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Drivers Instalation in Post-Install stage (New Method)


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Hey MadBoy :) I haven't seen you for a while on the forum. Did you had time to do some progress on your next release in the past two months?

Unfortunately I've come across a nasty bug which I like to inform you about. I ran the tool on an Acer Aspire One netbook, so I don't know if the problem is related to its devices. Perhaps you can debug what the problem is? Also, I'd like to know if the tool is (or could be made) Windows 7 compatible :)




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Hey MadBoy :) I haven't seen you for a while on the forum. Did you had time to do some progress on your next release in the past two months?

Unfortunately I've come across a nasty bug which I like to inform you about. I ran the tool on an Acer Aspire One netbook, so I don't know if the problem is related to its devices. Perhaps you can debug what the problem is? Also, I'd like to know if the tool is (or could be made) Windows 7 compatible :)

Hello psycho. This bug seems to be related to database prepare. I'll take a look at code later on but can you check if it crashes only on that one netbook? It shouldn't be related to hardware because what it is doing then is going thru all drivers and putting them in database. So if it crashes on one notebook it should crash on the other if you're using same share/folder which happens to store the drivers.

I'll take a look.

As for Windows 7 i haven't had a time to take a look at 7 how the drivers behave there and what could be done to extend functionality of the software to support Vista and Win7. I wanted to add backup drivers solution but since nobody could point me right way and i don't have time to dig myself it's put into on hold.

Currently i am working on Ultimate Unpacker in c# which allows unpacking of multiple releases/applications packed with zips/rars with simple queue / drag and drop or choice of a dir for example C:\Downloads, it should unpack and deleted (if option is set) not needed files etc etc :-)

Hope all is good with you,


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i dont get this program i already download the hardware installler and Hardware_config.xml. ill try to open the installer then i saw the program. how can use this if im going to put a driver on a newly installed windows. just run this program or i need to make or put a driver inside the program. pls help i really need this but im newbie i dont know know how to use this program.

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i dont get this program i already download the hardware installler and Hardware_config.xml. ill try to open the installer then i saw the program. how can use this if im going to put a driver on a newly installed windows. just run this program or i need to make or put a driver inside the program. pls help i really need this but im newbie i dont know know how to use this program.

Hello lezhrej,

There's no installer for this program. It's one executable to run (my bad for naming it Hardware Installer). You have to create directory somewhere (lets assume C:\Drivers). You put all drivers you have (in clean form - Driver Packs are best for this) and then you modify .xml to your needs (like point program to where drivers are etc). Then you just run program and it should do all for you. Just so you know it's not something you should use for one time installing of drivers (like your private computer, although you can). It's power is in reusing it over and over in company you work for so you can prepare one drivers directory (on cd, dvd or network drive) and program is supposed to do all the heavy work for you.

Hope this helps.

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ohhh that's a great explaination. so where i can find driver pack? you mean like example in dell they have a driver cab on drive c. right? can i use it to put in on my driver directory? maybe i need to put all drivers in one folder and put this hardware installer, config.xml and edit this xml to path the direction of my drivers. am i right? please help coz i think i understand what u mean but im confused.

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ohhh that's a great explaination. so where i can find driver pack? you mean like example in dell they have a driver cab on drive c. right? can i use it to put in on my driver directory? maybe i need to put all drivers in one folder and put this hardware installer, config.xml and edit this xml to path the direction of my drivers. am i right? please help coz i think i understand what u mean but im confused.

By driverpacks i meant http://driverpacks.net/. Drivers prepared by them are in clean form, having only .inf's and proper driver and not being packed with cabs, setup.exe and so on. It is possible that driver that has setup.exe, cab etc may work but it's not guaranteed so you may have to unpack and prepare the drivers for instalation (or use DriverPacks and pray they have all you need).

And yes, it's like in Dell you create on directory with all drivers and you put my program there or you keep it anywhere you want just .xml has to point to that directory. Then you run it (either in manual mode which you have to click thru, but it's very recommended in the beginning so you know what the program does, or in auto mode which after start will do what it says in .xml and shutdown itself when done).

By having one directory i mean C:\Drivers but you can have subfolders like C:\Drivers\Mobo\Somethings\Somethingelse. Program will search for drivers in every subdir so you don't have to put all drivers in one folder (it's even not recommended). I would suggest to read this whole thread (this may take a while) but should help you understand the process and see how other people get along with it.

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this is my first post so please excuse me if I'm in the wrong place or wrong format. Most of this stuff is way beyond me, but I'm rebuilding my system after a trojan attack. Most things are up and running again but I cannot get my system to recognise my external drive - presumably my sata card is not registering. My card is a Silicon Image Si1 3112. It ran fine previously but now I cannot find a driver that I can install. I downloaded one from the SI website but when I opened it instead of an exe file I found a batch of files that I do not understand, with assorted endings. Is there a simple fix for an illiterate like me?

