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That would work fine under very limited circumstances.

Most times you'll see it reboots your system, or pops up a dialog-box asking to update your virus definitions thru LU - which is what we're trying to avoid.


Updating via LU works fine during an initial install. My RunOnceEx.cmd installs SAV like this (after unpacking to temp)

rem * Installing all components except LotusNotus Auto-Protect. Enabling "Tamper Protection".
REG ADD %KEY%\%NUM% /V 2 /D "%systemroot%\Temp\Symantec\SymantecAntiVirus.msi /QB!- RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 RUNSCAN=0 SYMPROTECTDISABLED=0 ADDLOCAL=SAVMain,SAVUI,SAVHelp,EMailTools,OutlookSnapin,Pop3Smtp,QClient" /f

Then does the defs update with this

"%programfiles%\Symantec AntiVirus\VPDN_LU.exe" /S

Works fine. Installs cleanly, and updates quietly in the background.


  • 2 months later...
Not without doing the vbdefhub.zip "hack" (not really a hack because it does work, it can just cause problems with LiveUpdate later). You could write an AutoIt script to kill the window.

Here's one that I use for another application we install. All you need to do is change the Window Title in the WinClose statement and compile it.

If @OSVersion <> "WIN_98" And @OSVersion <> "WIN_ME" Then

WinClose("Oracle for Windows NT")

If @OSVersion <> "WIN_98" And @OSVersion <> "WIN_ME" Then


not working.. the dialog informing outdated virus def still pop up... any idea? i don't wanna use the vdefhub.zip replacement method coz it'll still pop up after some times eg. next year etc...

  • 1 year later...

I know this is an old thread BUT:

Does anyone know how to change the default update frequency of Virus definitions from Weekly to Daily? By Default, if you do a silent install, Definitions are only updated on a weekly basis. You can change / check this by opening up the tray icon, File -> Schedule Updates. You will see by default it is Weekly, and you can manually change it to Daily. Does anyone have any idea on how to do this silently (i.e. script or registry)? Thanks!!

  • 1 year later...

For reference i have just found this.

The key is located here:


And all these values represent how it works.

Hope that helps people

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