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You edited your shell32 once.. Why keep doing it?


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I am tring to find out if what I want to do is possible. It seems to make sense to me. I updated my shell32.dll with all the icons I could ever want with res hack and I got the file recabed and check summed and all the good stuff..

Now I'm updating my unattended disc and I find that MS has updated the shell32.dll file with one of there newest patches. I am preparing a new unattended cd for a reinstall that I do about every 6 months. Now do i have to edit the shell32.dll all over again to put the icons i had in the last one back or is there a way to inject my icons from the last shell32.dll into the new updated shell32 version?

There has to be a way to do this. It seems retarded to me to keep spending hours editing your shell32.dll with reshack only to have MS change the version on you 10 mins later.


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Well, unless there is some major update to the file..you could copy the version info (While in reshack) from the updated shell32 to the older one. Ive done this several times in the past and it works fine. Its either that to make a reshack script with all the icons so all you have to do is apply it to the new file. :unsure:

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ohh wow.. So there is a way.. Ok can anyone post the script they use. I think I can figure out the .rc file and import it. If that does not work though I'll try to script.


Alrighty hold up.. I have saved out the .rc files before but could never figure out how to load them up with the new shell32.dll. I have resource editor open right now and after saving the .rc file & all the icons out I cant load up anything. There is reference to a .res file but thats not what i saved. How do I do this?

ohh i'm so close now.. Can someone walk me through this?


Edited by Madhits45
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Ok I tried saving out as a .RES file in reshacker and when I load that it says out of memory. This file seems to be the whole dll with just a .res extention. How can you load all the icons from the last shell32.dll at once?

Can someone walk me through this?


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