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How do you get WPI to accept spaces in foldernames?

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I just started working on creating unattended install scripts and most of my efforts has been toward the learning of AutoIt 3.11 for those programs that do not feature the appropriate switches.

So I am using WPI, but haven't had much time to experiment with it.

The only problem I am having is that it seems to not like folders with spaces in them.

If there is a way arround this please let me know.

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are you using double quotes when reffering to them?

cd Documents and settings

won't work, while

cd "Documents and settings"

will work.

Every string that contains spaces must be enclosed in double quotes ...

Also take a look at the quotes system in autoit. It has something special ...

Good examples:

_RunDos('rd "blah blah"')
_RunDos("rd ""blah blah""")

Edit: about the variables in WPI: if tou use its integhrated editor you simple put double quotes in the command.

If you edit the config.js directly (with notepad for example), don't forget to escape your "s with a backslash, like

rd \"blah\"


Edited by sadicq
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Thanks, you are right WPI has zero problems with spaces or any of the characters I tried to use.

I must have inadvertently fixed my real problem when I tried removing spaces and special characters from the file and foldernames.

Most of my effort has been directed at learning AutoIt so I can automate applications which don't have silent install switches, so I just monkeyed with WPI for a few minutes to create a menu for the 25 apps I have automated so far.

Now I realize that all the work renaming the files and folders was wasted!

Truth is WPI is working out so well I probably won't spend any time studying it.

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