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Howdy havin a small prob with installin Damnfo viewer in Ua. I have been using a posted Autoit script to install & works ok outside of Ua. It does install however but I can't seem to get around the occasional last screen that says"Do you want NFO to be your default viewer Yes or No" You obviously need to press yes or the viewer does not work?

Script attached.

Run ("setup.exe")
WinWaitActive("**** NFO Viewer v2.10 Setup")
send ("{ENTER}"); License Agreement
WinWaitActive("**** NFO Viewer v2.10 Setup")
send ("{TAB 2}")
Send ("{UP}")
WinWaitActive("**** NFO Viewer v2.10 Setup")
send ("{ENTER}"); EULA
WinWaitActive("**** NFO Viewer v2.10 Setup")
send ("{ENTER}"); location
WinWaitActive("**** NFO Viewer v2.10 Setup")
send ("{ENTER}"); language
WinWaitActive("**** NFO Viewer v2.10 Setup","Installation complete!")
sleep (2000)
send ("{ENTER}"); Run
sleep (1000)
winclose("**** NFO Viewer v2.10")
sleep (500)
winclose("**** NFO Viewer v2.10")

I have used the Damnfo.msi installs but doesn't appear to work properly.

Any light appreciated :hello:

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I can't help you with your AutoIt Script, but I wrote a .inf file that installs **** NFO Viewer. Create a WinRAR SFX wich extracts the whole "**** NFO Viewer" folder to %ProgramFiles%, name it ****.exe

Then, run this .inf file using "rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 \blablabla\****.inf"

Signature=$Windows NT$



HKCR,"****.NFO.Viewer.File",,,"**** NFO Viewer file"
HKCR,"****.NFO.Viewer.File\DefaultIcon",,,"%16422%\**** NFO Viewer\**** NFO Viewer.exe,1"
HKCR,"****.NFO.Viewer.File\shell\open",,,"Open in &**** NFO Viewer"
HKCR,"****.NFO.Viewer.File\shell\open\command",,,"""%16422%\**** NFO Viewer\**** NFO Viewer.exe"" ""%1"""
HKCR,"Applications\**** NFO Viewer.exe\shell",,,"open"
HKCR,"Applications\**** NFO Viewer.exe\shell","FriendlyCache",,"**** NFO Viewer"
HKCR,"Applications\**** NFO Viewer.exe\shell\open",,,"Open in &**** NFO Viewer"
HKCR,"Applications\**** NFO Viewer.exe\shell\open\command",,,"""%16422%\**** NFO Viewer\**** NFO Viewer.exe"" ""%1"""

HKCU,"Software\****\**** NFO Viewer","CheckDefaultViewer",0x00010001,00,00,00,00
HKCU,"Software\****\**** NFO Viewer","ReuseWindow",0x00010001,01,00,00,00
HKCU,"Software\****\**** NFO Viewer","AlwaysOnTop",0x00010001,00,00,00,00
HKCU,"Software\****\**** NFO Viewer\NFO","FontName",,"[built-in] Lucida Concole"
HKCU,"Software\****\**** NFO Viewer\NFO","FontData",1,98,00,00,01
HKCU,"Software\****\**** NFO Viewer\NFO","Window",0x00010001,23,00,00,00
HKCU,"Software\****\**** NFO Viewer\NFO","BackgroundColor",1,48,3d,8b,00
HKCU,"Software\****\**** NFO Viewer\NFO","TextColor",1,c0,c0,c0,00
HKCU,"Software\****\**** NFO Viewer\NFO","HyperLinkColor",1,f5,f5,f5,00
HKCU,"Software\****\**** NFO Viewer\NFO","HyperLinkHoverColor",1,dc,dc,dc,00
HKCU,"Software\****\**** NFO Viewer\NFO","Text",0x00010001,00,04,00,00

HKLM,"SOFTWARE\****\**** NFO Viewer",,,"%16422%\**** NFO Viewer"

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Not to undermine anyone, but wouldn't it just be simpler to make Notepad the default handler for .NFOs?


EDIT: I exported the path from the Registry and forgot to change %SystemRoot%\system32 to %11%. Oops.

Edited by larson
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