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Windows Firewall with sp2


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I have successfully deployed XP service pack 2 and prior to deploying the service pack I've created the exceptions needed. My problem now is trying to add addtional exceptions. We don't have a domain environment and this will be used for several of our field offices in which they will add these exceptions via a CD that is shipped to them. Is there an easy way to add these exceptions to the Windows Firewall? There are two ports needed allowed and one application, .exe file. These users don't have administrator rights so I'll need to elevate the priviledges prior to adding the exceptions if needed, which I am guessing would be needed. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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You should be able to use the netsh command to add the .exe and it's exceptions to the firewall, and the runas command in the script should make it work.

Use "runas /?" to see all of the options of the runas command.

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Here is a VBS that adds Freecell.exe to the exceptions

Dim Act, SD

Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

SD = Act.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SystemDrive%")

Set objFirewall = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr")

Set objPolicy = objFirewall.LocalPolicy

Set objProfile = objPolicy.GetProfileByType(1)

Set objApplication = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwAuthorizedApplication")

objApplication.Name = "Free Cell"

objApplication.IPVersion = 2

objApplication.ProcessImageFileName = SD & ":\windows\system32\freecell.exe"

objApplication.RemoteAddresses = "*"

objApplication.Scope = 0

objApplication.Enabled = True

Set colApplications = objProfile.AuthorizedApplications


This scripts opens a port
Set objFirewall = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr")

Set objPolicy = objFirewall.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile

Set colPorts = objPolicy.GloballyOpenPorts

Set objPort = colPorts.Item(9999,6)

objPort.Enabled = TRUE

This will create a port

Set objFirewall = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr")

Set objPolicy = objFirewall.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile

Set objPort = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwOpenPort")

objPort.Port = 9999

objPort.Name = "Test Port"

objPort.Enabled = FALSE

Set colPorts = objPolicy.GloballyOpenPorts

errReturn = colPorts.Add(objPort)

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You can use reg method ...

Configure all the exceptions on one computer and export


and after import the output regfile in new computer ...

After to take effect run in cmd :

net stop SharedAccess
net start SharedAccess


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