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[Release] WIHU alphabetic sorter

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Posted (edited)

Hi everybody. :hello:

For my own needs I coded an alphabetic sorter for WIHU.

It has been harsh and I had to start it again from scratch but now it's ready.

I've tested it a bit and all I can say is it's really nice.

The thing was to use a recursive function with two parameters : the old "rank" and the new "rank".

I always wondered why there was these stupid variables visibility rules but now, I enjoy them, no, I LOVE them : the function sorts a "level", enters the first sublevel it finds by calling itself, the sublevel is sorted and the apps goes back to the first level.


Index : the last value in description.x.y.z; here : z.

Level : description.x.y.z.k where k changes, description.x.y.2.0, description.x.y.2.1, description.x.y.2.2, description.x.y.2.6, description.x.y.2.38 are in the same level (here .x.y.2), description.x.y.3.4 is not.

Sublevel : .x.y.z.k.p where k changes.

Here is the code (AutoHotKey):

Loop, %0% {
if (%A_Index% = "/CLEAN")

Gui, Add, Text, y9, Input file :
Gui, Add, Edit, vsource x15 w300
Gui, Add, Button, gBrowseInput x320 y27 w60, Browse
Gui, Add, Text, x10, Output File :
Gui, Add, Edit, vout x15 w300
Gui, Add, Button, gBrowseOutput x320 y74 w60, Browse
Gui, Add, Text, x10, Maximal Index :
Gui, Add, DDL, vmax w60 x15, 10|20|40|60|80||100|120|150|180|200
Gui, Add, Button, gRun x170 y144 w50, Run!
Gui, Show

Gui, +OwnDialogs
FileSelectFile, source, 1, %A_ScriptDir%\install.ini, Please select the file to be sorted.
GuiControl,, source, %source%
Gui, Submit
if (!out) {
StringGetPos, pos, source, `\, R
StringTrimRight, out, source, Strlen(source)-pos-1
GuiControl,, out, %out%\install_sorted.ini
Gui, Show

Gui, +OwnDialogs
if (out)
FileSelectFile, out, S2, %out%\install_sorted.ini, Please select where to place the file once sorted.
FileSelectFile, out, S2, %A_ScriptDir%\install_sorted.ini, Please select where to place the file once sorted.
if (out)
GuiControl,, out, %out%
Gui, Show

Gui, Submit
Gui, +OwnDialogs
IfNotExist, %source%
MsgBox, 0, Error!, Input file could not be found
Goto, ShowMain
if (source=out) {
MsgBox, 0, Error, Input and output files must be different!`r`nPlease change this.
Goto, ShowMain
MsgBox, 0, Processing..., The script will take some time to complete.`r`nPlease press OK and wait.
FileDelete, %out%
Loop, Read, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt ;parses sections to sort
Write("","", "description") ;calls the write function for each item (exceptionnal one)
Write("", "", "command")
Write("", "", "selected")
Write("", "", "hidden")
Write("", "", "collapsed")
Write("", "", "locked")
Write("", "", "disabled")
Write("", "", "group")
Write("", "", "flags")
Write("", "", "workdir")
Write("", "", "helptext")
Write("", "", "ext_creator_switchtype")
Write("", "", "ext_creator_switchtype")

Sort(oldlevel="", newlevel="") { ;the main function, recursively called
Global max, source, out, section
Loop, %max% {
i:=A_Index - 1 ;WIHU's first index is 0 whereas AHK's one is 1
IniRead, iuv, %source%, %section%, description%oldlevel%.%i%, %A_Space% ;retrieves sections description
if (iuv="") ;avoid adding non-existant indexes
if (Names) ;appends a semi-column and the section name (iuv) with its old index (@i) to the list, except if ...
Names:=Names ";" iuv "@" i
else ;... except if the list is empty (would bug otherwise)
Names:=iuv "@" i
Sort, Names, D`;
StringSplit, Names, Names, `;
Loop, %Names0% {
i:=A_Index - 1 ;same as before : WIHU's first index is 0 whereas AHK's one is 1
Stringsplit, oldrank, Names%A_Index%, `@ ;retrieves old index
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "description") ;calls the write function for each item
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "command")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "selected")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "hidden")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "collapsed")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "locked")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "disabled")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "group")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "flags")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "workdir")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "helptext")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "ext_creator_switchtype")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "ext_creator_originalcommand")
IniRead, iuv, %source%, %section%, description%oldlevel%.%oldrank2%.0, %A_Space% ;is there a deeper level to sort ?
if (iuv!="")
Sort(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i) ;recursive call because when there is a deeper level

