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I never saw the need to use Pro OEMBIOS files to install Home so I never tried it.

I've just done the test (on my Compaq test machine) and have to confirm that it also works this way. :blink:

Posted (edited)

So, if I understand correctly... I can use the key from: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechn...y/oempreac.mspx

on any Royalty OEM XP Pro system along side with the respective OEMBIOS files to preserve pre-activation...

Yes. You understand correctly.

Is there a generic key for Home Ed. as well? or will the same key work for Home?

Every Royalty OEM receives a generic key from Microsoft. You need to retreive the key from the registry before you wipe the HDD.

Microsoft doesn't make a publicly available generic key for Home Edition because they expect you to activate by phone. Forcing IT professionals who manage hundreds of computers to call every time they install Windows is not something that Microsoft thinks they can get away with.

There are more generic keys at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechn...oy/wpadepl.mspx but Microsoft doesn't gaurantee that these keys can be used for preactivation. (They might be blocked in future versions.)

I've also seen posts thet mention that the key in the sample unattend.txt is a generic key but haven't tested this yet.

Edited by Bezalel
Posted (edited)

So, if I understand correctly... I can use the key from: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechn...y/oempreac.mspx

on any Royalty OEM XP Pro system along side with the respective OEMBIOS files to preserve pre-activation...

Is there a generic key for Home Ed. as well? or will the same key work for Home?

A simple Google search for: "Windows XP OEM SLP" should result in a few keys that can be used for XP Home Edition

Edited by FreeStyler

Well, I know I could find keys online.... but are they legit? that is the thing.

The keys that I need, HAVE to be 100% legit and not disabled or blocked from microsoft.

Well, I know I could find keys online.... but are they legit? that is the thing.

The keys that I need, HAVE to be 100% legit and not disabled or blocked from microsoft.

I guess I shouldn't have struck my previous statement.

Every Royalty OEM receives a generic key from Microsoft. You need to retreive the key from the registry before you wipe the HDD.

Well, I know I could find keys online.... but are they legit? that is the thing.

The keys that I need, HAVE to be 100% legit and not disabled or blocked from microsoft.

Then your are lucky, MS isn't likely to block any of those keys as "who know how many" people are still using that key since the day the person in question could own that pc, with other other words if MS decides to block such a key, thousends legit, say DELL owners would be blocked access...


Well, I know I could find keys online.... but are they legit? that is the thing.

The keys that I need, HAVE to be 100% legit and not disabled or blocked from microsoft.

Then your are lucky, MS isn't likely to block any of those keys as "who know how many" people are still using that key since the day the person in question could own that pc, with other other words if MS decides to block such a key, thousends legit, say DELL owners would be blocked access...

Actually I have no way of knowing if the keys posted on the warez sites are valid generic keys from Royalty OEMs or if they were generated by a key-gen.

Posted (edited)
The keys that I need, HAVE to be 100% legit and not disabled or blocked from microsoft.

Then you should consider to become a official Microsoft OEM-Partner and get your own OEM SLP Key

BTW, Gateway Oembios files added ;)


  • NEC
  • LG
  • Alienware

Edited by FreeStyler
I've also seen posts thet mention that the key in the sample unattend.txt is a generic key but haven't tested this yet.

The key on my Retail Server 2003 SP1 CD installed but didn't pre-avtivate.

The key on my OEM Pro SP2 CD was rejected by setup. (My guess is that it is a retail key)


The keys that I need, HAVE to be 100% legit and not disabled or blocked from microsoft.

Then you should consider to become a official Microsoft OEM-Partner and get your own OEM SLP Key

In order to become a Royalty OEM you must have purchased from an authorized distributer and installed 1000 cpoies of XP or 100 copies of Server 2003 during the last 12 months.

If in fact you are an OEM you are subject to a much stricter license than end users are and shouldn't be using most of the information on this site for your installs.

Posted (edited)

I know this guys, I run a PC Repair shop and already have OEM copies of windows (non-royalty)... that is not the thing I am after.

I am trying to gather "Royalty Pre-Activation" Files and Product Keys, for use on 1 Multi-Boot CD.

Right now I have a CD (CD! not DVD!) that I have compiled and has the following:

XP Home - OEM

XP Pro - OEM

Dell XP Home

Dell XP Pro

Compaq XP Home

Compaq XP Pro

Emachine XP Home

HP XP Home


Sony XP Pro

~5.2GB of Data Crammed onto a 700MB CD...

I am in search of other "Royalty OEM" OEMBIOS & Product Keys, but from what I understand is that the you have to have the Original Mass License Key to keep Pre-Acticated status (XP Home) or use the Key Provided by Microsoft for XP Pro.

My end goal is to have a CD that will auto-detect any Royalty OEM system and auto-install the correct OEMBIOS & Key for the selected version on XP (Home or Pro).... But, In order to do so, I need Key's for the Royalty OEM's that I didn't list above.

Edited by discountpc

You already have 4 Home keys, that's 3 keys more than you need. Having the keys from each manufacturer is unnesasary and distributing keys is against the forum rules. (You may have noticed that I never posted a key, I only linked to publis MS pages with keys.) OEMBIOS files are interchangable between Home and Pro so I stopped keeping track of which edition I got the files from. I have a rapidshare folder with OEMBIOS files collected by myself and other members of this forum located at http://rapidshare.de/users/LWN7M8. (I was hesitant about posting these but one of the mods said it was OK.)



did you add driver packs? none of the new driver packs support multi-boots yet :(

my experience with dell,hp,and compaq is they never have the correct drivers in their cds i always end up going to their sites for drivers.

You already have 4 Home keys, that's 3 keys more than you need. Having the keys from each manufacturer is unnesasary and distributing keys is against the forum rules.
... I guess I'm at a loss and not understanding something. could you explain how I would use the existing keys that I have to install other OEM Home copies (ie: Sony, Gateway... etc) and still preserve the pre-activation?!



did you add driver packs? none of the new driver packs support multi-boots yet :(

my experience with dell,hp,and compaq is they never have the correct drivers in their cds i always end up going to their sites for drivers.

Right now I am NOT running the latest Driver Packs because there are still a lot of kinks that need to be worked out before I invest my time in compiling another copy with the new GUI.

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