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Ad-Aware Vs. Spybot Search & Destroy

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I just wanted to take a minute to point a few things out to people....

A lot of the common issues we see daily on these boards, as well as several other sites on the Internet, can easily be remedied by using one of the 2 programs mentioned, or one of several other program available. I thought it might be nice to take a look at 2 of the most popular ones and rate which one works best.

First off, no one should be without either of these programs. If you have an Internet connection, you should have at least one of these programs installed.

What do these programs do?

Well...there are several software companies out there who feel it is their business what you do with your bandwidth. What sites you visit frequently, what sites you don't etc. Some of them are much more evil then that. Some of them bury themselves into the registry, and as we've seen time and time again (Xupiter, Bonzi Buddy etc) are difficult to remove without damaging critical files to the Operarting System. The solution?

Ad-Aware and or Spybot Search & Destroy

I won't list every single program here, but these are the 2 that have been known to get the job done, and done right.

Which one should you use?

Both. Yes, I'm serious. I would strongly suggest you install both of these programs. They take up little space. Why? Because if one doesn't find something, the other will. These programs are not garuanteed to find every single piece of spyware, but they are the champions by far.

In the end I would strongly suggest both.

With the recent posts about issues that are related in general to spyware, I just felt people needed to be informed :)

Hope this helps guys.

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I use both at least once a week, run one just after the other. This way I get as much as possible at one setting. Both have a feature to check for updates and I suggest that you should always do this before running the program...

Thanks for the reminder nekkid......


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