SP2 to be released 2nd half of 2006"

a beta is out but thats it, I will be greatfull when they do release it as I will be back to nice small back again, Im glade I dnt maintain RyanVMs pack. he does a great job :thumbup

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Its nice someone has produced an update pack.

If Sp2 is just round the corner, its about time. Waiting for Windows2k3 SP2 has been like waiting for XP SP2 or 2k3 SP1 - with no proper release schedule, delays and no beta easily available to the general public. Nor has there been an official update pack since Win2000sp4rp1.

If there was some sort of consistency on MS's part then user communities wouldn't need to produce these things in the first place.

All the same nice one codejunkie :D

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WS2003 SP2 has been scheduled for Q4 2006 for a while now. Anyone with a Live account could join the beta at connect.microsoft.com. And boooggy, the WS2003 SP2 Connect homepage says this "Welcome to the Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 Beta Release". Only thing I'm upset about is that I've reported so many bugs, including a few major security flaws, and Microsoft has thus far pushed them off as not being a priority and deciding to not fix it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
sp2 is not beta...yet.

not that I am aware of, its got to Beta


Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 Technical Beta

...its the first link on google results titled MSDN Subscriptions WebLog : Windows Server 2003 SP2 Beta 1 and ...

I'd have though you of all people boooggy, would have known about it...


I forgot to add that Microsoft's WSUS 3.0 Beta is OK, but I cant see much of an improvement, you still cant filter out results that are not applicable...IE Windows XP SP2 system and still shows PostSP1 updates...why? as well as 64bit updates when its an x86 system...cant filter out obsolete updates. Its incredibly CPU and HD intense, Id recommend RAID0 and Dual core CPU

Perhaps an update 'tree' with the current version at the top and the older versions within the tree

Edited by codejunkie
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That's both good and bad news ine one post (kinda mixed feelings). I wonder if SP2 will also be for R2, since it's built more or less on top of 2003 SP1 (you install the other CD after). I'm hoping so (haven't heard much about SP2 for 2003 yet)

Bad news for WSUS though. I was hoping for a good improvement, and it's not looking like it really delivers (based on what you said). A bit like MMC 3, which didn't seem to change a whole lot so far. The only "real" improvement seems to be support for SQL Server 2005, then it's all minor things like views/filtering. Also, it seemingly runs on win2003 only (2k unsupported) - and if it needs beefy hardware like you say, then it's sounding like a fairly expensive upgrade (new hardware + win2003 license) for a free product (after all, we're using this just because it's cheap - or cheaper than SMS that is). Oh well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
That's both good and bad news ine one post (kinda mixed feelings). I wonder if SP2 will also be for R2, since it's built more or less on top of 2003 SP1 (you install the other CD after). I'm hoping so (haven't heard much about SP2 for 2003 yet)

Bad news for WSUS though. I was hoping for a good improvement, and it's not looking like it really delivers (based on what you said). A bit like MMC 3, which didn't seem to change a whole lot so far. The only "real" improvement seems to be support for SQL Server 2005, then it's all minor things like views/filtering. Also, it seemingly runs on win2003 only (2k unsupported) - and if it needs beefy hardware like you say, then it's sounding like a fairly expensive upgrade (new hardware + win2003 license) for a free product (after all, we're using this just because it's cheap - or cheaper than SMS that is). Oh well.

SP2 will not add anything to R2, R2 is complete separate, yes it has to be compatible with it but its just like WMP, IIS. It's an optional sub component the only difference between then and WMP & IIS..ETC is that is not free and has its own SPs is some way its more like Microsoft Office or SQL Server but it just happens to be more integrated into the system

When referring to WSUS 2.0 & 3.0 (Beta 2) the specs I recommended where for optimum performance, its works on my Pentium III 933 with 768MB SDRAM and IDE66 interface but it does take along time compiling the reports and loading MMC 3.0 Plug-ins that are required for it. I preferred 2.0's take on it with the web based management but you were restricted to IE6+, I should leave some feed back on WSUS 3.0...Another time...maybe.

I ran a WSUS service from a VM PC on my Athlon64 3000+ I didn’t want it to be on a VM PC so I moved it. I didn’t really take much notice of its performance as I wasn’t generating reports I was just changing the options and Syncing my other WSUS server off it.

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