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Having trouble with winnt.sif

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I am trying to specify the install location of the 'Windows' folder. In my winnt.sif I have


When windows installs, I get 'WINDOWS' as a folder.

Does it always make all letters upper case? I haven't tried another name with some lower case to see if it changes all letters.

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Any folder created during Windows setup will come out all upper-case letters (it's a holdover from the NT4 days, IIRC). The previous poster is correct, however, in that you can rename the folder in a batch and things will work fine.

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So....how do you get a batch file to rename windows upon restart. I remember seeing something about that somewhere but I can't find it. Obviously you can't rename the windows folder just by using the ren command.

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  • 11 months later...

I read the topic, and don't see the point in this 98% case insensitive. But boot to a WinPE/BarPE disk and change the folder name. As a previous post said you will need to rename to something else before renaming to the proper case.

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