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Autorun on different OSes...

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I use WPI as a general software install CD, basically I through a bunch of software on it, then have WPI called through the autorun and then install software through the WPI prompt. It's damned convenient in cases where you didn't get to use your custom XP CD.

However, I also use this thing on Windows 9x based machines, and while I can manually start WPI, I'd like the ability to stick it in the machine and it'd automatically start for me, recognizing the difference between a 9x and NT machine, starting WPI appropriatly either way....


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You could make two version of WPI, put it in different directories, e.g. "WPIXP" and "WPI98". Now edit the autorun.inf located in the root of your CD, if not, create one, containing the following


Create a file autorun.bat in the root of your CD, containing:

if %OS%==Windows_NT ( %~dp0\WPIXP\WPI.cmd)

Add an adequate entry for Win98, but I don't know, what %OS% is on a Win98 System.

I didn't test anything of this, but I think, that I should work this way.

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