FileRead, sorted, %out% ;needed for the three followig lines
StringReplace, sorted, sorted, description, `r`ndescription, All ;adds linefeeds so the file can be read by an human
StringReplace, sorted, sorted, [, `r`n[, All ;same
StringReplace, sorted, sorted, ]`r`n, ], All ;removes some non-necessary linefeeds introduced just before
StringReplace, sorted, sorted, `r`n[, [ ; removes the first linefeed
FileDelete, %out% ;deletes the file so...
FileAppend, %sorted%, %out% ;it can be 'overwritten'

MsgBox, 0, Operation Complete, Input file has been sorted.


Write(old, new, var) { ;the function used to write in the ini
global source, out, section, CLEAN
IniRead, iuv, %source%, %section%, %var%%old%, %A_Space% ;retrieves the old value
if (iuv or !CLEAN) ;keys with empty values are not copied over, should *maybe* be changed
IniWrite, %iuv%, %out%, %section%, %var%%new% ;writes the new value


-sublevels are only detected if there is a ".0" description : imagine you are at .0.2.1 level. If there is no "description." INI-key, then the sublevel will not be seen or sorted; this could lead to some problems, take care! (first level is an exception : description.0 will always be seen)

-it is not possible to have "@" character inside the description of an item. This can be changed but there will always be a forbidden character : ù or µ or $ or ¤ or £ or # or § ....

-Unicode files are not supported yet : output files will always be in ANSI format. As far as I'm concerned I have no need for this but if someone does, please let me, I'll work on it.


  • The script relies on a file named "sectionlist.txt" which has to be in the same folder and is in fact a .ini file. This file is used to determine which section of the install.ini should be treated and appear in the output file. The script is not able (yet) to find all section itself.
    • Shortest example: a "[main]" section, a "list" key and all sections, separated with ";".
      list=Apparence;Compression;Gravure;Défragmentation;Divers;Explorateurs;Lecteurs et Interprètes;Maths;Messagerie;Messagerie Instantanée;Multimédia;Navigateurs;Programmation;Réseau;Sécurité;Transferts;Tweaks;Windows;Z_HIDDEN

    • However, there are other keys and if they are not present, the script will add them:

      - SectionSort determines if sections should be sorted themselves. Therefore, you can give sections in "list" in the order you want (ease-of-use), if SectionSort is set to one, they will be alphabetically sorted.
      - input and output remember last opened and last saved file, respectively.
      - clean_level, Sort and special_dark are default values here : they will be used for each section if a value is not already provided.
      clean_level takes two values : 0 and 1; 0 does not add keys, nor it removes any while 1 removes all empty keys and those set to 0 (speed up script execution greatly if your script was bloated).
      Sort says if keys should be alphabetically sorted by default, according to the value of description.x.y.z
      special_dark is a personnal feature that is not fully impldemented ATM

    • [main]
      list=Apparence;Compression;Gravure;Défragmentation;Divers;Explorateurs;Lecteurs et Interprètes;Maths;Messagerie;Messagerie Instantanée;Multimédia;Navigateurs;Programmation;Réseau;Sécurité;Transferts;Tweaks;Windows;Z_HIDDEN



      In "[sécurité]", Sort is set to 0 because I don't want this section to be sorted.

    • An easy way to create the file is to run the exe once, then edit it, fill "list" and set the default paramters. Rerun the application, missing values will be added automatically.

    [*]output file has to be different from input file; if output file already exist, it will be overwritten, not updated.

    [*]there is maximal index parameter which can be changed : if there is more than max_index entries for a section or level, entries with a higher index will be dropped; set it as low as possible this will speed up the sorting.

    [*]here comes an unwanted but nice feature : eliminate the need for "wihu.exe /HasGaps" : during the sorting all gaps will be removed.

    [*]able to clean unneeded keys (those with blank or 0 value) (will speed up WIHU execution, especially on old computers)

General Use:

Run the app once, a file called "sectionlist.txt" will be created in the app's dir. Fill it according to what I said previously.

The script is holly fast; my previous try (which was not working btw) was MUCH longer, this one needs less than 10 seconds to go through a 3000 lines install.ini (created with the .Net app I don't remember the name). Note that sorting only starts once you've clicked "OK".


