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Change Registered user name and company?

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basically unattended windows xp has predifined user information about

user and company.

some sometime it should be changed,,, to install it in another PC.

SO user and company may differs .

So beside editing registry to change user info and company name,,

how to prompt the user to change the user name and the company.

or i want this sort of dialogue

"Fill up ur user info

username:my name

company: Mycompany

press change to change the user name and the company and Later to change it later.

if nothing is pressed within 1 minute it must exit the program

if filling up information and change is pressed it must change the user info and the company.

Edited by msubedi
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I use the following vbs Script to change the registered users name. Should be a simple thing to add the change of the company:

Set wshshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

'Den registrierten Besitzer neu erfragen

key_own = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\RegisteredOwner"

owner = wshshell.RegRead(key_own)

owner = InputBox("Please enter the registered owners name:","Change the registered owner" , owner)

If ( owner <> "" ) Then

owner = wshshell.RegWrite(key_own, owner)

End If

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Here's mine, it's a selfextracting HTA as is GSMs.

The only difference is that it should autoclose if not completed within 1½ minutes.


For unattended use, you only need to run it, it will silently do it's thing. I have also re-upped the file, was 2 minutes to autoclose now 1½.


If you wish to have one minute, which I personally thought was a little too short, you will need to unpack and change line 39, from

  • window.setInterval "timer",90000


  • window.setInterval "timer",60000

then repack as a silent sfx using appropriate comments etc.

  • Warning
    It will autoclose even if part way through filling it in!

This one is only for the information you requested for it, it will also not accept only one of the parameters, you need to fill in both owner and organization.

Hope it helps!


This is my very first attempt at HTA, and one of only a handful of attempts at VBScripting. Please try the program, and let me know how it works and any advice on improvements in the code will be welcome.


Edited by Yzöwl
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