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how to change this message


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those version message, build message and windows xp messages can be modified by using resource hacker. so please do not ask me to edit "sysdm.cpl" using res hacker.

the service pack 2 message i didn't found in sysdm.cpl

thanks in advance

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Try this. If you've installed any of the Post-SP2 hotfixes, look for a file in your Windows\System32 called xpsp3res.dll. Then hex-edit your sysdm.cpl file and look for xpsp2res.dll and change it to xpsp3res.dll. Mind you, I have *not* tested this in any way, shape or form so if it hoses your PC I assume no responsibility. And for all I know, it may not even work, but it's worth a shot I guess if you really want to do it.

Edited by Jito463
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The question is: do experts have to know this? :)

You could take a disassembler and load the .cpl file, then have a look where the text of item 55 (iirc) of dialog 101 is set. (you get these IDs using ResHacker) *g*

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you don't need to be expert to know those stuff...

nut i douldn't got u

i have already searched a lot for that message, text dialogue box editing sysdm.cpl using resource hacker and hex editor.

i can't get that message.

plz help

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