-Unicode support

-let the user decide in which order entries should be placed (with "Sort" and "Sort along with all sublevels" buttons)

-add an editor inside the app instead of sectionlist.txt


Edited by Camarade_Tux


Indeed I was busy but now exams are over. ^^

Also, I've added two things : abort if sectionlist.txt can not be found and do not add non-existing entries in the INI if they were not already there. The drawback for the second feature is "ù" can not be used as a value for any entry of install.ini (but aùa and even ùù can still be used).

30 minutes ago there was to be a third feature but I've forgotten what it was. :D


Must be too old. :whistle:


And coding this app has on its own been lots of fun. ;)

Updated sourcecode: (no bin as I don't have the AHK compiler here)

IfNotExist, %A_ScriptDir%\SectionList.txt
MsgBox, 0, Fatal Error, SectionList.txt could not be found`, check this file is present and try again!
Loop, %0% {
if (%A_Index% = "/CLEAN")

Gui, Add, Text, y9, Input file :
Gui, Add, Edit, vsource x15 w300
Gui, Add, Button, gBrowseInput x320 y27 w60, Browse
Gui, Add, Text, x10, Output File :
Gui, Add, Edit, vout x15 w300
Gui, Add, Button, gBrowseOutput x320 y74 w60, Browse
Gui, Add, Text, x10, Maximal Index :
Gui, Add, DDL, vmax w60 x15, 10|20|40|60|80||100|120|150|180|200
Gui, Add, Button, gRun x170 y144 w50, Run!
Gui, Show

Gui, +OwnDialogs
FileSelectFile, source, 1, %A_ScriptDir%\install.ini, Please select the file to be sorted.
GuiControl,, source, %source%
Gui, Submit
if (!out) {
StringGetPos, pos, source, `\, R
StringTrimRight, out, source, Strlen(source)-pos-1
GuiControl,, out, %out%\install_sorted.ini
Gui, Show

Gui, +OwnDialogs
if (out)
FileSelectFile, out, S2, %out%\install_sorted.ini, Please select where to place the file once sorted.
FileSelectFile, out, S2, %A_ScriptDir%\install_sorted.ini, Please select where to place the file once sorted.
if (out)
GuiControl,, out, %out%
Gui, Show

Gui, Submit
Gui, +OwnDialogs
IfNotExist, %source%
MsgBox, 0, Error!, Input file could not be found
Goto, ShowMain
if (source=out) {
MsgBox, 0, Error, Input and output files must be different!`r`nPlease change this.
Goto, ShowMain
MsgBox, 0, Processing..., The script will take some time to complete.`r`nPlease press OK and wait.
FileDelete, %out%
Loop, Read, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt ;parses sections to sort
Write("","", "description") ;calls the write function for each item (exceptionnal one)
Write("", "", "command")
Write("", "", "selected")
Write("", "", "hidden")
Write("", "", "collapsed")
Write("", "", "locked")
Write("", "", "disabled")
Write("", "", "group")
Write("", "", "flags")
Write("", "", "workdir")
Write("", "", "helptext")
Write("", "", "ext_creator_switchtype")
Write("", "", "ext_creator_switchtype")

Sort(oldlevel="", newlevel="") { ;the main function, recursively called
Global max, source, out, section
Loop, %max% {
i:=A_Index - 1 ;WIHU's first index is 0 whereas AHK's one is 1
IniRead, iuv, %source%, %section%, description%oldlevel%.%i%, %A_Space% ;retrieves sections description
if (iuv="") ;avoid adding non-existant indexes
if (Names) ;appends a semi-column and the section name (iuv) with its old index (@i) to the list, except if ...
Names:=Names ";" iuv "@" i
else ;... except if the list is empty (would bug otherwise)
Names:=iuv "@" i
Sort, Names, D`;
StringSplit, Names, Names, `;
Loop, %Names0% {
i:=A_Index - 1 ;same as before : WIHU's first index is 0 whereas AHK's one is 1
Stringsplit, oldrank, Names%A_Index%, `@ ;retrieves old index
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "description") ;calls the write function for each item
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "command")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "selected")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "hidden")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "collapsed")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "locked")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "disabled")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "group")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "flags")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "workdir")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "helptext")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "ext_creator_switchtype")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "ext_creator_originalcommand")
IniRead, iuv, %source%, %section%, description%oldlevel%.%oldrank2%.0, %A_Space% ;is there a deeper level to sort ?
if (iuv!="")
Sort(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i) ;recursive call because when there is a deeper level

FileRead, sorted, %out% ;needed for the three followig lines
StringReplace, sorted, sorted, description, `r`ndescription, All ;adds linefeeds so the file can be read by an human
StringReplace, sorted, sorted, [, `r`n[, All ;same
StringReplace, sorted, sorted, ]`r`n, ], All ;removes some non-necessary linefeeds introduced just before
StringReplace, sorted, sorted, `r`n[, [ ; removes the first linefeed
FileDelete, %out% ;deletes the file so...
FileAppend, %sorted%, %out% ;it can be 'overwritten'

MsgBox, 0, Operation Complete, Input file has been sorted.


