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Powerdvd v7.x Silent Install


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It's not a Vista bug!

PowerDVD 7.3 Ultra installs and removes all icons from Start Menu under XP SP2 too but only if was installed from read-only location (tested from HDD too with and without read-only attributes).

Also 7.3 has a lot of troubles with registration...

What i did was this :

Installed PowerDVD en registered it.

I exported the pdvd reg file wich contains the reg info.


And copied the pdvd.sim file out of the pdvd folder.

C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD\PowerDVD.sim

Unpacked power dvd setup with winrar to a folder.

Paste the PowerDVD.sim to that folder.

And open PDVD7.reg in that folder and ad the content of the exported reg file to this reg.

Remove all paths in the reg : c:\........( for when you ever deside to install it on D:\ or whatever)

Now open POWERdvd.msi with an editor ( i use installshield premier 12 )

And remove all things of : OLRSubmission

Save the msi.

I made a 7z switchless installer out of it.

How to :


Now it installs silent and is registered after install.

And it didnt removed any shortcuts.

Edited by sp00f
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Can you upload your patched PowerDVD.msi somewhere (rapidshare.com is good)?

Packed with WinRAR it will takes 2.7mb.

Because I don't have that huge and useless InstallShield (NSIS rulez :thumbup )...

Edited by Marsianin
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Yeah, I have the same 7.3.2911 version. But your .msi doest works for me. Shows some errors and installs nothing.

But when I copied my PowerDVD.sim from registered PowerDVD to installation it installs fine and doesn't wants registration.

But still removes all icons from the Start menu :blink:

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  • 4 months later...
up - i have the same links problem. Have u solved?

No need to download that msi.

This short tut. is inspired by a topic created by midi2k6

  CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra Deluxe 7.3.3516.0

1.Install PowerDVD and activate it with serial number.

2.Extract the installer (setup.exe) with WinRAR.

3.Copy PowerDVD.sim from installation folder (X;\Program Files\Cyberlink\PowerDVD),
paste into folder create in step 2 and overwrite the original file.

4.Open Custom.ini file from folder create in step 2 and add Silent=1 at the bottom of
the page.
Then search for RichVideo=1 (change 1 to 0) and save Custom.ini.
Delete RichVideo folder from folder create in step 2.

5.Create an administrative installation for file PowerDVD.msi (extract it with
Universal Extractor), then delete PowerDVD.msi and Data1.cab files from folder create
in step 2 and copy files and folders create during administrative installation into folder
create in step 2. (this step is optional but, will decrease the size of final pack (after
compresion with WinRAR or 7-Zip with 30 MB).

6.Compile the AutoIt script and place the compiled file in folder create in step 2.

7.Make the installer with 7zsd.sfx
Config.txt must look like this:


Save it as UTF-8!

The script:

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoIt Version:
Author: myName

CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra Deluxe 7.3.3516.0

Script Function:
Template AutoIt script.

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here

Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1)
Opt("SendKeyDelay", 200)
; Executable file name
$EXECUTABLE = "setup.exe"
; Installation folder
$INSTALLLOCATION = @ProgramFilesDir & "\CyberLink\PowerDVD"
; Serial number

If FileExists($INSTALLLOCATION & "\PowerDVD.exe") Then
MsgBox(0x40010, @ScriptName, "Please uninstall previous version of PowerDVD before using this script", 4)

; Run the installer


; Suppress online registration window to appear
FileDelete(@ProgramsDir & "\CyberLink PowerDVD\Online registration.lnk")
FileDelete($INSTALLLOCATION & "\OLRSubmission\OLRStateCheck.exe")
FileDelete($INSTALLLOCATION & "\OLRSubmission\OLRSubmission.exe")

; Registration
RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\CyberLink\PowerDVD", "CDKey", "REG_SZ", $SN)
RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\CyberLink\PowerDVD", "HasCDKEY", "REG_DWORD", 1)

; Prevent brs.exe, Language.exe and PDVDServ.exe to run at Windows startup
RegDelete("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "BDRegion")
RegDelete("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "LanguageShortcut")
RegDelete("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "RemoteControl")

Current version of PowerDVD is displayed in info.ini (e.g. Ver=7.3.3516.0)

Edited by radix
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Thanks. I'll try this point:

5.Create an administrative installation for file PowerDVD.msi (use msiexec /a PowerDVD.msi
or Universal Extractor), then delete PowerDVD.msi and Data1.cab files from folder create
in step 2 and copy files and folders create during administrative installation into folder
create in step 2.

I don't use autoit. I would only a workaround for all links in start menu deleted when performing a silent install.

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msiexec /a PowerDVD.msi i get:

This installation canno tbe run by directly launching the MSI package. You must run setup.exe


Now I remember that I extracted PowerDVD.msi with Universal Extractor because

msiexec /a don't work.

Edited by radix
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  • 4 months later...

For Dell 7x that comes with new systems, do the following.

1. Copy the CD to share someplace

2. Add "silent=1" to custom.ini

3. Modify "EnableLangDlg=N" from "Y" to "N" in setup.ini

Execute with setup.exe, no switches.

Too easy.

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  • 2 months later...

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