Muaitai Posted January 31, 2006 Posted January 31, 2006 It does install but at the end still asks for the registration, any idea why?
Yungsters Posted January 31, 2006 Author Posted January 31, 2006 Maybe you can tell us first how you did it.All steps.Cause it works like a charm here , maybe somewhere something went wrong ?Third times a charm!! I checked this topic this morning in the 15 minutes before school started and decided to try it once more on my computer. I'll go over what I did differently and what I suspect may have been the problem.1. I have the downloaded version, so the first thing I did was start up the installer, NAV061200_2YR.exe. I opened explorer to %temp% and copy/pasted the NAV folder to my desktop.2. I followed through with the install file and since I already installed Norton Antivirus 2006, it only showed me the option to Completely Remove Norton Antivirus 2006. I used that to uninstall Norton Antivirus 2006. The computer restarted afterward.3. When the computer started back up, I went to 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\CCPD-LC\' and copy/pasted symlcrst.dll into the NAV folder that I copy/pasted earlier.*4. I made two files named NAVSetup.cmd and NAVSetup.reg with the following contents:Contents of NAVSetup.cmdcmdow @ /HID@echo offCOPY "%userprofile%\Desktop\NAV\symlcrst.dll" "%programfiles%\Common Files\Symantec Shared\CCPD-LC\" /YEXITContents of NAVSetup.regWindows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\CCPD-LC\KStore\00000082\0000001e\00000054]"Key"="_________________________"You'll notice my NAVSetup.reg is different. I checked with the registry on the system I had just uninstalled Norton Antivirus 2006 from and found that to be the location of my key, so I wanted to keep it the same.5. Since I was only trying to test the setup, I didn't use RunOnceEx. Instead, I double-clicked the NAVSetup.reg and NAVSetup.cmd. Then I opened a command prompt window at my NAV folder and typed in:NAVSetup.exe /O REBOOT=ReallySuppress /QB6. I left for school and came back just now and found that a Norton Antivirus shortcut on my desktop. Good news! So I restarted the computer and I got the activation wizard, etc. It's now working. I'll try it again on my friend's computer and hopefully it will work out right.Thanks muiz!*Step 3 is what I did differently. In the past, instead of uninstalling Norton Antivirus 2006, I used Process Explorer to end the task of the process that was locking symlcrst.dll. This time, I uninstalled the program before copying the file. Maybe the program does something to symlcrst.dll when it uninstalls? Good luck to everyone else trying to get this to work!
muiz Posted January 31, 2006 Posted January 31, 2006 6. I left for school and came back just now and found that a Norton Antivirus shortcut on my desktop. Good news! So I restarted the computer and I got the activation wizard, etc. It's now working. I'll try it again on my friend's computer and hopefully it will work out right.Thats not going to work on your friends computer.This method works only on the computer you copied the symlcrst.dll from.
Yungsters Posted January 31, 2006 Author Posted January 31, 2006 6. I left for school and came back just now and found that a Norton Antivirus shortcut on my desktop. Good news! So I restarted the computer and I got the activation wizard, etc. It's now working. I'll try it again on my friend's computer and hopefully it will work out right.Thats not going to work on your friends computer.This method works only on the computer you copied the symlcrst.dll from.Is there something that causes the file to be specific to the hardware on the computer? I'm planning to... well, actually, it's a bit funny. I just came back from the door and the UPS man handed me my shipment containing my new motherboard, processor, and power supply unit. So once I upgrade, the unattended Norton Antivirus 2006 won't install properly? Hm... then I guess I'll have to do it manually like before, still...
cyberloner Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 so it will popup for registration if it is different board or harddisk right?just like the nav2005?