Write(old, new, var) { ;the function used to write in the ini
global source, out, section, CLEAN
IniRead, iuv, %source%, %section%, %var%%old%, ù ;retrieves the old value
if (iuv!="ù" or !CLEAN) ;keys with empty values are not copied over, should *maybe* be changed
IniWrite, %iuv%, %out%, %section%, %var%%new% ;writes the new value

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


What's new:


[*]The script relies on a file named "sectionlist.txt" which has to be in the same folder and is in fact a .ini file. This file is used to determine which section of the install.ini should be treated and appear in the output file. The script is not able (yet) to find all section itself.

[*]Shortest example: a "[main]" section, a "list" key and all sections, separated with ";".

IfNotExist, %A_ScriptDir%\SectionList.txt
IniWrite, %blank_var%, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, list
IniWrite, %blank_var%, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, SectionSort
IniWrite, %blank_var%, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, clean_level
IniWrite, %blank_var%, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, Sort
IniWrite, %blank_var%, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, special_dark
MsgBox, 0, Fatal Error, SectionList.txt could not be found`, check this file is present and try again!
IniRead, sectionlist, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, list, 0
if !sectionlist {
MsgBox, 0 Fatal Error, Sectionlist.txt does not contain the names of the sections to sort!
IniRead, SortSections, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, SectionSort, 1
if (SortSections)
Sort, sectionlist, D`;

IniRead, input, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, input, %A_Space%
IniRead, output, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, output, %A_Space%

Gui, Add, Text, y9, Input file :
Gui, Add, Edit, vsource x15 w300, %input%
Gui, Add, Button, gBrowseInput x320 y27 w60, Browse
Gui, Add, Text, x10, Output File :
Gui, Add, Edit, vout x15 w300, %output%
Gui, Add, Button, gBrowseOutput x320 y74 w60, Browse
Gui, Add, Text, x10, Maximal Index :
Gui, Add, DDL, vmax w60 x15, 10|20|40|60|80||100|120|150|180|200
Gui, Add, Button, gRun x170 y144 w50, Run!
Gui, Show

Gui, +OwnDialogs
FileSelectFile, source, 1, %input%, Please select the file to be sorted.
GuiControl,, source, %source%
Gui, Submit
if (!out AND !output) {
StringGetPos, pos, source, `\, R
StringTrimRight, out, source, Strlen(source)-pos
GuiControl,, out, %out%\install_sorted.ini
Gui, Show

Gui, +OwnDialogs
if (out)
FileSelectFile, out, S2, %out%\install_sorted.ini, Please select where to place the file once sorted.
FileSelectFile, out, S2, %output%, Please select where to place the file once sorted.
if (out)
GuiControl,, out, %out%
Gui, Show

Gui, Submit
Gui, +OwnDialogs
IfNotExist, %source%
MsgBox, 0, Error!, Input file could not be found
Goto, ShowMain
if (source=out) {
MsgBox, 0, Error, Input and output files must be different!`r`nPlease change this.
Goto, ShowMain
MsgBox, 0, Processing..., The script will take some time to complete.`r`nPlease press OK and wait.
IniWrite, %source%, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, input
IniWrite, %out%, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, output
FileDelete, %out%
Loop, Parse, sectionlist, `;;parses sections to sort
IniRead, clean_level, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, %section%, clean_level, ù
if (clean_level="ù") {
IniRead, clean_level, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, clean_level, ù
if (clean_level="ù") {
IniWrite, 0, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, clean_level
IniWrite, 0, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, %section%, clean_level
IniWrite, %clean_level%, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, %section%, clean_level
IniRead, Sort, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, %section%, Sort, ù
if (Sort="ù") {
IniRead, Sort, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, Sort, ù
if (Sort="ù") {
IniWrite, 0, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, Sort
IniWrite, 0, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, %section%, Sort
IniWrite, %Sort%, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, %section%, Sort
IniRead, special_dark, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, %section%, special_dark, ù
if (special_dark="ù") {
IniRead, special_dark, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, special_dark, ù
if (special_dark="ù") {
IniWrite, 0, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, main, special_dark
IniWrite, 0, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, %section%, special_dark
IniWrite, %special_dark%, %A_ScriptDir%\sectionlist.txt, %section%, special_dark

