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Freeware CD copier software


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I don't know if this has been answered already but since I'm writing this from my work (withouth much time to check anything) I'm gonna ask anyway.

We need at my work a (preferably) freeware software that can duplicate CDs.

Googling for it just shows a lot of links for CD duplicators, pay software or CD cover and piracy websites. I already have CPBurner XP and it has been a God-send, but it does not have a function to copy one CD to another (tray to tray).

Nothing fancy, just to make copies of backup data cds, and others we make with PowerPoint presentations for students. At the end of the semester we would like to give students all the lectures they have been given in a CD, so they can have them as reference.

Since we are a professional school, we just need something like the DiskCopy function in Roxio. The problem is that we just have a limited number of licences for them and we are considering if there is a free alternative that anyone can use.

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If you're doing only DATA copy, you can use CDBurnerXP Pro !

(simply create a new data project, browse to your source CD/DVD, drag & drop files to the project)

Of course, this will not copy a bootsector, nor many other things, but it will copy all your backed-up data for sure !

Else, you can try BurnAtOnce (free for non-commercial use), the site says it can do "on the fly disc copy"

LINK (I did never test it...)

Or if you're fond of command-line, there is "readcd" & "cdrecord" in the CDR-tools package... (this one is open source, and comes from *nix)


Edited by Delprat
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I'm using burnatonce and found it easy enough for our staff to use just to copy (on the fly) cd to cd. Since some of our custom CD's have boot sectors and custom boot / autorun screens, CD BurnerXP helped but was not enough for our needs. Thanks so much for pointing me to a quick & fast alternative.

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