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Available shell32.dll and Explorer.exe files?

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Yea, yea... I know you can download third party programs to change icons and styles... but I like to keep a minimalistic system: the less programs running the better. What I'm looking for is a place to download pre-packaged shell32.dll and explorer.exe files. NOT icon packages and the like requiring other software.

Any suggestions?


download a handy program called resource hacker, resource hack the shell32 and explorer files changing the icons and bitmaps with ones of ur own chooseing then simply reboot the pc and rebuild the icon cache.

when i get the time ill post my two.



That's actually what I started with... but it's **** time-intensive. Not to mention that I don't fully understand what some of the icons are for. If I could find a listing which specified like:

Shell32.dll incon #124 = bitmap icon. That would help immensely.

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