Write("","", "description");calls the write function for each item (exceptionnal one)
Write("", "", "command")
Write("", "", "selected")
Write("", "", "hidden")
Write("", "", "collapsed")
Write("", "", "locked")
Write("", "", "disabled")
Write("", "", "group")
Write("", "", "flags")
Write("", "", "workdir")
Write("", "", "helptext")
Write("", "", "ext_creator_switchtype")
Write("", "", "ext_creator_originalcommand")

Sort(oldlevel="", newlevel="") {;the main function, recursively called
Global max, source, out, section, Sort, special_dark
Loop, %max% {
i:=A_Index - 1;WIHU's first index is 0 whereas AHK's one is 1
IniRead, iuv, %source%, %section%, description%oldlevel%.%i%, %A_Space%;retrieves sections description
if (iuv="");avoid adding non-existant indexes
if (Names);appends a semi-column and the section name (iuv) with its old index (@i) to the list, except if ...
Names:=Names ";" iuv "@" i
else;... except if the list is still empty (would bug otherwise)
Names:=iuv "@" i
if (Sort)
Sort, Names, D`;
StringSplit, Names, Names, `;
Loop, %Names0% {
i:=A_Index - 1;same as before : WIHU's first index is 0 whereas AHK's one is 1
Stringsplit, oldrank, Names%A_Index%, `@;retrieves old index
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "description");calls the write function for each item
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "command")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "selected")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "hidden")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "collapsed")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "locked")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "disabled")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "group")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "flags")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "workdir")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "helptext")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "ext_creator_switchtype")
Write(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i, "ext_creator_originalcommand")
IniRead, iuv, %source%, %section%, description%oldlevel%.%oldrank2%.0, %A_Space%;is there a deeper level to sort ?
if (iuv!="")
Sort(oldlevel "." oldrank2, newlevel "." i);recursive call because when there is a deeper level

FileRead, sorted, %out%;needed for the three followig lines
StringReplace, sorted, sorted, description, `r`ndescription, All;adds linefeeds so the file can be read by an human
StringReplace, sorted, sorted, [, `r`n[, All;same
StringReplace, sorted, sorted, ]`r`n, ], All;removes some non-necessary linefeeds introduced just before
StringReplace, sorted, sorted, `r`n[, [; removes the first linefeed
FileDelete, %out%;deletes the file so...
FileAppend, %sorted%, %out%;it can be 'overwritten'

MsgBox, 0, Operation Complete, Input file has been sorted.


Write(old, new, var) {;the function used to write in the ini
global source, out, section, clean_level
IniRead, iuv, %source%, %section%, %var%%old%, ù;retrieves the value at the old position
;if (clean_level="-1") {;if you want to bloat your file, not available ATM
; if (iuv="ù")
; iuv=0
; IniWrite, %blank_var%, %out%, %section%, %var%%new%
if (clean_level="0" AND iuv!="ù");keys with empty values are not copied over, should *maybe* be changed
IniWrite, %iuv%, %out%, %section%, %var%%new%;writes the new value
if (clean_level="1" AND iuv!="ù" AND iuv);keys with empty values are not copied over, should *maybe* be changed
IniWrite, %iuv%, %out%, %section%, %var%%new%;writes the new value

Edited by Camarade_Tux
  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

it's not good to have the old script in the first entry, but the description of the newest version. i was a little bit confused, why [main]list=x;y;z doesnt work with the script from the same post :-)

here's is my quick'n'dirty change based on the version from the start post with following features:

* thanks to Camarade_Tux!

* warns if a command without a description exists cause this item would be deleted

* copies and sorts entries from the default sections [Environment], [users], [settings] to the beginning of the file

* sorts sections and sections keys and indents the keys

* deletes useless keys

* very basic syntax checker

* full automatic -->no settingsfile used

script: http://www.autohotkey.net/~ladiko/WIHU_Sor...WIHU_Sorter.ahk

executable: http://www.autohotkey.net/~ladiko/WIHU_Sor...WIHU_Sorter.exe

Edited by ladiko

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