Muaitai Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 Still poping up the registration after I reboot the PC.I did all the steps and seems to me that the symlcrst.dll is either not overrighting the one on the CCPD-LC folder or it is getting corrupted once you intall.Does anyone know if Norton overwrites this file?
muiz Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 (edited) Still poping up the registration after I reboot the PC.I did all the steps and seems to me that the symlcrst.dll is either not overrighting the one on the CCPD-LC folder or it is getting corrupted once you intall.Does anyone know if Norton overwrites this file?Use winrar and make a SFX of it.Path=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\CCPD-LCSavePathSilent=1Overwrite=1 Edited February 1, 2006 by muiz
cyberloner Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 Still poping up the registration after I reboot the PC.I did all the steps and seems to me that the symlcrst.dll is either not overrighting the one on the CCPD-LC folder or it is getting corrupted once you intall.Does anyone know if Norton overwrites this file?norton won't overwrite it if it is exist...what u need is extract it 1st before installing it....u can't copy it out while norton is protecting your system...u need to uninstall norton , and copy it out and make sfx of it by using winrar
owikh84 Posted February 4, 2006 Posted February 4, 2006 anyone know how to silent install Norton Internet Security 2006? urgent,..
Shahram Posted March 19, 2006 Posted March 19, 2006 These are the 2 Autoit scripts that I've written to make Insallations and Activations of Norton AntiVirus 2006 completely automatic in any system without any need for internet connection ( or disconnection),ofcourse I have removed the Serial number from the first one (Norton), you should use your own.the 2nd script (NorAct)should be complied to .exe, in NAV2005 activation was possible at the time of installation and so everything could be done in one script, but NAV2006 requires a restart before Activation Wizard could be executed,If anyone could find a way to be able to tell the Norton that computer has restarted to let us run the activation, this could have been made easier to be done at the time of installation.Norton.au3noract.au3
owikh84 Posted April 15, 2006 Posted April 15, 2006 These are the 2 Autoit scripts that I've written to make Insallations and Activations of Norton AntiVirus 2006 completely automatic in any system without any need for internet connection ( or disconnection),ofcourse I have removed the Serial number from the first one (Norton), you should use your own.the 2nd script (NorAct)should be complied to .exe, in NAV2005 activation was possible at the time of installation and so everything could be done in one script, but NAV2006 requires a restart before Activation Wizard could be executed,If anyone could find a way to be able to tell the Norton that computer has restarted to let us run the activation, this could have been made easier to be done at the time of installation.any progression?These are the 2 Autoit scripts that I've written to make Insallations and Activations of Norton AntiVirus 2006 completely automatic in any system without any need for internet connection ( or disconnection),ofcourse I have removed the Serial number from the first one (Norton), you should use your own.the 2nd script (NorAct)should be complied to .exe, in NAV2005 activation was possible at the time of installation and so everything could be done in one script, but NAV2006 requires a restart before Activation Wizard could be executed,If anyone could find a way to be able to tell the Norton that computer has restarted to let us run the activation, this could have been made easier to be done at the time of installation.any progression?