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this is my first post so please excuse me if I'm in the wrong place or wrong format. Most of this stuff is way beyond me, but I'm rebuilding my system after a trojan attack. Most things are up and running again but I cannot get my system to recognise my external drive - presumably my sata card is not registering. My card is a Silicon Image Si1 3112. It ran fine previously but now I cannot find a driver that I can install. I downloaded one from the SI website but when I opened it instead of an exe file I found a batch of files that I do not understand, with assorted endings. Is there a simple fix for an illiterate like me?

You should have created new thread. This one is for something diffrent then help with general drivers problems. I assume you have downloaded zip file or similar and after unpacking you have .inf file and bunch of other files but no .exe. This is normal. You should click start then in Run window type in devmgmt.msc. Then find device marked with yellow question mark and then right click on that device and choose properties. There you will find Install/Update driver in which you have to point to the .inf file that you unpacked.

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this is my first post so please excuse me if I'm in the wrong place or wrong format. Most of this stuff is way beyond me, but I'm rebuilding my system after a trojan attack. Most things are up and running again but I cannot get my system to recognise my external drive - presumably my sata card is not registering. My card is a Silicon Image Si1 3112. It ran fine previously but now I cannot find a driver that I can install. I downloaded one from the SI website but when I opened it instead of an exe file I found a batch of files that I do not understand, with assorted endings. Is there a simple fix for an illiterate like me?

You should have created new thread. This one is for something diffrent then help with general drivers problems. I assume you have downloaded zip file or similar and after unpacking you have .inf file and bunch of other files but no .exe. This is normal. You should click start then in Run window type in devmgmt.msc. Then find device marked with yellow question mark and then right click on that device and choose properties. There you will find Install/Update driver in which you have to point to the .inf file that you unpacked.

Thank you for this assistance. I could not get Device Manager to recognise the files I had downloaded, but finally I gleaned from the Via website a download set which I had to save to CD to install, so I'm up and running again.

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Hello psycho. This bug seems to be related to database prepare. I'll take a look at code later on but can you check if it crashes only on that one netbook? It shouldn't be related to hardware because what it is doing then is going thru all drivers and putting them in database. So if it crashes on one notebook it should crash on the other if you're using same share/folder which happens to store the drivers.

Hello MadBoy :)

It's not netbook related, it also crashes in VMware Workstation which never happend with your older releases, check the screenshot.

I'm going to try your previous version.

UPDATE: It seems only version is affected, perhaps your new driver database creation is the problem?


Edited by pSycho-Y2K
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I tried reproducing your problems and I couldn't. I downloaded like 15 driver packs and db created clearly without problems. Would it be possible that you (psycho or xecutor) to create me some 7zip file of your drivers db and put somewhere to download (can be big) or maybe try to isolate a problem to specific driver, amount of drivers?

Edit: I found the problem, it's in one of external libs i use. Will try to fix, ask to get it fixed.

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  • 1 month later...

I tried reproducing your problems and I couldn't. I downloaded like 15 driver packs and db created clearly without problems. Would it be possible that you (psycho or xecutor) to create me some 7zip file of your drivers db and put somewhere to download (can be big) or maybe try to isolate a problem to specific driver, amount of drivers?

Edit: I found the problem, it's in one of external libs i use. Will try to fix, ask to get it fixed.

I use all drivers for Windows XP from DriverPacks.net. I download all de 7zips and extract them all in a single folder called Drivers which is located of the root of my USB-Harddrive (Z:\Drivers).

P.S. Any progress on this MadBoy? :)

Edited by pSycho-Y2K
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I tried reproducing your problems and I couldn't. I downloaded like 15 driver packs and db created clearly without problems. Would it be possible that you (psycho or xecutor) to create me some 7zip file of your drivers db and put somewhere to download (can be big) or maybe try to isolate a problem to specific driver, amount of drivers?

Edit: I found the problem, it's in one of external libs i use. Will try to fix, ask to get it fixed.

I use all drivers for Windows XP from DriverPacks.net. I download all de 7zips and extract them all in a single folder called Drivers which is located of the root of my USB-Harddrive (Z:\Drivers).

P.S. Any progress on this MadBoy? :)

Unfortunately no. I've reported error with this but nobody cares :-) I had couple of findings by fixing inf files by hand but it's a lot of work. Have to find some other way around it and it's hard with time I have now :-) Plus there's not much motivation left in this case. XP is fading away so I would need to support Windows 7 and that's a lot of work. I am focused on things that get me money right now but have hopes. Maybe I'll get some time to fix it.

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  • 4 months later...

I get stuck at the line:

[iNFO] Disabling Window Managing Wizard

After it hits that it just sits there til the end of time...

Well nvm that was an easy fix...just disabled the wizard.

But now I'm getting stuck at:

No active plug & play process has been found after 5 seconds. Terminating,

Here's my config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<wizard_title>Found New Hardware Wizard</wizard_title>

Basically I am trying to connect to a server that hosts the drivers for several systems. I don't want to copy the drivers locally (unless necessary). Anyone see where I am going wrong? Also, will the program always map the network drive as z:?

Edited by cdusseau
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