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Posted (edited)

The Ubuntu team is proud to announce Ubuntu 5.10. This is the official Ubuntu 5.10 release, and includes installation CDs, live CDs, and combination DVDs for three architectures.

Ubuntu is a Linux distribution for your desktop or server, with a fast and easy install, regular releases, a tight selection of excellent packages installed by default, every other package you can imagine available from the network, a commitment to security updates for 18 months after each release and professional technical support from many companies around the world.

Read: Ubuntu 5.10 Released

Link: Request Free CDs

Posted By Sonu27

As here on my blog: SonuSingh.co.uk

Edited by sonu27


i've already ordered mine :)

tried suse livecd too but it didn't detected my audigy card nor my usb modem so why use a suse linux pc if i can't play music or browse msfn? :lol:

Posted (edited)

I haven't really been keeping up much with the Linux scene.

How does it compare to Fedora Core 4?


Edited by quinriva
Posted (edited)
I like the live cd better that Knoppix.

Just don't like the colours, crap name, n logo.

Rest is all good.

I agree somewhat, its a much cleaner cd than knoppix, seems to respond faster, has just what i need.

One thing i should have mentioned before was Suse did not detect my Marvell Yukon LAN. :}

I have really been keeping up much with the Linux scene.

How does it compare to Fedora Core 4?

Well both Fedora and Ubuntu by default use the Gnome desktop.

Ubuntu fits on a CD, Fedora needs a DVD.

Edited by DigeratiPrime

Ubuntu is a great distro to try out for new users. Installing programs is as easy as apt-get install <package>. Highly recommended for people who want to try things out but aren't quite ready for the full transition yet. :yes:

Posted (edited)

I download all 4 CDs of Fedora Core 4.

And tried to duel-boot with XP, but it overited some file and I couldn't boot into XP.

SO I started using FC4, got bored of it on the first day, because it couldn't detect my internet connection. So I removed it stright away. For XP.

It took me 14+ hours to download those 4 CDs. P*ss TAKE!

I've tried lots of Linux distros, the best one I've found is Ubuntu (live cd) as it is the only one that can detect my internet connection.

I download Linspire when it was free looks good, on internet on live cd though, for me. Even Knoppix couldn't detect my internet.

I believe it is because my modems connected throught USB, most Linux can only detect through e-net port.

Edited by sonu27

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