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Anyone help me with a batch file?


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So I need a batch file for some systems at work. Basicaly, we need it to look in a dir. and delete a couple directorys that are not at least a specific data size. Then after deleteing all the dirs, leaving the correct one, I need to locate and destroy a specific file within it. the problem is the dir. is never the same, but they all have the same format "Netfragz#".

If anyone thinks they can help me with this project I'd appreciate it.

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It shouldn't be a problem.

Can you post a dir of an example directory tree?

Just issue from command prompt DIR > C:\testdir.txt

A basic idea:

@echo off & setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS
::by Jacopo Lazzari
::thanks to Rob van Der Woude for the examples, tutorials and
::info on his page http://www.robvanderwoude.com/
::and to Simon Sheppard http://www.ss64.com/
::Usage: Dirsize <PATH> [size to compare]
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir/w/s/-c %1 ^|findstr "File"') do (
set sizeline=%%a
echo Directory %1 - %sizeline%
for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ("%sizeline%") do set dsize=%%a
SET dsize
SET limit=%2
SET /A Result = (%dsize% - %limit%)
SET result
SET minus=%result:~0,1%
SET minus
IF "%minus%."=="-." (
echo %dsize% is smaller than %limit%
) ELSE (
echo %dsize% is bigger than %limit%


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Re: jaclaz

Basicaly, we use a special login system for Counter-Strike @ my work (Internet Cafe). The way it works, is it connects to a server that holds 30 Steam Logins, and that server manages available logins (NetFragz1-30). When a client logs into the server to request an ID, it checks for "C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/NetFragz#". If that folder exists, it renames it to NetFragz# (where # = the number of the login it just recived). If that folder does not exist, it creates a new one in place of it, and then copys the dir to it on demand from the server. For some reason though, it won't catch the NetFragz# folder, and it simply makes a new one.

The problem with this, is now the clients have to re-download everything from the back server on demand, and then all the custom items from the servers like sound files, maps, models, and crap like that. This wouldn't be too big of an issue, but to make an example. The correct folder size is ~4.7g. When I see incorrect folders in the client comps, they are ~50meg - ~300 meg. This puts a large load on our network, not to mention wasted harddrive space on the computers (all 50 + servers). On occasion, I find as many as 5 folders anywhere from 150megs-300megs. It also messes with out 3'rd party steam games. Those must be placed in a specific location within the dir, or else they will not launch correctly. I.E. for one of them, they must be in "C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/NetFragz#/halflife/vs" but instead it is placed into "C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/NetFragz#/vs".

You can see the dillema. So the code would basicly need to do the following:

Connect to remote computer (list of remote computers, or possibly added to the startup files on the local system), and scan "C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/" for -folders- less then ~4g, and then delete them.

Then it needs to locate the 1 folder that is bigger then ~4g, and rename it to NetFragz1.

I'd also need to put in some other lines, but those I can do myself. Just typical search and destroy within the folder once it is named NetFragz1. The biggest thing though, is within that dir there are some files ranging from 100megs-2g, they are not folders, so it needs to leave those in tact.

Any help would be appreciated.

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If I have got it right, this should work:

@echo off & setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS
::by Jacopo Lazzari
::thanks to Rob van Der Woude for the examples, tutorials and
::info on his page http://www.robvanderwoude.com/
::and to Simon Sheppard http://www.ss64.com/

::Following five lines must be customized to actual paths:
Set SERVER_SHARE=C_on_server
Set SERVER_PATH=\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps
Set SERVER_DIR=\NetFragz
Set Limit=4500000000
::Above five lines must be customized to actual paths


ECHO Folder %BASE_PATH% does not exist!
Echo Exiting batch...

Set Number=1


ECHO Checking folder %SERVER_DIR%%Number% ....
IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ECHO Folder does not exist... &GOTO :Skip

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir/w/s/-c %FULL_PATH% ^|findstr "File"') do (
set sizeline=%%a
if not defined sizeline set sizeline=%Limit%

echo Directory %SERVER_DIR%%Number% - %sizeline%
for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ("%sizeline%") do set dsize=%%a
SET /A Result = (%dsize% - %Limit%)
SET minus=%result:~0,1%

IF "%minus%"=="-" (
echo %dsize% is smaller than %Limit%
echo Are you sure you want to delete it?
echo Press Ctrl+C to abort

IF %number%==1 goto :Skip

Echo Folder %SERVER_DIR%%Number% is bigger than limit
Echo but a folder named %SERVER_DIR%1 already exists!
Echo Skipping...
GOTO :Skip

Set /A Number=%number%+1
If not %Number%==31 goto :loop

You must set your exact paths and size limit (in bytes).

As it is, it skips ANY folder bigger than size limit, after the first one has been found and (if not already #1) copied to folder#1.

Please adapt it to your exact needs and report (hopefully) success.


P.S.: Double check line breaks inserted by board software, this:

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir/w/s/-c %FULL_PATH% ^|findstr

"File"') do (

must be on the same line

Edited by jaclaz
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