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Norton Antivirus 2006


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It looks like we're using the same switches to install silently, but I'm also trying to activate the product. I tried to apply the activation settings from my current computer to the installation on my VM, but once Windows XP starts up, I get an error: something about a configuration wizard is currently active.

I'll probably just activate the product by hand. However, I noticed you said you input your serial key by hand. Even when I install my copy manually, I don't have to put that in; it's already typed in for me. By the way, I bought the downloaded package (instead of CD), so maybe that's why.

Too bad... bottom line: same install instructions found in this topic don't work. :no:

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REGEDIT /S "%CDROM%\Software\nortonreg\norton.reg" /f
NortonAntivirus\symlcrst.sfx.exe" /f
NortonAntivirus\NAVSETUP.EXE /O REBOOT=ReallySuppress /QB" /f

This is how it works.

Reg file looks like this :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


And the symlcrst.sfx.exe :

Uninstall NortonAntivirus 2006 (Yes uninstall , otherwise you cant copy the dll) ,then go to : C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\CCPD-LC

Copy the symlcrst.dll , make a SFX of it with the following :

Path=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\CCPD-LC

First run the reg , then the SFX , then Norton.

Have fun ;)

Edited by muiz
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Thanks muiz! I thought I tried something similar to that already, except I used ProcessExplorer to release 'symlcrst.dll' and I didn't have the '/O' switch. May I ask what the '/O' switch does? In any case, I'll try that out tomorrow and see how it goes.

Copy the symlcrst.dll , make a SFX of it with the following :

Path=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\CCPD-LC

First run the reg , then the SFX , then Norton.

Can I copy the file using a 'copyfile.cmd' instead? Would it make a difference, as long as the file ended up where it's supposed to? :huh:

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so whats the conclusion.. this works or not????

I just tested it on a friend's computer, and I was not able to get it to work. The first time, my installation hung during Norton's install, so I redid it and got it to install, but I got the same problem as last time. Last time being: I start Windows, and I don't see Norton in the system tray, which is already a bad sign. I try to start it up and I get a message saying the Configuration Wizard is already running [and nothing happens, no Norton window starts up].

Unfortunate, but I guess this will be another one of the installation files I place for the CD to copy over to the machine so I can manually install it. I've spent too much time on this one program as it is :wacko: Maybe I would've saved more time installing it manually, heh heh.

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