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Specifying and/or changing partition size

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I've been googling for a bit and can't find a solid way to do this.

I have 65 machines to image in the next couple of days using RIS. I have all the super cool unattended stuff going on, but I can't seem to figure out a way to keep windows from using the entire partition. Since I will be installing linux on a separate partition at some point in the future I'd like to leave about 30 gigs left on the drives.

Is there any way I can specify the size to make the primary partition without forcing the unattended install to stop and prompt me for the size?

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is that really true kazuza as most people have realised they need to use BartPE or WinPE to accomplish this behaviour.


and have just looked through both re.chm and deploy.chm and foud no ref to [disk.config]. Can you add some more light to this.


Edited by oioldman
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In deploy.chm:

Helpful command line tools > Diskpart commands (and diskpart scripting)

In ref.chm , searching by keyword "disk.config" , I've came across this sample script:

Example 1

The following example configures two physical hard disks, each 32 GB. The operating system is Windows XP Home Edition or another 32-bit edition of Windows.


Disk1 = First.Config

Disk2 = Data.Config


Size1 = 30000

FileSystem1 = FAT32

SetActive1 = Yes

PartitionType1 = Primary

Size2 = *

PartitionType2 = Extended

Size3 = *

PartitionType3 = Logical


Size1 = *

FileSystem1 = NTFS

Have fun :hello:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello kazuza,

I have Windows XP with SP2 slipstreamed, and Disk.Config is not found in ref.chm or deploy.chm.

I've put your example in winnt.sif and test it on a test machine, it doesn't work, it autopartition the whole harddisk into one partition only.

Can you please give us a complete winnt.sif to test it. Thank you.

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