Shahram Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 Yet I have not been able to run the activation before a restart,As it is in the first script================RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\CCPD-LC\KStore\00000082\0000001e\0000004a","Key","REG_SZ","XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")RunWait("NAVSETUP.EXE /qb /noreboot REBOOT=ReallySuppress",@ScriptDir)FileCopy(@ScriptDir & "\noract.exe", @SystemDir & "\noract.exe")RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","NortonActivator","REG_SZ","noract.exe")================Norton it is installed, noract.exe is copied to the computer and it will run in RunOnce.(don't forget your serial)2nd Script (In this one I replaced the pauses with a loop and fixed some stuff, it should work perfectly)=======================RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","ProxyEnable","REG_DWORD","00000001")RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","ProxyServer","REG_SZ","")$Norton="Norton AntiVirus"ProgressOn("Activating Norton AntiVirus 2006", "Please Wait ...", "0 percent", 50, 50)$runvar= RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run","NAV CfgWiz")Run ($runvar)ProgressSet( 10, "10 percent")AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)While 1If WinExists($Norton,"Activation requires communication") Then ExitloopIf WinWait("classname=Sym_ccWebWindow_Class") ThenWinSetState("classname=Sym_ccWebWindow_Class","",@SW_DISABLE)ProgressSet( 20, "20 percent")WinActivate("classname=Sym_ccWebWindow_Class")WinSetState("classname=Sym_ccWebWindow_Class","",@SW_DISABLE)Send("!n")EndIfWEndProgressSet( 30, "30 percent")While 1If WinExists($Norton,"Connecting to the Symantec server") Then ExitLoopIf WinWait($Norton,"Activation requires communication") ThenWinActivate($Norton,"Activation requires communication")WinSetState($Norton,"Activation requires communication",@SW_DISABLE)ProgressSet( 40, "40 percent")WinSetState($Norton,"Activation requires communication",@SW_ENABLE)WinActivate($Norton,"Activation requires communication")Send("!n")WinSetState($Norton,"Activation requires communication",@SW_DISABLE)If WinExists("Internet Connection Required","") ThenWinActivate("Internet Connection Required","")Send("{ENTER}")EndIfEndIfWEndProgressSet( 50, "50 percent")While 1AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 1)If WinExists($Norton,"Activate by phone") Then ExitLoopIf WinWait($Norton,"Connecting to the Symantec server") ThenWinActivate($Norton,"Connecting to the Symantec server")WinSetState($Norton,"Connecting to the Symantec server",@SW_DISABLE)EndIfAutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)If WinExists("Internet Explorer") ThenWinClose("Internet Explorer")EndIfWEndWhile 1AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)If WinExists("Internet Explorer") ThenWinClose("Internet Explorer")EndIfAutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 1)If WinExists($Norton,"Phone Activation") Then ExitLoopIf WinWait($Norton,"Activate by phone") ThenWinSetState($Norton,"Activate by phone",@SW_DISABLE)Sleep(2000)ProgressSet( 60, "60 percent")WinActivate($Norton,"Activate by phone")Sleep(1000)WinSetState($Norton,"Activate by phone",@SW_ENABLE)ControlClick($Norton,"Activate by phone","Button4")WinActivate($Norton,"Activate by phone")Sleep(1000)Send("!n")EndIfWEndIf WinWait($Norton,"Phone Activation") ThenProgressSet( 70, "70 percent")WinSetState($Norton,"Phone Activation",@SW_DISABLE)ControlSend($Norton,"Phone Activation" ,"Edit8","000000")ControlSend($Norton,"Phone Activation" ,"Edit9","000000")ControlSend($Norton,"Phone Activation" ,"Edit10","000000")ControlSend($Norton,"Phone Activation" ,"Edit11","000000")ControlSend($Norton,"Phone Activation" ,"Edit12","000000")ControlSend($Norton,"Phone Activation" ,"Edit13","000000")ControlSend($Norton,"Phone Activation" ,"Edit14","000000")ControlSend($Norton,"Phone Activation" ,"Edit15","000000")ControlSend($Norton,"Phone Activation" ,"Edit16","000555")WinActivate($Norton,"Phone Activation")Send("!n")ProgressSet( 80, "80 percent")EndIfRegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","ProxyEnable","REG_DWORD","00000000")RegDelete("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","ProxyServer")If WinWait($Norton,"Your product key is") ThenProgressSet( 90, "90 percent")WinSetState($Norton,"",@SW_DISABLE)WinKill($Norton,"Your product key is")If WinWait($Norton,"Are you sure you want to exit") ThenWinSetState($Norton,"",@SW_DISABLE)ControlClick($Norton,"Are you sure you want to exit","Button1")ProgressSet(100 , "Done", "Complete")EndIfEndIfProgressOff()Sleep(5000)RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","ProxyEnable","REG_DWORD","00000000")RegDelete("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","ProxyServer")FileDelete(@SystemDir & "\noract.exe")==========================
Sonic Posted January 15, 2007 Posted January 15, 2007 I have found we can't install NAV 2006 after KB917422 install, we must reboot after hotfix install.
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