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Hi all,

i wanan to know if this possible to play .mp3 or any other extention rather than .wav in windows backgound.

There are some crack that play music in there background :w00t:

How this action can be done?


Er... Windows Media Player???

If it's windows setup installation background, try googling for mplayer.


1st thanks for ur reply,

Er... Windows Media Player???

( i prefer winamp for .mp3 files) :blink:

Nooo i wanna to play it in windows background without any player.

If it's windows setup installation background, try googling for mplayer.

No it isn't. :no:

Any ideas ....

Posted (edited)

Well you need something to play music don't you :P

Most media players work if you simply minimize them. WMP has a "toolbar mode" which is kinda like a remote control.

Winamp should work just by minimizing it. But what M$ call "integrated music and video playback in windows" is WMP.

Edited by T D

thanx for reply

Well you need something to play music don't you :P

Most media players work if you simply minimize them. WMP has a "toolbar mode" which is kinda like a remote control.

Winamp should work just by minimizing it. But what M$ call "integrated music and video playback in windows" is WMP.

this not wat i'm wanna.

What i'm wanna is play music in background of my setup without any use of any player

Hope that it's clear now




Uhmmm you cant play an MP3, or anything for that matter without a player, there are ways for the player to play it without the user knowing, but you must have a player to play a song in the first place.


The question is during Windows setup, if that is the case, you will not be able to do so, as their would not be any support for that format nor any media player to play it for you. You are out of luck if that is the case.

If you are creating a custom setup of another application (Windows is installed and fuctioning) then i is a matter of editing a few line in the script or adding the script for it.


1st thanx for ur reply :hello:

The question is during Windows setup, if that is the case, you will not be able to do so, as their would not be any support for that format nor any media player to play it for you. You are out of luck if that is the case.

If you are creating a custom setup of another application (Windows is installed and fuctioning) then i is a matter of editing a few line in the script or adding the script for it.

the 2nd one is not exactly wat i'm wanna but Can u tell me one of this program ?

What i'm wanna is : let us say that u have program called ABC.exe when u D-click on it. it start it's job and there is a sound (Music) that play while this program is running.

btw the ABC.exe don't need a setup

i hope that is clear now.




I get it. But you didn't say during setup ;)

Google for mplayer. But do NOT execute it at T-39 w/Detachedprogram at winnt.sif because your sound drivers won't be installed.

There is also something called a stereo if you're interested... it costs around £/$10 at cheapest :P

Posted (edited)

@ Shindo_Hikaru,

1st thanx for ur reply

playing media, espcially mp3 in the backgroud would require Windows Media Player, however their is some players that can do that as well but require some intense configureation
For WMP i have it but what is the configuration that u mean ?!!



1st thanx for ur reply

play and hide winamp ... winamp can do that.... i think
How this action can be done !!


@T D,

1st thanx for ur reply

I get it. But you didn't say during setup
i don't wanna it during setup

Check this

btw the ABC.exe don't need a setup


There is also something called a stereo if you're interested... it costs around £/$10 at cheapest
No thanx i don't need thi$.



How i can play music in customer PC if he/she don't have WMP or Winamp on there PC?!

Sorry if this statment is illegal

If any one try to use any key**n before. There are some of them that play music when u run them

This is exactly what i'm wanna to do



Edited by xtremee

If you want some background music when users install your app, InstallShield is the tool.

If you want to have some background music while INSTALLING windows, I dont think you can (codec+sound drivers should be loaded).

If you want music when users run your application, then it all comes in your coding.

Posted (edited)

1st thanx for ur reply,

If you want some background music when users install your app, InstallShield is the tool.

If you want to have some background music while INSTALLING windows, I dont think you can (codec+sound drivers should be loaded).

If you want music when users run your application, then it all comes in your coding.

u mean if i make program with C# or C++ or even VB there is a code that will allow me to get this action !!



Edited by xtremee

Yes, doing it in your app will be easy.

Check out Managed DirectX SDK, there are examples on audio playback.

If you're using vb, you can always try to embed your audio files in resource files. I don't know for mp3 but I know it can be done with wav files.

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